Naples, first impression

Arrival in Naples.

It is almost midnight. I am here!

Two of my dear travel buddies, as planned, met me at the airport and we brought a taxi to our bed and breakfast. I was a little traumatized by the driving of the cabbie. Seems red lights, stopping and speed limits are optional here! Open to interpretation …. He was listening to a football game on the radio. Janie had negotiated the cost of the taxi …. Wow! Garbage on streets, looks like they might be on strike?

We take for granted garbage removal where I come from. This is a very old part of Naples. Narrow alleys no wider than one car width and some garbage bags, grin.

Three of us arrive, each grab one of my bags and I think … Omg! This can’t be real…. I booked this? I am scared. They won’t tell me anything … I follow. Into an old old gate … Leading to more old inside … Like a huge high courtyard and I feel like I am in a well …. High sides all around …. Apartments? Old cement? Yucky, I think! I follow … We walk up flights of stone stairs. It is about 28 degrees and late in the evening … Muggy and hot. And now I am sweaty.

Then we step in. My breath catches in my throat …. Beautiful! This place is transformed on the inside. Marble shiny floors. An ancient painted ceiling … It is stunningly beautiful and huge and cool …. Two of the other gals are asleep. Jet lag will be with them a few days.

I am so very grateful for the two picking me up. I am not sure I could have done this without them. My heart could not have taken the stark contrast! I might not have gone in past the first door on my own! Lol

The rooms are spacious and clean. Mother table and eating / sitting area for all guests is breathtaking. I will post pics tomorrow.

I am greeted with bottled water and gluten free pizza left over. These are the best travel buddies EVER! I am so blessed. And grateful for my life.

Till the morning!

Love p

Offer on my condo.

What a day!

Piacere. I am so happy to be here.

Ti amo!



I love airports. Listening to the sounds of foreign accents trying to be understood by English speaking servers, some of whom have strong foreign accents.

It is such a busy place and confluence of so many cultures clashing and banging in waves of motion. Mostly happy.

Wine and beer from different regions and areas of the world. Advertised, ordered, consumed probably based on local tastes from area of origin?

Outfits. American women, I guess, dressed in capris and t shirts looking like they are just going out for groceries … French speaking women in heels and dark suits as if having a business meeting of the highest import. How we dress indicates how we expect our day to turn out, perhaps?

I am sitting in a lounge area reading the destinations of flights, Turin, Marrakech, Mauritius, Lamaca, Antalya, Faro, Gran Canaria, Kos, Alicante, Arrecife, Agadir and the Isle of Man to name a few of the exotic names I see on the list departing Gatwick over the next few hours from this north terminal alone …. With either British Airways or EasyJet. How many people must travel by flight in any given day to other parts of the world?

One flight delayed for Luger six hours so far … Oh my. That would be disappointing if people have children to entertain, or connections to make, or people waiting anxiously for their arrival at the other end.

Purpose of travel? Family visits? Moving to new life in new location? Business meetings? Applying for new employment? Meeting that new special someone they met on line only, so far?

Like me? Travel to expand my understanding and explore the world and our human connection to it ….

Today? Bridging my holiday that started with Southampton a few weeks ago, fourteen nights on a Baltic cruise followed by four nights exploring and enjoying London UK. Two women from the club joined in this past few weeks and I met several more who hopefully will become travel mates in years to come.

Next is this flight to Naples where I meet with 4 other gals from Victoria BC Canada …. And to explore the area for three nights . The isle of Ischia, the city of Naples and one day trip to Rome by local train… Then joined by two more ladies in the travel club …. We will all join a GAdventures Tour to Sorrento for one week Local Living at an agritourismo, lemon farm. We will explore Pompeii, the Amalfi Coast, the island of Capri and more …. Then five of us will pick up a rental car, drive south to Maretea to enjoy a week at a time share. I return home on 4 October.

I am most fortunate to be traveling with such wonderfully international women. Some are new to this form of exploration and some have been traveling the world for years and have welcomed the opportunity to travel as a group.

We will continue to develop relationships with one another and peoples of the world. Indeed I see us all linking arms, women holding hands with women around the world.

