39 Greek Goddess?


39 Greek goddess?

Let me set the scene.  Little sleep, hair disheveled.  Teeth have been brushed and lipstick applied.  No bars left to eat, and need water to mix up a PQ cafe latte for breakfast.  Last meal was in Rome by Spanish Steps, Caesar salad with small cubes of white chicken.  Flavorful and almost 12 hours ago.  Hunger has started to set in with no immediate relief in site.
Lulu lemon is my traveling clothing line of choice.  I have wonderful lightweight grey pants, black t shirt, white lulu jacket was further added as the evening wore on and cooler night air set in.  Then turquoise jacket added when woke up very cold on the metal seats, and a white loose jacket on top of that.  Leg Warner’s had also been added in the night and I will likely leave them on, under my pants but keeping me warm.  
Sandals on my very tired and sore feet from 12 hours of walking over cobblestones, up and down steps of Rome.  Rome in a day!  With a great tour guide we managed all the highlights and included a tour inside the colosseum and two meal stops for glass of wine and small local meal.  
I will say that I have a tan.  I got more sun a few days ago and so am starting to itch on my legs.  
Yes, I am coming home from my amazing, exhausting and exciting great Greek adventure.  With side trips to three ports in Turkey, an overnight in Venice, flight in to Athens, 8 ports of call in Greece, a total of 3 sea days, a travel day by train from Venice to Civitavecchia, and finally a full tour day walking Rome followed by an overnight in the airport.  
There was fog in Germany so planes were delayed and we had an extra landing and take off.  I departed at 645 am local time from Rome, landed somewhere in Germany, then Munich, somehow still made my connection to Frankfurt, which had also been delayed and ran to catch the plane to Vancouver.  Nine hours and forty minutes on the last leg of the flight …. I am awake now with two hours to go.  Then will have to get to the ferry terminal and am sending positive thoughts for my luggage to have kept up with me today.
As I have not pre ordered any gluten free meal through Lufthansa, I am grateful I brought PQ cafe latte protein drinks to help me through the flights home.  I am not hungry really, but find it a little inconvenient and they seem a bit stingy on giving me water, or cheese or salad.  I am managing.
Still have many hours before I arrive in my own bed in Victoria sometime later today.
Safe travels to all, love and light

38 out of order and in the airport


38 Good morning Roma Fiumicino Leonado da Vinci airport!  

It has been a few days since my last blog.  I some how got a cold and then other things were happening and here we are spending the night at the airport.  Yup, that is right.  At the time of my booking flights it seemed like a good idea and it was affordable.  Slept on metal chairs that luckily had the arms removed.
Steve, Marilyn, Alex and I spent the day yesterday in Rome together and then the night together at airport and now we have passed through security as soon as we could and nothing is open so we can’t get breakfast or water or anything like that.  Yes, sometimes that which is a challenge, makes us stronger.  And it always makes for a great story.
I think I slept some, as there were two arm rests gone from the seats where I perched.  And a table on the end so even with very long legs, I could stretch.  Metal seats don’t have much give however, so it was cold and hard, but off the floor.  When I awoke there were many more people peppered on the floor probably envying my resting place.  
Interesting place, an airport in the wee hours.  Quiet mostly, announcements periodically and waking wondering where the facilities were and how I could manage and not loose my spot.  I waited.  
And now we are seated, the four of us, on curved wooden seats outside my gate d4 and waiting for flights or something to open up.  I am in a hotspot and can check iMessage only but not other Internet wifi functions.  
It is 501 am.  I will now go back and reflect on the past few days since my last entry.  My feet are sore, I am on my way home, satisfied from the holiday buffet of my travels.  I am sure today will offer even more stories to tell.
I trust you are all well and happy, content with your life and the choices that brought you to your present circumstances.  Focus on the details as they will determine the outcome.  The decisions we make every moment of every day bring us to the place we sit right now, this time.  As I age, I hope I continue to get wiser.
Love to all
Ps.  We find a VIP lounge in the airport past security and realize that travelers who make the choice to sleep in airport seats are seldom the same individuals invited to be card carrying members of the VIP lounge.   This makes me smile.
Further exploration reveals a vending machine in the ladies washroom, for one euro, a chewable toothbrush.  Something like a gum, perhaps.  I have packed my own brush and paste and made it through security now.  That was another ordeal.  Wearing too much bling it seems causes the metal detector in the security area to be annoyed.  Repeated downsizing and I have passed to the other side!  No cafe’s are open, no water, no shops it seems open at this time of morning, prior to 530 am local time.  Beware.  A bird in the hand.  The grass is not always greener once you reach the other side.  
The decision to shop in duty free at the airport has once again been foiled.  I will go home having spent no money in duty free.

