38 out of order and in the airport


38 Good morning Roma Fiumicino Leonado da Vinci airport!  

It has been a few days since my last blog.  I some how got a cold and then other things were happening and here we are spending the night at the airport.  Yup, that is right.  At the time of my booking flights it seemed like a good idea and it was affordable.  Slept on metal chairs that luckily had the arms removed.
Steve, Marilyn, Alex and I spent the day yesterday in Rome together and then the night together at airport and now we have passed through security as soon as we could and nothing is open so we can’t get breakfast or water or anything like that.  Yes, sometimes that which is a challenge, makes us stronger.  And it always makes for a great story.
I think I slept some, as there were two arm rests gone from the seats where I perched.  And a table on the end so even with very long legs, I could stretch.  Metal seats don’t have much give however, so it was cold and hard, but off the floor.  When I awoke there were many more people peppered on the floor probably envying my resting place.  
Interesting place, an airport in the wee hours.  Quiet mostly, announcements periodically and waking wondering where the facilities were and how I could manage and not loose my spot.  I waited.  
And now we are seated, the four of us, on curved wooden seats outside my gate d4 and waiting for flights or something to open up.  I am in a hotspot and can check iMessage only but not other Internet wifi functions.  
It is 501 am.  I will now go back and reflect on the past few days since my last entry.  My feet are sore, I am on my way home, satisfied from the holiday buffet of my travels.  I am sure today will offer even more stories to tell.
I trust you are all well and happy, content with your life and the choices that brought you to your present circumstances.  Focus on the details as they will determine the outcome.  The decisions we make every moment of every day bring us to the place we sit right now, this time.  As I age, I hope I continue to get wiser.
Love to all
Ps.  We find a VIP lounge in the airport past security and realize that travelers who make the choice to sleep in airport seats are seldom the same individuals invited to be card carrying members of the VIP lounge.   This makes me smile.
Further exploration reveals a vending machine in the ladies washroom, for one euro, a chewable toothbrush.  Something like a gum, perhaps.  I have packed my own brush and paste and made it through security now.  That was another ordeal.  Wearing too much bling it seems causes the metal detector in the security area to be annoyed.  Repeated downsizing and I have passed to the other side!  No cafe’s are open, no water, no shops it seems open at this time of morning, prior to 530 am local time.  Beware.  A bird in the hand.  The grass is not always greener once you reach the other side.  
The decision to shop in duty free at the airport has once again been foiled.  I will go home having spent no money in duty free.

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