Thank you. Grazie.

Ti amo



Wish you were here!

Longing for Community

Many books are written and even more people search for a sense of community. Is it a natural drive? Probably. Is it insatiable? Not sure. Is it critical? Yes. It is critical to acknowledge and understand this human drive.

We all have it, or did, to some degree. Wanting to fit in when we found out there was more to life than our immediate family and our own toes to play with…. When we went to school or play dates…. Wanting to be accepted, even invited, to join in with others.

This early searching for belonging must have some long term impact on how it goes years later. Our sense of acceptance, inclusion and social fit-in-ness likely color show we see our belonging now. is a social community designed for people to connect on line and arrange to meetup in person, usually for a common goal or stated purpose. In my case, women to travel together. Women to find a sense of community and to then make plans if possible to reach out to one another and then yes, even more so, to the rest of the world. To find ourselves belonging to a community even larger and more connected than first imagined or desired.

Womens Travel Club is not so much about just being for women as it is about the intention of women joining with other women for support and intention to understand women globally. Of course many women want to and actually do make plans to travel with their children, grandchildren, partners and friends …. Male and female alike.

I also want to find other travel bloggers and connect with those writers I feel are brilliant and possess and display a style I can relate to. I have started a meetup group for this purpose as well, a writers group.

Gatwick Airport

I was picked up in a van (I had just said that I preferred a van to a bus). I always keep in mind that my thoughts become things. It was full, 6 passengers already in the back …. The driver says, I will have to sit in the front! Yeah! Feeling like I won the lottery! Comfy seat, great view and no problem with motion. Windy roads and quick driving, kind of fun really.

I had read Gatwick Airport is south of London. We cross he mighty Thames over a beautiful green and gold ornate bridge, but not in Center of town. I have never been this way before that I am aware. Names of areas are familiar posts on signs, Richmond, Kingston….

Duplexes and row housing, quite different from the densely populated area where I have been staying. More modern structures as well, looks more like home. I continue to see large signs “to let” and my mind reads ‘toilet’. Lol

Signs for ‘humps’ in the road instead of bumps. I notice the leaves are now starting very subtly to change with the season, a few gold leaves fall gently. Tree lined streets.

When in London I have been watching fashion. I love fashion. I see how I can make do with what I have and then it is how to put it all together that makes fashion. Lovely.

Now farming areas, and orchards, single dwellings and green trees lining the road. I am so grateful again for the front seat.

We enter Surrey. We head to a freeway … 8 lanes wide, four going our way. Then I see the first signage so far for Gatwick. It is still hazy out, but warm and promises to be the warmest day since our arrival. A note in the elevator for told of the weeks weather … Grin.

Heading to North terminal. I have already tipped the driver and he is very kind and attentive to me and unloading my luggage, explaining where I need to go.

I have arrived, and decide to unload my luggage and get boarding pass first… Even though I have a few hours to wait for my flight. I have been told the area after security is full of great shopping.

So off I go. Through security. Uneventful for me however challenging for some folks ahead of me that don’t understand about putting liquids in bags and only one each. They have to unpack. And sort and throw away … They clearly don’t get the instructions. However, they are out of the line now. I have done this enough to know that I need to remove my jewelry to get through smoothly. Done.

It takes me a few minutes to get put back together. And off I go in search of some food, maybe a wine and some water. I find it all at a Garfunkels up stairs. No wait. Stationed right behind the staff area so I get a view of the chaos. Ha ha.

Waves of business. No internet that I can figure out. I think there is a pay boingo spot, and I am remembering trips from my past when I tried this. Did it work then? Hmmmmmmmm.

Plans to get some Euros and spend my few British Pounds before I leave this airport later today.

Well, off to find my gate number and do some fashion watching and maybe shopping …… Then to meet the girls in Naples for an amazing Italian adventure for another few weeks.

Ciao tutti,

Ti amo


Last day in London

Good morning and Bon giorno my dear blog friends,

It is time for a shift in my travels. Let me first tell you about yesterday.