38 out of order and in the airport


38 Good morning Roma Fiumicino Leonado da Vinci airport!  

It has been a few days since my last blog.  I some how got a cold and then other things were happening and here we are spending the night at the airport.  Yup, that is right.  At the time of my booking flights it seemed like a good idea and it was affordable.  Slept on metal chairs that luckily had the arms removed.
Steve, Marilyn, Alex and I spent the day yesterday in Rome together and then the night together at airport and now we have passed through security as soon as we could and nothing is open so we can’t get breakfast or water or anything like that.  Yes, sometimes that which is a challenge, makes us stronger.  And it always makes for a great story.
I think I slept some, as there were two arm rests gone from the seats where I perched.  And a table on the end so even with very long legs, I could stretch.  Metal seats don’t have much give however, so it was cold and hard, but off the floor.  When I awoke there were many more people peppered on the floor probably envying my resting place.  
Interesting place, an airport in the wee hours.  Quiet mostly, announcements periodically and waking wondering where the facilities were and how I could manage and not loose my spot.  I waited.  
And now we are seated, the four of us, on curved wooden seats outside my gate d4 and waiting for flights or something to open up.  I am in a hotspot and can check iMessage only but not other Internet wifi functions.  
It is 501 am.  I will now go back and reflect on the past few days since my last entry.  My feet are sore, I am on my way home, satisfied from the holiday buffet of my travels.  I am sure today will offer even more stories to tell.
I trust you are all well and happy, content with your life and the choices that brought you to your present circumstances.  Focus on the details as they will determine the outcome.  The decisions we make every moment of every day bring us to the place we sit right now, this time.  As I age, I hope I continue to get wiser.
Love to all
Ps.  We find a VIP lounge in the airport past security and realize that travelers who make the choice to sleep in airport seats are seldom the same individuals invited to be card carrying members of the VIP lounge.   This makes me smile.
Further exploration reveals a vending machine in the ladies washroom, for one euro, a chewable toothbrush.  Something like a gum, perhaps.  I have packed my own brush and paste and made it through security now.  That was another ordeal.  Wearing too much bling it seems causes the metal detector in the security area to be annoyed.  Repeated downsizing and I have passed to the other side!  No cafe’s are open, no water, no shops it seems open at this time of morning, prior to 530 am local time.  Beware.  A bird in the hand.  The grass is not always greener once you reach the other side.  
The decision to shop in duty free at the airport has once again been foiled.  I will go home having spent no money in duty free.

