London, I have arrived

We finally left from the ship and had a very smooth disembarkation about nine am. We had gained another hour last evening so felt rested and ready for this transition day. Packed, breakfasted, and dressed, we join fellow passengers in a coach to Victoria Station in downtown London. Pretty exciting!

The sun continues to shine on us during this trip. It is warm and very comfortable to travel this time of year.

We drive through Southampton and notice all the familiar spots, the rock wall, the Holiday Inn, and other landmarks that we had noted just two weeks ago when we stayed and walked prior to embarking on the ship.

Out of the city we are on a major freeway and rolling hills in the distance remind me of some photos of Tuscany … Green, some trees scattered here and there. Traffic was around, but it is Sunday and we really had very few stops. As we began to enter the area around London I started to notice the place names made popular by the movies such as My Fair Lady, Notting Hill, Mary Poppins, Love Actually, Harry Potter to name a few. I am sure more will come to mind.

Glimpses of the Thames, and bridges that cross her.

We arrive at the very busy station and hail a delightful black cab with room for luggage beside the driver! He, of course drives on the other side of the car than we are used to. We fit three of us in and in a few short minutes we are in South Kensington area at our small quaint boutique hotel. It reminds me of my stay in Paris … Same very small bedroom and larger bathroom.

We head out for a stroll and notice immediately,that the private square park across the road fenced in, is so like that one in Notting Hill movie … Perhaps it is the same park? Sweet. We find a street dotted with English pubs and little shops for groceries and hair salons … Busy with busses and pedestrians. We wander some more. After sorting luggage and a quick return to the hotel, we head out for an Olde English Pub dinner…

We are planning out with maps where we will venture tomorrow. We also hope to get tickets for a musical show and hop on hop off ride to orient us to the big attractions in the city.

Many of our friends from the cruise are popping up on fb as new friends, and soon I hope to hear from all of them by email.

Missing our dinner companions tonight ….. We became close in that two weeks of dining and hanging out as a group of ten.

Here is a preliminary list of a few of the places we will look out for tomorrow.

Time to sip our newly purchased bottle of red wine.

Ciao tutti,

Natural history museum
Big Ben
Tower and bridge
Bucking ham Palaces / change of guard
Queen and royal family
Notting hill
Hyde park, speakers corner
Globe theatreShakespeareTatemodern
Westminster abbey
London eye Ferris wheel
National gallery
Tottenham court rd
Covent garden piazza
St. Paul cathedral
Old billings gate market? Waterfront
Soho square
Camden market
Portobello rd

Personal Growth while in the Queue

Because of the cloud delay this morning, we are now in possession of the tender ticket 21. They are loading 9 and 10 so far. Lol. How do we spend our time in queue? It is always a choice, isn’t it? Of course it is. Let life keep driving my bus, and or I can step up, grab the wheel and the fuel, and drive myself?

I am looking at a few of the books I have purchased in the past on my iPhone/iPad and notice I am always in possession of inspiration from my mentors. I can listen to audible version or let my eyes glance for wisdom in the printed word. Here goes ….

1. What is my existing culture? if and in what way does my way of life support and or violate my values and what it would take to become more congruent? … What steps am I taking now and what further ones will I put into practice?

2. When am I an opinion leader? Describe how this keeps me from further developing my own sharper sense of moral responsibility? What must I do to be the leader that I would follow? How do I continue to stand out in front?

Similar types of values questions popped up in the current page of the first book I opened this morning. Here are my thoughts …. My existing culture includes how I eat, what I say, what messages I receive. How I spend every moment of my waking day is my politics. Each choice I make for spending is a dollar toward my belief system. How will I sharpen these behaviours to match my values? How I spend my time, my money and what foods I eat, choices I make …. I can take steps to be more mindful. A few strategies include taking a deep breath before I make a choice. Followed by writing down decisions I make in a little book or my iPhone so there is an accountability to myself. And follow up with a review and perhaps setting goals to revise.

Three columns: 1. plans / choices I make for myself 2. Food I eat. 3. Money I spend

My creativity in the form of writing and painting, quilting and travel stand out as needing my attention in order for me to stand out as a leader. Walking and other forms of fitness, eating healthy, are important to me and my life goals. Not engaging in television programs including the so called news …. I keep up on relevant happenings and am able to stay positive and upbeat.

Keeping a vision board current with indicators of what I now believe would be my lifetime highest and best. Of course regular and constant revisions are necessary as how would I ever know what I a truly capable of, from here. Revisions, clear the focus and continuously taking steps in that general direction, re calibrating and re focus, more steps. Write it, paint it, quilt it, weave the stories of success and dreams of the future. Continuous reflection and refocus, revision, repeat.