I had a Royal day full of walking and mindfully exploring the historic and regal parts of London. We started with Starbucks coffee. I don’t actually drink regular coffee and this summer have discovered iced decaf coffee, sugar free vanilla with soy, easy ice. This is in keeping with my preference for Starbucks consistency and also dairy, sugar and caffeine free. A great drink anytime, even in London as it is always the same at Starbucks!

I had to get my nails polished and manicure as was experience breakage and they looked like it had been way too long since they were cared for. That was fun.

We returned to the museum of Natural History and entered the special exhibit about the last million years of Britain, including the history of peoples in this area. So interesting in learned about the ice ages and severe changes in climate and how it affected early peoples. There were studies very recently reporting new findings and discoveries about migration and DNA history. Fossil evidence of 900,000 years old. I saw the inside of a woman’s scull maybe 400,000 years old … Wow, markings from blood vessels and brain on inside. I saw mock ups of women of that day. Most of the years people did not evolve back then …. Same same same for thousands of years. In the last twenty thousand years or so, Britain has been inhabited and look at the changes! Wow. So interesting. Worth a google! I notice the display is over end of September so I am so glad to have been here at this time.

We took a walk from there to and through Hyde Park. The first major attraction was Kensington Palace and I have pictures of the grounds and signage. Then saw Albert memorial and Albert Hall …. On route to the memorial fountain for Diana. That was powerful and I loved the peacefulness of this place. It is well done and I think honours her!

Further walking through the whole park and off to Buckingham Palace … On our way we got hungry and stopped in an old English pub. I notice similarities, although this one was called, Bag O Nails ….

And a leisurely walk through the gates and grounds of the Queens residence. She is off in Balmoral Scotland this time of year. Interesting today is the vote … First time in three hundred years, for Scotland to decide if they want independence from Britain. I hope not …sigh. They vote today.

Following that we scouted out the route following more of Hyde Park, Speakers Corner, and then down Knightsbridge area toward our hotel. We went past Harrods again …. And stopped in a few designer places, no purchases.

After a wee rest we went out again to find supper and picked up a bottle of Prosecco. The gal at the front desk put it in fridge for us to chill it. We drank while we packed for our adventure home for Steve and to Naples Italy for me.

Time to go wait for the bus to take me to the airport and the next leg of my journey.

Thanks for following, stay tuned for Italiano. Piacere!

Ti amo,


What does it say about London?

What does it say about a country when the beautiful old buildings, parks, museums are free admission? That it values such things and they belong to the people? I am impressed. Natural history museum today is amazing. Great displays including the
Darwin centre, Breathtaking entranceway. Sculptures and fossil of huge dinosaur.
Stained glass, life size mammal display is spectacular. Bathrooms free and clean!

After that, a trip to Harrods, the world famous luxury shop. Wow. We shopped! And got lost … Ha ha. And found some great areas. Really a fabulous store! And huge.

Then to Tower of London. Fun to walk around, being there. That is the most significant feeling I had today … I was there, walked in those places. Awesome

Then to the theatre for the musical performance of Wicked at Apollo Victoria Theatre. Wow! Just wow.

Having some issues with posting so not sure when I will get this out there. It is hot here and beautiful. I am glad I came to explore.

More tomorrow.

Wish you were here,
Love Pamela

Hop on, See it all – London UK

We hit Starbucks just a few blocks away at 645 this morning. What a treat to enjoy familiar bevies so far from home. Clean and pleasant Starbucks! By the way I can’t say that for the one by the Tower of London … The worst … Grounds in coffee and bathrooms a disgrace. Horrid experience …. So let’s get back to the wonderful day and the sights we enjoyed.

There are over 200,000 French speaking people in London. Looking up we see unique spires dotting the skies, picturesque roof tops with chimneys poking up, some roof gardens and even some gargoyles.

We want to return to the National History Museum, since 1887. We did not get back early enough today. Lucky for me it is near the super shop Harrods, where I will prefer to spend that few hours. I can skip most museums most happily. Lol.

St. Paul’s cathedral, people climb to top and have great view of the city of London. What an imposing sight!

Went through Westminster

Harrods is huge. I want to walk there. Apparently there is a spot with photo of Diana and Dodi that I would like to see. There is a dress code for entering this massive shopping Center.