37 Rome in a day


37 viva Roma …. Rome in a day

October 7, 2012, disembarkation and good byes.  We gather for breakfast in the Windjammer lido restaurant for a last meal with Sarah and Sergei before departing.  Already we are feeling the sadness creep in and wonder how long until we get to spend time with them again.  Packing is complete, some difficulty sleeping anticipating the trip ending and wondering about the things to do when I get home.
Stop, take a breath and be present to the day.  This day will be a full adventure ….  Roma!  Ahhhhhhh.  It has been just over a year since my last and first visit to Rome.  At that time there were 5 women traveling together and we spent two days covering all the major attractions.  This year, we have one day.  Steve has never been before and Marilyn and Alex will be our guides.
Sarah and Sergei decide to take the train with us to Rome to further extend our visit and time together.  They have earlier flights back to Moscow.  We take the cruise complimentary shuttle to the pier gates and with no taxis in sight, walk pulling our luggage to the train terminal at Civitavecchia.  The train is crowded and lease right away … We rush and we get on board, the last to get through the doors!  In fact, Steve struggles with his luggage and I run to get in another door so we are separated, but I know he is on the train.  I find a seat for three, and Marilyn and Alex and I get seated.  Steve and Sarah find us sometime on this regional train.  Frequent stops and blue skies, we get a good view of the landscape coming in to the city.  
Arriving at Roma Termini, we pull our luggage to the section of the station called “left luggage”.  Interesting choice of words, we have planned to check our bags so we can tour the city and this evening come back and make our way to the airport.  There is a long line and we join it.  We also pay the euro each to use the clean facilities.  Leaving my luggage seems like a leap of faith but one I am going to try on the recommendation of my friends.  Off we go to the metro and we say good bye and have last hugs with Sarah and Sergei as they make their way via shuttle to the airport and begin their journey home.
We start our one day tour of Rome at the colosseum.  Walking out of the metro station we see the sight ….  Huge, ancient and fantastic.  Historic Rome.  We decide to take an English speaking tour inside as it promises to get us through the line faster.  Tour starts at 1145 am.  We have already been on the move since before 6 am …..  So not exactly fresh, but very excited for the day.  
We take pictures and enjoy the sights.  What an impressive place and great views of other ruins from the heights.
Then we walk to the forum.  I have kept the Italian map of Rome so I can list the names of the sights we visited.  Arco di Constantino, Arco di Tito, Palatino, Circo Massimo, Santi Giovanni e Paolo are all around our first stop.  I know we walked to the Pantheon and St Peters Basilica, Trevi fountain and the Spanish steps.  We saw the Castel Saint Angelo, piazza del Popolo and the mausoleo Augusto.  We walked along the river taking in a few of the fabulous bridges and piazza del Tribunal.  Campa de Fiori, palazzo delle Esposizioni, Santa Maria Maggiore and Piazza Navona.  I won’t remember the names of the places but I remember the sights.
  We stopped for a light lunch outside The colosseum area and it was lovely.  A small glass of white wine, sparkling water, and some solid food.  We also had a meal around 6 ish at the Spanish steps area before deciding we had walked enough cobblestones and were done with the exploration.  We were all tired and sore when we stopped, exhausted and complete.
Rome is beautiful and to fully enjoy the sights, one should really give it a few extra days and take time to venture inside.  However, the way I travel, seems to lend itself to a day at a time in the special places and a commitment to return another time.  In Trevi fountain, we tossed a coin and this sealed our fate to return once again to this place!  A photo taken of our faces looking up to the perfect round opening atop the pantheon is a memory now repeated.  Taking extra time to enter the coliseum really was a highlight and with still fresh eyes on this trip.  I really enjoy the large piazza del Popolo and glad we made that walk.  The Spanish steps were just lighting up for the evening crowds and that was our plan for timing.  Nothing left undone and all satiated with Roman offerings.
Another day I will return.  
For now I have the map, the log, the pictures and my memories of the day.
Love to all from Roma.

