Travel Vision Board

Travel Vision Board

HI again. In 2012 I had my walls in one corner of my dining room completely covered in vision boards. My desk was located in that area of the house and I had hosted some vision board events, as well as worked on some of my own in the quiet inspiration of my travel booklets. I had beautiful pictures of England (stone henge), Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Nova Scotia and even New York.

They say, “thoughts become things”. When I look back on the travel events from fall 2012 through to fall 2013 I can honestly say, I am a believer! Maybe one or two pictures of places still on my bucket list, but I went to places my heart was calling me. I cruised in luxury and style to some of the most fabulous places I had desired to attend.

Last year I took down those vision boards, and staged my condo for sale. Although I am still living very comfortably, I was advised that items of a personal nature do not belong on the walls of a place for viewing by complete strangers looking to decide if they want to move in!

I am also aware that I am not presently, for the first time in several years, booked for any cruises in any time to come. My vision boards now are smaller and put away in discrete hiding places for my viewing eyes only.

I know this next year will be full of life changing surprises. I hold out for at least one drive from Vancouver Island across this vast country of Canada as I relocate for a while to the east coast, Nova Scotia. After that, I am open to return trips to include more France, more Italy and still more Greece. I want to return at least every year to explore the Mediterranean. I also have a few trips in mind, on east coast of United States. I look forward to being surprised as life offers me up opportunities to see the world in luxury and convenience.

My vision board is daily added to on my facebook page (you are welcome to join me)

As well I am always cutting pictures and imagining my trips into the future, to warm locations, hot sun, blue skies, old cobble stone streets, bridges and more bridges, beautiful meandering rivers with stories bubbling up the shore lines, fabulous gluten free vegan foods spiced with exotic and fresh ingredients, and glasses of wine fragrant and delightful from the region of the visit. I visualize my family and friends joining me in the evenings sharing a story or two of what we felt about that day. Displaying the new items purchased from busy markets and or local designer shops. My suitcase is almost always ready packed …. Ipad at the ready for storing pictures to last me a life time, or at least until I get home and paint the essence on watercolor sheets, now sitting white and waiting.

Music and dancing are in my future, visits to foreign places and romance on walkways of history. My travel treasure map seems to be internal for now and as powerful as any dream I have ever had.

What’s on your list?

Love and safe travels, in time and space,

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