Savoy world famous hotel and theatre in London and the first to have electricity in the city all those dark years ago …. Smile. And did you know that the interior of the Waldorf hotel was designed by the very same person who designed the inside of the Titanic? Interesting facts coming at me faster than I can record.

Trafalgar Square, looks authentic, red busses, statues, columns, phone booths, mailboxes and a large blue chicken? Lol. what is that about? We see it a few times and it is next to a huge sign of Canada … Perhaps the new embassy? But what does it have to do with the chicken/rooster? Am I the only curious one?

Twinings tea place here.

“Climb on the shoulders of giants” is a sign on the front door of Kings college.

Blue sky. Beautiful green parks, brown river Thames, enchanting bridges
Stunning architecture old hotels and brick and stone churches. Old trees over the roads, delightful bright flower boxes on window sills

Red double decker busses, red telephone booths and places boasting free wifi.

Met 4 men from Australia and they gave me some tips for Italian travels. Recommended Burrata cheese, fresh tomato, basil, balsamic vinegar…
Wine Barolo, chianti Classico,

Original Hard Rock Cafe. We rode the bus for about three hours straight and there was some duplication happening so we hopped off to see if we can get Tickets for a musical and a loo, and bevy and bite to eat. Stretching legs was good.

Convent garden used to be called when nuns from convent sold their garden produce there at the market, stopped for a quick trip to loo at Starbucks and then pie place for a Meantime, pale ale beer brewed in London and Battersea Steak and Stout pie for Steve. Side salad with spinach and roasted potatoes for Pam! Wow! Wonderful flavours and in a quaint hole in the wall place right in the market area, marble tables and wooden benches for chairs. Great prices … Whole dinner for two including bevies less than dinner in a pub next door at Punch and Judy’s ….
I can see a booth selling sangria that might be nice for me …. And it was! Smile.

Trafalgar sq… All places in London measure from the brass plaque behind the statue. Did you know the Romans built London 2000 years ago as a trading place … Still used for that today. Bank of England is imposing! Started 1694 and has its own museum inside! In 1666 the fire of London started from a bakery and destroyed 13,000 buildings. There is a monument to the fire at the spot of that bakery.

University of Economics we saw, attended by Pierre E Trudeau and Mik Jäger among a few other famous folks!

I can hear the bells of St Paul’s Cathedral at exactly four pm. As we were on the bus again situated right in front. What a sight and sound!

We walked two bridges across the Thames and down the boardwalk area on both sides for a few blocks.

We had fabulous Indian food for supper …. Great day!

Wish you were here


Hop on, see it all. London UK

We hit Starbucks just a few blocks away at 645 this morning. What a treat to enjoy familiar bevies so far from home. Clean and pleasant Starbucks! By the way I can’t say that for the one by the Tower of London … The worst … Grounds in coffee and bathrooms a disgrace. Horrid experience …. So let’s get back to the wonderful day and the sights we enjoyed.

There are over 200,000 French speaking people in London. Looking up we see unique spires dotting the skies, picturesque roof tops with chimneys poking up, some roof gardens and even some gargoyles.

We want to return to the National History Museum, since 1887. We did not get back early enough today. Lucky for me it is near the super shop Harrods, where I will prefer to spend that few hours. I can skip most museums most happily. Lol.

St. Paul’s cathedral, people climb to top and have great view of the city of London. What an imposing sight!

Went through Westminster

Harrods is huge. I want to walk there. Apparently there is a spot with photo of Diana and Dodi that I would like to see. There is a dress code for entering this massive shopping Center.

Savoy world famous hotel and theatre in London and the first to have electricity in the city all those dark years ago …. Smile. And did you know that the interior of the Waldorf hotel was designed by the very same person who designed the inside of the Titanic? Interesting facts coming at me faster than I can record.

Trafalgar Square, looks authentic, red busses, statues, columns, phone booths, mailboxes and a large blue chicken? Lol. what is that about? We see it a few times and it is next to a huge sign of Canada … Perhaps the new embassy? But what does it have to do with the chicken/rooster? Am I the only curious one?

Twinings tea place here.

“Climb on the shoulders of giants” is a sign on the front door of Kings college.

