36 sea day


36 sea day and birthday for my eldest daughter and Sarah 

I am writing this entry on my way home on the flight.  I can hardly remember the day now … So much has happened since.  When we stop to notice, much happens every day.  I do so hope my daughter had a wonderful day celebrating. 
We started with breakfast together on Saturday 6 October.  Steve and Sarah played a round of mini golf.  I had a seminar all morning and learned moe than I expected, more on that later.
We met at 1230 ish or lunch at Johnny Rockets, a kind of vintage fifties era lunch spot specialty restaurant aboard Royal Caribbean ships for those wanting American burgers, fries, onion rings, milkshakes, sundaes and floats.  Music is lively and we enjoy our time.  
I looked for Marilyn and Alex on the sun deck, however, decided to go lay down as I had somehow picked up some cold symptoms.  I also had not started to pack and so had a full day ahead, including dinner plans to celebrate the birthdays in Chops Grill specialty restaurant.  
Most of the afternoon I rested.  I packed, and I got ready for dinner.  Our reservation was for 630 pm and we were all delighted with the exceptional service and food quality that night.  It exceeded our expectations and I highly recommend the experience.  After dinner I completed our cruise feedback form, finished packing, set the alarm and off to bed, following the evening entertainment show finale.
As the evening closed on the day,our last on this cruise, I was reflective on the great time I had, the fabulous ports of call and great new relationships built.  Also I enjoyed very much traveling with friends and family and this was that kind of adventure.  
A bit sad that it is all over too soon, but recalling fondly the three weeks of exceptional travel experiences I have had, I am so grateful.  I would encourage any and every one I know to take advantage of opportunities that come along in life, to travel and see the world, especially with those people you love.  I find it rewarding and enriching, educational and full of emotion.  I am so grateful for the life I have created and for the opportunities that present,themselves to me.
All the best to you and I hope our paths cross and we get to travel together again very soon!
Love and Bon voyage, 

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