Message to Self

“Love yourself”

Someone asked on facebook, if I (or you) could go back to early life and leave two words to my (your) younger self, what would they be? I glossed over the question. I could not immediately come to two words that I thought were worthy of response.

Second question, “really? Not even two little words to make your life easier? What were the early years like? What did I struggle with?”. Returning to facebook this morning I read the eloquent and perfect answer from Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love and a few other brilliant books). She goes through and writes about three choices of words. Phew, she too struggled!

The most brilliant life statement to me now, is the one I would give me then. “love yourself”. When all days seem dark and gloomy and when the sun shines bright, the one positive thought that leads to a happy feeling, confidence, and assurance, guaranteeing success is “love myself”. Just this year I have been working with my mastermind group to create a magnificent obsession, complete with goals, strategies and ultimate success story to live up to. At the end, in the middle and the part I need and want to keep reminding myself is “I love me”.

When I read about mindfulness and metta practice … the phrase “may I love myself exactly as I am” comes up. That same phrase for others “may all beings love themselves exactly as they are.” I am one of the “all beings”.

Well, younger self, here goes. I offer you two words that will sit in your heart, to say everyday in to the mirror. In fact, I am going to change the rules and make it three little words, and yet the biggest ones to live up to ……

Repeat after me, “I love me!”

(for your information, this took more than 20 seconds of courage to write!!)

With love for me,


One comment on “Message to Self

  1. Brilliant. Very well written. I love your writing style. “I Love Me”

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