Cruising the Amazon

Entered the Amazon River today

Greetings from the mighty Amazon River.  It seems such a long time ago we booked this.  14 women from Canada, well one is from Australia!  
Travelling together to this amazing place.  We can see land, and forest in the distance from both sides of the ship now.  
Woke up for my walk this morning and the water has turned from that beautiful turquoise blue with white froth … Today browny gold, with hunks of vegetation floating.  We had a great rain for a few minutes.  No waves now … Macapa is the port authority stop … Trying to get to Santarem!  
Looking for pink Dolphins, the largest fresh water creature!  Females larger than males :). Says the captain over the loud speaker, from the bridge.
All along the water temperature is the same as the air temperature, according to the captain.  
As I look out across the river, it appears as sand bars in the distance, horizons changing color and shapes.  
I now have a deck chair on the11th  floor for great vantage point to see the river at various angles.  That was too hot after a few minutes, so off to cool down in the salt water pool.  A shower and dress for afternoon tea.  Gluten free goodies and peppermint tea in Horizons with a stunning view of the jungle forest on both sides.  No wildlife sightings yet.  
Later: time to head back to room for happy hour, prepare for dinner.  Put the needlework away and get ready to enjoy Country Music show tonight in the lounge.  Yeeeehaw!  
Tchau, from the jungles of Brazil
Pamela, of the Amazon

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