36 sea day


36 sea day and birthday for my eldest daughter and Sarah 

I am writing this entry on my way home on the flight.  I can hardly remember the day now … So much has happened since.  When we stop to notice, much happens every day.  I do so hope my daughter had a wonderful day celebrating. 
We started with breakfast together on Saturday 6 October.  Steve and Sarah played a round of mini golf.  I had a seminar all morning and learned moe than I expected, more on that later.
We met at 1230 ish or lunch at Johnny Rockets, a kind of vintage fifties era lunch spot specialty restaurant aboard Royal Caribbean ships for those wanting American burgers, fries, onion rings, milkshakes, sundaes and floats.  Music is lively and we enjoy our time.  
I looked for Marilyn and Alex on the sun deck, however, decided to go lay down as I had somehow picked up some cold symptoms.  I also had not started to pack and so had a full day ahead, including dinner plans to celebrate the birthdays in Chops Grill specialty restaurant.  
Most of the afternoon I rested.  I packed, and I got ready for dinner.  Our reservation was for 630 pm and we were all delighted with the exceptional service and food quality that night.  It exceeded our expectations and I highly recommend the experience.  After dinner I completed our cruise feedback form, finished packing, set the alarm and off to bed, following the evening entertainment show finale.
As the evening closed on the day,our last on this cruise, I was reflective on the great time I had, the fabulous ports of call and great new relationships built.  Also I enjoyed very much traveling with friends and family and this was that kind of adventure.  
A bit sad that it is all over too soon, but recalling fondly the three weeks of exceptional travel experiences I have had, I am so grateful.  I would encourage any and every one I know to take advantage of opportunities that come along in life, to travel and see the world, especially with those people you love.  I find it rewarding and enriching, educational and full of emotion.  I am so grateful for the life I have created and for the opportunities that present,themselves to me.
All the best to you and I hope our paths cross and we get to travel together again very soon!
Love and Bon voyage, 

34 Chania Greece


34 Chania Crete Greece 

Pronounced hania, spelled a variety of ways including xania.  We happily greet the day in this lovely port of call, the last on the 7 day cruise with Royal Caribbean International, on Navigator of the Seas.  I am attending a Seminar at Sea through my work as a travel consultant so am enjoying the learning and adventure.
No tours or excursions booked, in fact, no research on this port and I know nothing about it.  We catch a city bus arranged by the cruise line to take us the six plus kms ( or miles?) in to the town.  Cost is 1.50 euro each person each way.  Seems like a good choice.  I had no idea it was so far from the pier, and happy with the standing room only on the bus.  Steve and I take the bus together.  Marilyn and Alex are already there and we plan to meet up at 10 am where the bus drops us off.  We arrive around 930 so wander a bit down some shopping streets.
Sarah and Sergei have decided to skip this port.  Exhaustion has set in for them and they decide to stay on the ship and relax for the day
Back on Chania, the 4 of us meet up.  We purchase some olive oil soaps and carry on the browsing and checking out the local wares.  We head slowly and steadily toward the water with intention to find the beach.  We have heard there are beautiful beaches on Crete and we are reluctant to return from our last port day without setting foot in the Mediterranean sea.
Steve is warm and also exhausted and heads back to find his way on the bus to the ship.  Marilyn, Alex and I keep walking along the lovely coastline, past a marina and a few restaurants headed for certain waterfront.  I recall there was a city bus transfer that takes folks to the beaches, but we keep walking toward our destination.  We pass beautiful sights, lighthouse perched on the end of the stone breakwater and many shops and cafe’s along the waterway.  Success at last greets us as we find the umbrella dotted sandy beach.  I hae forgotten to bring my bathing suit but the other two have theirs.  I roll up my pant legs and wade in to the crystal clear waters for refreshment.
Tiny sea fishes, seeming to be the same ones that I have witnessed nibbling on people’s feet who pay for this service in little spa service storefronts in some of the ports of call.  These same fishes nibble on feet here at he beach.  Interesting it is not something I care to experience.  I keep moving to avoid the encounter.  
We head on back to meet our bus transfer back to the ship, with an early disembarkation time of 230 pm today.  We arrive with lots of time to spare, grab a bit of lunch and head up or a swim and lay on the deck to watch the sail away.  
Last port on this cruise.  Windy on deck.  I am tired and when getting ready for late dining at Portofino restaurant, I start to sneeze.  I thought at first it was an allergy but later discovered it turn into  cold like symptoms.  
Dinner reservations for 830 pm for table of 6 was great food and slow service, and by 11 pm I was finished and headed back to my stateroom.