To do this climb of My Everest is best achieved in partnership with a team, who can witness, challenge when necessary, and help me truly see the potential that I sometimes can’t see from my stand.

World travel, world peace, support for women everywhere and personal growth are cornerstones to my daily practice. Mindfulness is key.

A Guest Blog from a Friend

Hi Pam:

I wanted to share this Blog post with you.

The people in our day to day live’s really do make a difference. This is a post about the difference my dear friend Pam makes in my life. Pam recently left town for one of her many travel adventures. She has left town many times before, but somehow this time seemed different.

Pam had only been gone a few days and I seemed to get stuck in my head, lost in translation, falling back into old habits – all that stuff. I even forgot to “Put My Oxygen Mask On First”. The day after she left I poured all of my energy into my job and when I left work that day I realized I had no energy left. I worked hard – not smart!

I read some of Pam’s “Travel Blogs” and they inspired me. They helped me get out of my head and to focus on the fact that thoughts do become things.

I also learned from this experience how important it is to chose the right person in your life to share your experiences with. Not everyone in my life that is close to me can relate to my experience. They do not see the world the way I do, they may not have the skills to listen and they may not know how to be a coach or mentor.

Pam and I have been on a journey this last year – a journey we call “The Climb”. It is a process we both find very rewarding and one that we find is evolving. We are both focused on being our authentic selves and becoming our highest and best. We are each other’s coach and mentor. We inspire each other to be all we can be. When we take a courageous step, do something outside our comfort zone or change an old habit we witness the process and the progress each other has made.

It reminded me of a great line from the movie As Good As It Gets – The Actor Jack Nicholson says to Helen Hunt – “You Make Me Want to Be A Better Man”. I have to say to my friend Pam – “You make me want to be a better women” – “a better human being” – “a better Debbie Rachar”.

Who will you inspire to “Be a Better Person?”

I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me Thank you

Can hardly wait to spend 2-1/2 weeks with you. Woo Hoo. You are the best!


Disembarkation and transfer to London

It’s disembarkation day

Yesterday was low key, packing, having tea, and wandering around this now very familiar ship and of course, eating! Lol.

We had a lovely final dinner and passing on tips to the service staff. The whole table was in a good space and we went to the show and heard he opera singer Ben sing some amazing songs… Some of good bye. Then we all went to the pub for trivia contest and sing along with piano guy. It has become a regular routine and we love it.

Then hugs all around, and good byes for now. I sure have enjoyed our new friends and know we will see each other again.

In the meantime have been dealing with issues back home, offer on condo, that required several internet sign ons. We are not accepting it after all …. Very much appreciate the internet!

We are packed and our luggage put out and now in some holding place in Southampton. We purchased a transfer and will be dropped off at London’s central train station and we can cab it from there to our hotel. Thanks Jane for the tips.

Time now for breakfast and waiting in the queue for our disembarkation, brown one, at 830 am. In fact we gained another hour last night … Extra sleep is always appreciated!

Ciao for now, will write more about London soon! We have a list of places to see while here and just being open to explore this historic city. Wooooo hooooo.

Ciao Bella’s and so on,

Love and with you were here,


London: to see

Natural history museum
Big Ben
Tower and bridge
Bucking ham Palaces / change of guard
Queen and royal family
Notting hill
Hyde park, speakers corner
Globe theatreShakespeareTatemodern
Westminster abbey
London eye Ferris wheel
National gallery
Tottenham court rd
Covent garden piazza
St. Paul cathedral
Old billings gate market? Waterfront
Soho square


Skagen, After the Cloud

Beautiful. Hot sunny.

We meet a couple in the queue from just outside Kentville Nova Scotia … We shared a cab out from Skagen to Grenen so see the sea times two. Sandy beach all reclaimed from the ocean floor. Wow…. Amazing place. And so far we have driven to where we get on sandorman tractor to take us even farther out into the wild. Sand and wind has reclaimed the land and continues to do so. Clean and green, with miles of sand. Long grasses poking through. We are where the ocean once was.

Here we go: An adventure, no trees. Cars can’t come out here to this area of the beach. This pivotal place.

After an hour of frolicking, photo taking and standing in two seas, we catch the tractor pulled wagon back to the info booth and taxis are waiting.

We get dropped off in the town centrum and exploration continued through artistic shops, and other local fares. Very nice, sunny and warm. Beautiful and calm.

Formal dining evening where lobster was served. I have enjoyed the special meals I received on this cruise. Eduardo, my head waiter was very attentive to my needs and requests and he was very kind as well to the entire table.

After dinner I had an invite to the Captains reception and we had a nice chat and visit with a few familiar guests. Then we met up with our table mates for the evening show, a juggler comedian …. Followed by a meetup in the Golden Lion Pub where we played a group game with laughter. The ten from our dining table, divided in to two groups.

