24 Dubrovnik


24 entry of the Great Greek Awdventure

Dubrovnik was a very large shopping mall located within very high fortress walls and the shops are found down twisty alley ways.  Interesting day!
We took a complimentary Cunard shuttle to the old city and wandered for a few hours through the old city.  The first little shop we encountered that attracted our interest was a silver smith.  A shop packed full of little bobbles made of 925 silver.  Some oval, some round, some solid and some more decorative.  We spoke to the owner, a nice elderly man that took the time to try to speak English and explain the significance of these buttons from traditional dress.  Made into earrings and pendants a variety of large and small.  We considered the information and thanked him for his time.  We walked out.
We visited a few other shops along the sidewalk, and noticed that the other shops did not seem as quaint or organized so decided to return to chat with him about price.  In Croatia the currency was not written in euros but Kronos and had to be calculated in euros for tourists.  We selected some we liked and he weighed out the silver and the did the calculations and took off several euros to the price quoted.  The more we asked, the more he reduced the price.  Penny made a purchase for herself and generously also purchased a pendant for me.  So lovely and a great momento for our time on this vacation. 
We wandered around in awe, shopped for souvenirs for grandsons, including a flag and sticker for my suitcase.  I noticed the small country dolls dressed in traditional garb just like from when I was young and living in Germany and collecting dolls from Holland.  I told Penny the story.
We stumbled on an outdoor market with fresh fruits and veggies and Penny sampled the Grappa, bought none.
We stopped and had a beverage and signed on to free wifi.  We took many pictures of the quaint high buildings, marveled at the laundry hanging from windows.  We did not walk the wall, but did check out the large central square area and I noticed the date, 6 December 1991 when the destruction had taken place of the old city.  December 6 is a memorable date in Canada for the memorial of the Montreal Massacre, and annual day of remembrance of violence against women.  I had just told Penny about how influential that event and date had had on my life –  just a day or two ago.  How very strange for the date to be the same!  Goose bumps on my arms and. Funny tingling feeling on the back of my neck as I noticed and took a picture of the date.  I wonder …
After some more exploring of the fortress, we found our way back through the maze of alley ways to the entrance of the fort and encountered a troubadour.  He was playing enchanting music and seemed very talented and musical.  Penny made a purchase of his CDs.  It seemed the day was unseasonably warm still and we got to enjoy the heat of the day once more.  I have so enjoyed the Mediterranean sun this trip.   We seem to be getting some tans!
Feeling quite satisfied and complete with Croatia, we walked along the outside of the wall until we found our Cunard shuttle and returned to the ship.  As the time had changed, we found ourselves back on board early for our wine tasting so tried to nap.  Resting for about an hour and then we began packing suitcases and sorting papers.  Talking of highlights and throwing away anything unnecessary that would add weight to our suitcases.
Wine tasting was superb.  Three Chardonnay wines, beginning with the lightest to the heavier and fruitier variety, we moved about from one sommelier to the next.  Then two red wines and accompanied with cheeses and fruit to cleans the palate.  There was an orange colored blue cheese variety that was probably the best blue cheese I have ever had.  Unexpected delight.  The red wines were outstanding and very enjoyable.  This all took about an hour or so and we learned a bit.
Back to our room, taking more pictures, we gathered our iPads and headed out to photograph the ship.  Early embarkation and we showered and prepared for the last formal night of the cruise.  We also have a date to meet the captain at 745 after dinner.  So we celebrated with the last of our wine from Katakolon.  Finishing off the last white and part bottle of red before bed time.  All in all a lovely day and evening.  We have really enjoyed our dinner mates and exchanged emails and stories of the day.
Wish you were here, 
Love from Queen Elizabeth ship …

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