33 Kusadasi


33 Kusadasi Turkey

We had done some research before we left home and decided to take a shore trips excursion in Kusadasi for sight seeing Ephesus and other sights of this place.  It was such a great decision!  Sami was our tour guide, picked us up at 730 am in a Mercedes van.  Wew had leg room and comfort, just the 4 of us, Sami and the driver.
We started as the first guest at Mary’s house atop a hill.  It was peaceful cool and beautiful.  I was surprised and delighted.   We heard a few stories from our guide and were left to find a personal space and time to see what we wanted to see.  It was spectacular.  Had we not done this tour I would have missed this moment.  It was a highlight in a day full of highlights.  S
I took pictures, lit a candle and washed my face from the spring water.  It was personal and so lovely.  Off to the largest archeological sight in the world, Ephesus.  Several hours of climbing over marble steps and waiting for people to move so I could get a good picture.  I got to see Marilyn and Alex, as well as Mamey and Dan ….  Spectacular day.  Hot hot sun and treasure upon treasure.  Story after story.  Surprising and delightful all.  This is a must see for everyone.  I loved this port and the excursion.  It took my breath away.
After we went to another few sites, then a lovely lunch in an authentic Turkish cafe.  They had beer and I enjoyed a few bottles of cool water after such a hot walk for 5 hours!  
Then we walked to a Turkish carpet dealer who also demonstrated for us the making of Turkish carpets, both wool and silk.  We had a sales presentation and all enjoyed the beverages.  We narrowed it down to two lovely smaller carpets of high quality.  We did not agree on the same one so left them both.  I am ok with that decision but I think I would have enjoyed a carpet after all.  I now think I would research and maybe get one next time.  Kusadasi was magical as was the magic carpet ride.
Off to see the one column left from the pillars of Artemis.  Then a scenic route to a few of the lovely hotel districts for tourists.  I quite liked this town.
Back to the ship, as promised with about 40 minutes to spare.  I bought some pure olive oil soap.  I would have loved olive oil but that did not present itself.  I have been very restrained from making purchases.  Two tourist days left, Chania Crete in Greece and then a day in Rome on our own time before we go home.  
Everyone seems a bit tired, from the sun, from the late nights with the wine, and from the excitement of the sights and walking in historical and ancient times.
I would be happy to return to this place one day.
So wish you could be here.  I am always wanting my family and friends to have these experiences with me.  One day…..
Big love and a hug
The boarder of my favorite carpet had xoxoxxoxo all around.  It did seem to be speaking to me of the special adventures we might have together.  It seems that journey was short lived.  I am not taking the carpet home.  

32 Athens


32 Athens 

Hello from very warm and sunny Athens.  We had a city tour on the cruise line excursion through Piraeus.  Interesting stats, one third of the people from Greece live in Athens area.  It is a large city and includes the outlying areas in that stat.  
We went by some harbors which include a marina for private yachts, an industrial harbor and another one smaller and used to be used for military purpose in another time.  Some spots where growth was planned for underground public transport found archeological findings so there are little protected areas all over the city.  Much is also in museums so we are seeing replicas in the same spots.  
The drive to Athens included the climb to the acropolis.  We walked up marble steps and took many photos of this fabulous area and great view.  We saw all our travel friends on the steps at the top.  Even though we all took different means to get there, we ended up there together.
I find it harder to do my own thing as a traveler when I am with such a bigger crowd.  Everyone has needs and wants and I tend to just go along.  I really don’t need anything and am grateful I had time in Greece to explore.  One more stop in Greece, Crete, in a few days.  I will spend a bit of time on my own perhaps then.  No tours.
In the meantime, we had a lunch stop in a nice area and I enjoyed feta and olives as well as some water to drink.  The rest had beer and bread and fish or souvlaki.  I got some sun yesterday afternoon on the ship so wanted to get some lotion, aloe Vera for my après sun skin.
Tomorrow is Turkey and more walking and ruins.  I have very much enjoyed the diversity of Greece and especially the small islands and whitewashed buildings. Athens is not the quaint size that I prefer, however, offers something interesting.  I would not go out of my way to return to Athens I don’t think.  I prefer Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodes, Lesvos and Mytiline.  I now know that I have preference for small scenic towns over the larger cities.
I feel like I could have lived around here in some other life … To be so enamored with the whitewashed walls and Santorini blue domes, red tile roofs and beautiful clear blue sea.
Oh, I also enjoyed the salt water pool in the solarium adult pool area on the ship.
Ok.  In the bus back to the ship. Good bye Athens!  

