Dancing and delights

Mrs MacDonald

What a laugh.  What fun.  Dancing rumba …. Steve has decided it is easier to stand still and wiggle a bit while I dance around him on this particular dance.  It seems all dance instructors have a little different way about them.  some of the footwork is complicated.

We have enjoyed the dancing every day for an hour in groups.  The time is being changed mid day, so it is just after 11 am going on one pm.  Time to eat again! We have met some great people on this ocean liner.  Many who have traveled extensively with Cunard before.  Last night my faithful maitre d asked a question, and called Steve Mr MacDonald.  We had a chuckle.  Society has a habit of seeing a couple with the same last name.

The wind outside is howling and as we step outside on the sheltered balcony, into the sunshine, a breath of fresh air enters our beautiful stateroom.

We have breakfast in the dining room usually, the coffee is better, says Steve and the table service is nice.  Lunch is fast in the buffet and the salad bars are plentiful.  Fresh water is great there, and keeping hydrated is a very good idea.

I got a book out of the library on operating the iPad to see if there are some tips I can learn.  Ice bucket is ready in our room for champagne tonight.  We also have cocktail party with the Captain again tonight, we were there last night and another night as well.  

Tonight is the Ascot Ball, and I have learned it is all about the hat.  Of course, I am here without my lovely hats.  I wish I had known and I would have brought my white silk hat with colored flowers or one of my large floppy hats to decorate.  At 5 pm I might be able to decorate something?  Maybe I can wear Steve’s and add a bow?

We have our shore excursion tickets to Stone Henge, and transfer information to get our bags on the Queen Victoria for the cruise back to New York.

That is all for now.  Captain’s message at noon …. Just happening now.

Today is a special birthday for Queen Mary 2.  Nine years ago today it was named by Queen Elizabeth of England.  Another reason to celebrate this day.

Ciao and I hope you are having a great sunny day of celebration wherever you are.

Love Pam 

Best wishes

Good morning and happy birthday to Elvis

It is stunningly beautiful to have a balcony stateroom while out on the wild ocean, sunshine so bright that it makes the world a very happy place.  The water is alive with sparkles. 

Much like walking on cobblestones of yesteryear, there is a magic of being out on the ocean and surrounded by nothing but nature and times past.  There is familiarity of seeing the ocean on the horizon, however also awareness of the vast time and space of days gone by.  We are moving at a good speed and the waves are soothing and gently rock me to sleep.  Perhaps it has the affect on everyone who enjoys the sensation of nature contributing the movement.  

Today I am conscious of the anniversary of the day my father passed out of this world.  I remember clearly that early morning departure, and the days, weeks and years of him in my life.  I have enjoyed a wonderful history with him.  I reflect on many life stories on this day and am so grateful for the experiences.  

Also today I celebrate my own life, and think about my mother, my age and birthdays past.  Truly this is a day of reflection.  One more full sea day so today will stand out as a special day of family memories.  Again, I am so grateful I selected this way to spend this day: out at sea holding in my heart these happy memories.  

I anticipate my life may be half over, should I live to to be a healthy old age.  I expect with all the learning I have had in this first half I will contribute even more in my next segment of life.  I am an elder now, and enjoy some wisdom.  It seems to be coming faster to me and I love to share it freely.  

It is curious to me that the learning was always available to me and many have taken the lessons before me.  We all have access to the potential in the world, I am intrigued at how our filters keep us in the dark.

Going on as a lighthouse, a beacon of wisdom to share, as well as to receive in order for my little light to shine.  I never know how my presence is felt by others, and how important I may be in the life of someone else.

I am knowing in my heart the impact others have made on my life.

In gratitude today, as I reflect, and in anticipation for all the tomorrow’s we will share as we journey on with linked arms.  I am content and happy.  I am excited and positive.

Ciao to all on this special day, you know who you are.

With love Pam 

Another sea day

Post 5

Many fiercely loyal passengers sail on Cunard liners.  I have been told the Queen Mary 2 is not to be called a cruise ship, but rather an ocean liner.  There is some prestige in it,  I guess.  Many people use the transatlantic crossings to come to visit family in the US and Canada, and to go home to England, preferring this transportation to flying.