And then dancing in Hemispheres night club to the ship’s band Synergy. Our last night with them. Bed time and the last day at sea tomorrow.

Lovely cruise, exotic ports of call, with fantastic weather and great new friends.

All the best, ciao tutti


Skagen Cloud

Good morning my friends and family,

Today is Queen Victoria maiden stop in Skagan Denmark. We awoke in a dense cloud. The Captain says there is a lovely sun up there, we could not see the end of the ship and he said the tender boat operators could not see their hands in front of them. We are waiting to hear an announcement for disembarkation, a bit later.

There is sun sparkling off the water, as we sit on the lido deck, eating our buffet breakfast and watching the cloud. No fluffy white clouds above us, only beautiful clear blue, as the fog lifts.

People who have booked tours with Cunard will be ok with delay however those who arranged private tours, perhaps not so patient. Another little risk involved when booking independently of the cruiseline, although it does not happen much.

We have no organized tours but might love to walk beaches and even out to the tip of Jutland Peninsula of Denmark, an archipelago of 400 islands. This is Denmarks northernmost town with North Sea off the west coast and Baltic Sea to the east. Apparently this land attracts artists …. Like Victoria BC, Canada, where I live! Two million tourists a year come here. It boasts a soft sandy coastline and bucolic scenery, and ambiance to inspire artists and beach goers. Little boutique stores line the streets.

This is our first tender on this cruise and our last port of call in the full 14 nights on the Queen Victoria here in the Baltic area of the world. The only country that borders this country is Germany. Greenland and Faroe Islands are part of Denmark kingdom. We are 647 nautical miles from disembarkation in Southampton.

Grenen is at the very tip of Denmark, and only an hours walk from Skagen. It is possible to stand there, with a foot in two seas. Not sure if we will make the trek. Apparently not an area safe for swimmers due to colliding seas and swirling waves. The views are supposed to be breathtaking and I would be interested in that inspiration if it is possible for us today.

We will venture to the towns old quarter, which promises picturesque and colourful red roofed cottages and homes, near fishing boats in the marina. There is an eagle sanctuary here and has been for some thirty years.

Well, stay tuned for how the day unfolds as the dense Skagen cloud lifts and finds us enjoying this wonderfully rich port of call.

Ciao tutti,
ti amo


Wish you were here!

Talk about Travel

The Art of Conversation: Travel

Hi folks, for something different I picked up a package of cards which promotes chat about travel. Questions to ask, ponder, and exchange answers. Perhaps it is good fodder for the travel blog?

In order to further women holding hands around the world, I am hopeful that the readers of this blog will take some of these discussions to their own community of folks and further deepen travel talk.

Some of the goals would include sharing travel tips, stimulating discussions with multi perspectives, explore thoughts, views, hopes, dreams, feelings and knowledge. Perhaps to learn more about ourselves and certainly to deepen our understanding of others. When we play this game at the meetups, perhaps we can time each other’s answers so that there is plenty of free exchange and everyone’s voice is heard. This deck could also be used in interview style, one person asking and the other answering and then switch roles. Topics investigated may touch on history, geography, politics, attitudes, areas of interest, environmental awareness and expanding vocabulary.

A few examples:
“Tourists don’t know where they have been and travellers don’t know where they are going”. Comment on this.

What country, other than your own do you identify with most strongly?

What has been your experience of revisiting the same place, a place you love?

If you were to dress in a costume of your favorite place, so far, how would you dress?

Tell me about your exploration of the artistic expression of another culture.

Where did your family originate and what do you know about that place?

What is your philosophy of travel? How has it changed over time?

If you could travel back in time, where and when would you journey?

How have you made your budget cost trip in to a first class holiday?

Take a photo in your mind of a moment past without camera, describe it.

Describe the rhythm of a mode of transport that most aids in you being mindful.

Name a value, spiritual or philosophical, that you feel your own culture could benefit from being more like.

Describe a time when you most enjoyed the sounds around you as you slept.

What has travel helped you appreciate about your own country?

What arises your curiosity and in what way does travel contribute to this?

Name a favorite hiding spot for valuables when you travel (safes don’t count).

“People travel to faraway places to watch in fascination the kind of people they ignore at home.” Comment.

Where and what does exotic mean to you?

Where and when had you taken the road less traveled?

Where do you dream of going and yet doubt you will ever get to visit?


I look forward to you sharing you reaction to these questions and any answers you want to tell me about in return email.

Ciao for now my friends and family, a presto


(Today I took a minute of silence to remember the events in years past on Sept 11th and the event that rocked our world)



I had a great sleep last night and woke up early to watch us sail in to Copenhagen, Denmark. This being our second last port of call on the Baltic cruise. Tomorrow is Skagen and the first time this ship will have stopped there, ever. I am hopeful it is like Warnemunde a bit. After that one more sea day and formal night … Then off to London to explore there!

