Baa Ha Ba, ME. (Bar Harbor, Maine)

Bar Harbor was yesterday.
Good morning dear blog. Yesterday was spent in slow exploration and walking through the lovely quaint little town (approx 5,000 pop) of Bar Harbor, Maine (ME is the abbreviation of the state). Lots of unique individual shops up and down the streets.  
Lots of plays on words with Tshirts and hats, coasters and bags …. I heart ME, and Baa Ha Ba with pictures of sheep in a field, (making reference to how no one speaks the letter ‘r’ here) and so on. Cute and clever use of the language and including the sea coast in the nautical themed souvenirs.  
At times there were 7 of us walking around together, and at the last there was only two. A few took flight on a bi plane, and more just wandered back to the tender platform to return to the ship.
It started out so foggy and by noon with hot sunshine. We ate Mexican food mid day and margaritas. I found a quilt shop. There was a lovely park, home made ice cream and fudge. Lobster served however people like it …. it is a fishing village turned tourist area.  
The day was relaxing and the town a pleasure.
We came back on the ship, enjoyed the pool area, an enrichment talk about Halifax, and dining with the cruise agent on board the Insignia. There were 11 of us guests gathered, invited and with name tags :). Dinner and the service was fabulous, the company, conversation and wine were fabulous. GREAT day!!

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