Day 2. South Africa on drive to Kruger NP

It’s about 6 am outside the Airport Game Lodge watching the large orange ball of the sun rise in the distance. We are gathering at the bus heading out 615 in the morning heavy traffic outside of Johannesburg it’ll pass and then will be on less travelled roads.

We had breakfast this morning of eggs, fruit, yogurt and beans for me. Refilled water bottles, dropped off room keys by 5:30 am, ready, bags packed at the van by 10 to 6.  We are running a little bit behind but it’s anticipated to be a 12 hour travel day , certainly not all the roads are going to be like highway. I will keep on reporting as we move through the day.


It’s after lunch now and we’re back on the road. We’re off the big toll highway. In South Africa the main highway is 3000 km long.  

We had a beautiful lunch in the outdoor seating area and we’re served food in the shade of a tree.  It is very scenic. 

Now we’re on the road with first real significant wildlife sighting a bunch (Google says it is a Congress) of baboons just ran across the road. Some look like they had little baboons on their backs and they ran fast so no picture.  Probably a dozen or 20 of them.  

It’s about 2 o’clock in the afternoon and we’ve been on the road since 6 o’clock this morning with 4 stops so far, mostly driving.

Our guide François was telling us about a tree called the upside down tree, Baobab.  It looks like the roots are sticking out above the ground and the story is that when God created the Earth, he gave each animal an opportunity to plant a particular kind of tree. Which one of the monkeys – chose to plant that tree upside down. 

A lot of very interesting looking trees – very different than we would have back home. Some beautiful trees here in Africa, many of them have nests.  

There are some shacks along the side of the road made out of tin and a lot of poor people, or workers who are here from elsewhere – Other countries that come here to work – stay in rent one of those little shacks, and then they send all their money that they make back home.  

We have arrived at Awelani Lodge where we will stay two nights.  A lot of the gals have requested their own rooms so there is a bit of a shuffle.  We are shown our accommodations- Manon and I have tent number 8. Very adequate, private,quiet.  I head for a swim in the pool.  After – a nice shower and get to know the geiko that lives atop the bathroom door … we call him George!  Later we spy a large rain spider … if it is down on floor it is not going to rain … but our spider is on the roof above my bed …. Francois came and escorted it out the door using our cup and saucer.  

We had happy hour and off to dinner with the group.  Now back in our tent.  Early morning safari walk then afternoon safari drive …. For now … good night George.  Good night my family and friends.  More tomorrow

One comment on “Day 2. South Africa on drive to Kruger NP

  1. Wonderful, wonderful. Your discussion about the baboons brought back memories for me of someone leaving the door to their room open only to have baboons raiding the room while the man was using the bathroom. Then when he came back into the room, the baboons ran shrieking out the door. It was hilarious. Keep your door shut…lol!

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