Blue sky. Beautiful green parks, brown river Thames, enchanting bridges
Stunning architecture old hotels and brick and stone churches. Old trees over the roads, delightful bright flower boxes on window sills

Red double decker busses, red telephone booths and places boasting free wifi.

Met 4 men from Australia and they gave me some tips for Italian travels. Recommended Burrata cheese, fresh tomato, basil, balsamic vinegar…
Wine Barolo, chianti Classico,

Original Hard Rock Cafe. We rode the bus for about three hours straight and there was some duplication happening so we hopped off to see if we can get Tickets for a musical and a loo, and bevy and bite to eat. Stretching legs was good.

Convent garden used to be called when nuns from convent sold their garden produce there at the market, stopped for a quick trip to loo at Starbucks and then pie place for a Meantime, pale ale beer brewed in London and Battersea Steak and Stout pie for Steve. Side salad with spinach and roasted potatoes for Pam! Wow! Wonderful flavours and in a quaint hole in the wall place right in the market area, marble tables and wooden benches for chairs. Great prices … Whole dinner for two including bevies less than dinner in a pub next door at Punch and Judy’s ….
I can see a booth selling sangria that might be nice for me …. And it was! Smile.

Trafalgar sq… All places in London measure from the brass plaque behind the statue. Did you know the Romans built London 2000 years ago as a trading place … Still used for that today. Bank of England is imposing! Started 1694 and has its own museum inside! In 1666 the fire of London started from a bakery and destroyed 13,000 buildings. There is a monument to the fire at the spot of that bakery.

University of Economics we saw, attended by Pierre E Trudeau and Mik Jäger among a few other famous folks!

I can hear the bells of St Paul’s Cathedral at exactly four pm. As we were on the bus again situated right in front. What a sight and sound!

We walked two bridges across the Thames and down the boardwalk area on both sides for a few blocks.

We had fabulous Indian food for supper …. Great day!

Wish you were here


Unlimited Internet

Now that I have unlimited email access, I want to keep writing! Ha ha. Tomorrow I trust that there will be great photos to send. Have passed a few Starbucks already and Steve has scouted out for early morning intake.

I have bought bottled water and am just now finishing up some red wine. Listening to the sounds of the city outside my small but adequate hotel room in this fabulous city of London UK.

Time to rest to be ready for the morning. Good night my friends and family …..

Great morning to you from London UK!
Warm, 22 degrees …. Looking for a great day to do the hop on bus.

Today up early and off to Starbucks for a real coffee …. Lol. In England mostly they offer tea or instant coffee. No gluten free stuff so I am now eating foods I brought with me … Healthy and easy or me. I saw gargoyles on a building across the way as we sat at the front window a Starbucks people watching. Lots of chimneys dot the roof tops in London….. I love the architecture!Pics to follow today ….

Breakfast included with hotel, cold cereal, milk, juice and white toast and jam. None of which I eat … :). It is fun to be around and learn about the culture. After my feasting for the past two weeks on luxury cruise, I am certain I won’t suffer as I search for French fries …. Ha ha! Some of them have a coating of flour so I still have to ask …. Interesting culture … I can see our roots!

More to follow.

Ciao tutti


Harrods Department Stores

I found this in my search …. It is on my list of “must do’s”

With an encyclopedic assortment of luxury brands, this Knightsbridge institution has more than 300 departments and 20 restaurants, all spread over 1 million square feet on a 5-acre site. If you approach Harrods as a tourist attraction rather than as a fashion hunting ground, you won’t be disappointed. Focus on the spectacular food halls, the huge ground-floor perfumery, the revamped toy and technology departments, the excellent Urban Retreat spa, and the Vegas-like Egyptian Room. At the bottom of the nearby Egyptian escalator, there’s a bronze statue depicting the late Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, son of the former owner, dancing beneath the wings of an albatross. Nevertheless, standards of taste are enforced with a customer dress code (no shorts, ripped jeans, or flip-flops). Be prepared to brave the crowds (avoid visiting on a Saturday if you can), and be prepared to pay if you want to use the bathroom on some floors(!). Tube: Knightsbridge.