Day two at sea, lost and found hour of sleep

Day at Sea

Up late as we lost an hour of sleep.  Where did it go?  Lol. I expect I will find it someday.  Somewhere in the wide deep purpley blue ocean is my hour of sleep.  Sigh.
Light breakfast in the Terrace Cafe, looking for Roger but did not find him.  Fausto works in main dining room …. I think that is tomorrow for supper?  
Went to library today and found some fabulous books to look at, about travel, writing and more.  I love the library and this one has lovely bench seats facing out to sea, so I enjoyed some time there.  I made a list of things I want to do on this ship and voyage. Some include writing my personal vision statement …writing a romantic anniversary poem to my husband … And enjoying the concierge class on this ship.  Painting and reading are also important to me.   
I just read a quote I love “artists are trailblazers of culture”. So true.  Everyone is one and has a responsibility to practice the art they create.
I am in the concierge lounge now and decide to attempt a Sudoku puzzle.  I reflect on being taught how to do these at work in the custody center.  Several of the youth who attended there learned how and enjoyed the idea of teaching me.  I feel it is part of my gratitude to them that I continue to do these puzzles from time to time.  I remember also learning to crochet from a mom of a youth I worked with almost thirty years ago.  Thanks for the art!
Back in the room, I found that hour of sleep … Ha ha. .. I never nap but fell asleep soundly with the ship movement and lovely breezes sea air.  I woke five minutes before we were to meet friends at happy hour in Martinis ….  My goodness.  Got changed, rushed down and met them and another couple and talked travel and exotic places.
I received a celebration email from franchise owner indicating I am number four agent in North America with Expedia CruiseShipCenter …. Wow!  Thanks to all of you for your support and loyalty.  I will do my best to keep traveling with thenWomens Travel Club!  I was offered a cruise on Windstar and a river cruise ….  Not sure if I can fit it all in.
After bevvies I chatted with my daughter on messenger and then off to dining with another great couple in Jacques, the French dining restaurant on board.  Lovely.  Home to the room and getting ready for a good sleep.  
My days are full.  Looking forward to another sea day tomorrow.
Wish you were here, love Pamela

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