intention and expression: my life is a work in progress 

Todays Blog intention: Reconnect to my WHY
What defines my Journey and What is the fuel that drives my purpose driven life?
Da Vinci said: “Fix your course to a star then you can navigate any storm.” 

Mike Dooley affirms that indeed my thoughts become the things of my life.
My intention is to move ahead the status and safety of women all over the globe.  
I take action daily toward this movement.  
 I inspire and travel with women to discover and enjoy that which matters most to them.
My actions support health and love in my life and the world around me. I listen to my heart and I feed my soul so that I make decisions in life that propel my unique journey. 
 I focus my attention on kindness, ethical eating, mindful meditation, creativity and world travel in my conversations with myself and others.
I believe that every person of all ages, backgrounds and orientations, will benefit from women holding hands around the world.
Inspiration is my vision, the Universe my partner. I practice and play at being focused, productive, creative, graceful, grateful, inspired and inspirational. I attract abundance, opportunities and experiences that fill my heart with positivity and joy.
I am moved by and so grateful for my Sweet Life full of spectacular heart touching moments, precious family and friends who support and witness my Easy World climb of My Everest and the circle of fabulous inspiriting influences who have planted seeds and nourished my growth.  
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
My life is a work in progress.  Thanks for standing by …
Onward …..

One comment on “intention and expression: my life is a work in progress 

  1. Debbie Rachar says:

    Dearest Pam: I am truly inspired by your vision, passion and brilliance everyday. You are the captain of your ship, you are bold, beautiful and brilliant. I am grateful everyday you are in my life, we have found each other and we witness each other’s journey and climb together to achieve our highest and best. Your TN Deb

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