Azamazing Evening in Spain

Azamazing Evening 5 November 2015, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Classical concert at La Seu Cathedral. The guests on board Azamara Journey who signed up in advance, revelled in the splendid musical culture of this location. The venue is one of the largest cathedrals in Europe and it is Gothic style Roman Catholic cathedral built over an Arab Mosque. Choral singers performed gospel numbers, accompanied by the pipe organ.
The singers lined the sides of the cathedral, next to the guests seated … and they began their song. Fantastic acoustic music surrounded the guests and filled every square inch of the space. Rich musical tones from the huge pipe organ fill the air. The seats, benches, pews are filled with guests of the Azamara Journey.  
Gaudi influence was one of the surprises of the evening. He designed and created the alter area in the cathedral. It is almost Disney-like … little lights resting in what appears to be little boats with umbrellas up top, hanging from strings. Hundreds of wheat grasses are placed along the alter as well as bunches of grapes – depicting the blood and body of Christ. A large magic carpet …. and of course a crucifix, stylized and out of glass and colour. This alter hangs huge from the ceiling. It fills the space and is certainly unique in any Cathedral I have ever seen.
A more recent artist has also created a separate area to the right of the alter area, separate but still part of the large church. It was an underwater sea collage, almost like a cave … made of clay and colour – fish, and all manner of sea creatures. Three dimensional showing colours and textures of what an underwater cave might be like. Very modern, and a bit abstract like. I have some pictures.  
On the left side of the main alter is a Baroque area, dark wood, gold leaf, painted murals. It looked like what one would expect to find in a Cathedral on the walls.  
Our guide explained that during each time when these additions were made, some people embraced the new changes – some don’t. Not so different about any art contribution, I suppose.  

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