31 entry


31 entry,  1 October 2012

Aboard Royal Caribbean Navigator of the Seas on a familiarization cruise.  I arrived yesterday after my fabulous train ride from Venice.  In my room by about 3 ish.  I unpacked and was soon joined by Steve and his daughter who had found each other in the check in queue.  
At 7 pm I attended a welcome cocktail party put on by RCCI and it was lovely. I met up with Sian and her mom, very nice.  Steve joined us too and we had a drink together.  We were introduced to the RCCI representative who is lovely and sweet.
We joined our table of 10 at 830 with the people named above and Marilyn and her daughter Alex.  I had a wonderful sea bass.  It was great to see everyone and to enjoy a table together with my peeps.  The ship is big and a bit confusing I think.  Not a good flow, to my liking.  
After dinner we went together to do some dancing but most people were exhausted from the travel and time difference.  I am well acclimatized after two weeks already.  It was cool in Rome and Civitavecchia and even a bit rainy.  So not a nice sail away party but we had a drink and sat up in the top deck overlooking the water and watched as the ship pulled away.
Steve was so exhausted.  The evening was short for a few of us and for some, perhaps a bit more partying took place.  
This morning, the plan was to meet for 9 am for breakfast in Windjammer which is the lido buffet.  We met, we ate and I discovered the omelet station.  It was a very busy breakfast place as we pulled in to the port of call in Messina Sicily.  Beautiful scenery and a wonderful view.  
Once we all gathered at around 11 am for disembarkation, we hired a taxi for 6 of us to drive the 35-40 km to Taormina.  It was a lovely drive and the sun shine brightly on our adventure.  We enjoyed the view along the way and anticipation of the sights to behold when we arrived.  A few took a tour through the ancient theatre and the rest of us walked around the small quaint city and I took many pictures.  Lots of Greek mythology in this place and great walls, stairways and alleys.  The buildings are well kept too.  And the view was breathtaking of the sea below.
Back in the taxi and return to Messina as promised, after having two hours in Taormina.  We saw the famous cathedral with the horoscope clock as well as the world clock. We walked the short distance back to the ship.  A few of us took in a bit of sun.  
Tomorrow is a sea day and looking forward to a nice day.  I have a class in the morning and the. Plan to spend the afternoon by the pool catching some rays.
Tonight the show is at 7 and then late dining for dinner.  Meeting Marilyn and her daughter.  Sarah and Sergei are not answering their phone so not sure what their plans are.  I hope Sian and her mom enjoyed their tour, I guess I will find out at dinner.  
It is great to be handing out with Steve here in Europe.  We travel differently but enjoy each others company nevertheless.  
Time for the show.
Love Pam

 30 entry, 30 …


30 entry, 30 September, birthday thoughts

Happy birthday my daughter!  A flurry of Internet activity as I attempted to log on in Florence.  Success, still on train.  Checked in on Facebook, read a few emails I received, posted a few blog posts.  Now it is gone.  That was super fun and unexpected.  The benefits of being prepared and curious.  
Going through beautiful vineyards and lovely red tile roofs on both sides of train.  Third time the conductor has now been through checking tickets.  I am looking forward to seeing Steve and all the rest on the cruise ship.  I am energized by the quick email frenzy and Internet connection, the sun beating in my window and the anticipation of the day.  
I love to travel alone.  I don’t under value the travel with friends and family but especially am excited by having the moments to enjoy being in the present.  I think I am more mindful when alone but with others around.  I have not been reading any books since I started this trip.  I have been writing and practicing communication skills.
I got  a wee birthday email wish off to my daughter and read a few from Steve catching me up to his departure flight for Rome.  He is likely there now.  On the ship and settling in.  Maybe even taking a nap or finding his daughter?