Unlimited Internet

Now that I have unlimited email access, I want to keep writing! Ha ha. Tomorrow I trust that there will be great photos to send. Have passed a few Starbucks already and Steve has scouted out for early morning intake.

I have bought bottled water and am just now finishing up some red wine. Listening to the sounds of the city outside my small but adequate hotel room in this fabulous city of London UK.

Time to rest to be ready for the morning. Good night my friends and family …..

Great morning to you from London UK!
Warm, 22 degrees …. Looking for a great day to do the hop on bus.

Today up early and off to Starbucks for a real coffee …. Lol. In England mostly they offer tea or instant coffee. No gluten free stuff so I am now eating foods I brought with me … Healthy and easy or me. I saw gargoyles on a building across the way as we sat at the front window a Starbucks people watching. Lots of chimneys dot the roof tops in London….. I love the architecture!Pics to follow today ….

Breakfast included with hotel, cold cereal, milk, juice and white toast and jam. None of which I eat … :). It is fun to be around and learn about the culture. After my feasting for the past two weeks on luxury cruise, I am certain I won’t suffer as I search for French fries …. Ha ha! Some of them have a coating of flour so I still have to ask …. Interesting culture … I can see our roots!

More to follow.

Ciao tutti


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