Copenhagen is a large city, one and half million inhabitants. Famed for the bronze statue of the Little Mermaid sitting, waiting, on a rock in the harbour built in 1913. People have been photographing for years this small but significant statue as a symbol of Copenhagen. Much like Christ the Redeemer in Rio and leaning tower in Pisa, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Great Wall in China. Hans Christian Anderson wrote about this tragic little heroine and other children’s stories.

There are royal palaces a plenty to check out. We plan to catch the green Hop On bus and ride the route with Glen and Maggie. We are told it is a clean and neat city and the center of political and economic life for this country. It was a Viking settlement in 1100’s, and is the largest of 474 Danish islands and is located on the east coast of Zealand. Apparently many pedestrian only areas in the city to be explored.

A mile long stretch of city between the Town Hall Square and the Royal Theatre invites shoppers as well as those, like us, looking to have a bevy and maybe even a rest between pub stops as we watch and spend time with the local people we encounter. Many restored 18th century buildings can be seen and enjoyed in this city area. There is a National Museum and a Planetarium, various cathedrals and churches dating way back.

Tivoli Gardens are world famous 22 square block and opened in 1843. Boasting also of an amusement park and various shows and rides every day.

Home of Carlsburg and Tuborg beers is here in Copenhagen and their regional drink includes Schnapps aka Aquavit, and Cherry Heering, a rich liquor.

Time to head out for the day, I hope to have wifi on the bus, to send warm wishes to you all from Denmark.

I trust your days are filled with joy.

Wish you were here, with love,


Blog in a Blur, Warnemunde Germany

Blog in a blur … It’s the schnapps!

Highlight of the trip! Quaint little beach town of Warnemunde, Germany. Wow … We walked through the cobblestones to the gorgeous vast sandy beach and watched ocean waves. Lighthouses marking the way, the town pension, small hotel type places… Wow, the style of homes in Germany does not disappoint here.

Walked sandy beach, enjoyed sea birds and feel of sand in my toes, and the sweet sound of waes coming and going. We walked a sea wall out to a lighthouse where the waves crash on the sharp rocks. It seems that not long ago the water left behind sea weed evidence of a windy storm. Perhaps last evening?

Kites dancing in the wind high above the beach and small one person sail boats daring to frolic in the sea swells. Larger sail boat heads out with aid of motor and incoming ferry boats. Busy port

So picturesque. I am in love with this place.

And now for some shopping along the boardwalk. Old ships converted to restaurant and cafes on the water side, clothes and other type shops on the other .. Yeah!

Stopped for Prosecco for me mixed with a local not sweet orange liquor, as a frizzy drink, cocktail, Aperol, and beer for my travel companions. First one of the day …. We plan to taste beer and Prosecco all day as I shop. Ha ha …. Glen and Maggie join us and the four sisters drop by as well …. So fun.

And now to stop number two, again we have seen most of the gals and Glen from our table on the ship. Dark beer, local light beer and I have a similar drink, Aperol and Prosecco. Sea gulls, shops on ships, cruisers everywhere, and other tourists. Joanne and I order some pommes frites, French fries … And they are very good, extra ketchup. We have schnapps at this stop … Shared :).

Oh my, this is a favorite stop so far… I could come back here.

Third stop … We have walked the town, purchased schnapps and Prosecco at grocery store and Jan is going to walk up the lighthouse for the view from there. I have a piccolo bottle of medium dry Prosecco, called Momentum by Trocken. Very pleasant. And we are waiting for Jan, she won’t be long.

This has been my favorite port of call this far, small ocean town with large sandy beach, great shopping and many little pubs dotting the boardwalk. I would like to return here and to any place similar.

Jan returns…. We prepare to return to the ship.

Wish you were here ….. Signing out from Warnemunde Germany.


Sea day to Germany

Warnemunde is the next port of call. Today the sun is bright with some clouds. A bit cool to lay out by the pool unless hot tubbing is more the goal.

Breakfast, rest and relax, walk around, exploring the library, and enjoying the beautiful lounges. There was a Russian Bazarre today in the Queens Room and I stayed on the next floor and looked down watching the shopping activity as people were picking through the stacking dolls, decorated intricate eggs shaped into earrings, pendants and even ornaments, fabric items for the household, t shirts, and vodka! And of course finger foods for people to enjoy as they shop!

And then time for lunch … Time always to eat again. Lol. Seafood extravaganza at lunch today, with some salad.

Tonight is another formal night, Victorian theme. And tomorrow some quiet strolling through the beach coastal town of Warnemunde Germany.

Ciao for now.