There are 50 or so passengers sailing on this segment that will join us on the return on Queen Victoria.  A fair number are on the last leg of their long cruise, and some just starting out on a four month journey at sea.  Wow, what must that be like?

During the day there are so many options that it is physically impossible to attend even all the ones I like.  Starting with walks around the deck, crossword puzzles, trivia 3 times a day, bridge playing and lessons, sports activities, insight lectures about ships, history, the Royal family, art, casino instruction, health and fitness tips, flower arranging, water color painting, writing workshops, golf tournaments, acupuncture, martini mixing, wine tasting, food carving, and so much more; even a chef.s workshop and tour of the common areas of the ship.

Tonight there was two showings of the opera Madam Butterfly in 3 D.  There is two presentations with David Copperfield.  There are dancing options every night including ballroom and a jazz club.  Piano lounge, singers, pianist, dj, Latin dancing, and a big band ball.

There is a cover over the pool and hot tubs so that passengers can enjoy that pleasure while cruising.  The movies are different every day.  There are actors and actresses on board who get interviewed.  Tonight is also a special James Bond event in the casino.  

Dining venues are plenty as well, with international featured cuisine every night, as well as a late night buffet.  The library is beautiful.

Today salsa dancing was the lesson, and the gym is open for those wanting to exercise the body.  

Off the ship are helpful Cunard extras such as storing baggage in Southampton for up to 30 days.  

Third day at sea

Post 4 third Day at sea

Routine is starting to set in.  The hours are less, we change our clocks at noon.  It immediately skips the first hour to one pm.  Yesterday this happened and I had been to water color painting class in the morning, 10 am to noon.  I left the class early so that Steve and I could partake in the delightful tango dance lesson.  

Then it was one o’clock.  We grabbed a quick buffet lunch and then got tickets for the planetarium show.  It was hosted by Tom Hanks and lasted 25 minutes on the universe.  There was repeated times for the show.  And no tickets left.  At 9 am people go pick them up on deck 1.  The seats in the planetarium recline and with the subtle rocking of the ship, it is tempting to doze off.

There are many shows and events, and at least three different enrichment opportunities with guest speakers.  I have not made it to any of them yet, but our lovely dinner guests have attended and give us the abbreviated version at dinner time.  

Table for 8 with one American couple, two from England and us.  All very educated, well dressed and wonderfully kind.  It is such a delightful group.  Then we are the last people in the Brittania restaurant and go directly to the show in the Royal Theatre.  

Two nights ago we danced and enjoyed the formal black and white ball.  Last night we attended the Captains welcome cocktail party and we had an earlier evening and came back after the show.  Today the seas are a bit rougher.  We had to give up another hour at noon and I only attended half a painting class.  

In the evening we select the activities for the next day, many. Cha cha the first day, tango day 2 and today salsa dancing was on the menu.  

The captain warned of a bit rougher seas, and advised us that the water is warmer than the air outside.  There is a bit of snow on the promenade of the ship from this morning.  It seems strange to me to see snow way out at sea.  This is my first cruise in winter in colder parts of the globe.  

First sea day North Atlantic

Post 3′ the first sea day. 

We had a lovely evening eating, checking out the ship, had a lovely bottle of red wine from Chile, Mapu Reserva, Carmenere, Baron Phillippe de Rothschild, Maipo Valley.  Lots of names for a lovely red recommended by our server.  We did not yet have our complimentary champagne from the captain.  Perhaps tonight.

We did some walking outside in the crisp night air and took pictures of the Statue of Liberty and the lights of the city, including the Empire State building.  We sailed under the Brooklyn bridge, which we also enjoyed.

Then a wee snack, I had the best tiny little meringue with caramel and some topping, gluten free of course, and a piece of wheat less dark chocolate cake.  It was one piece of cake too much.

I will stay away from such rich stuff tonight.  

Having a fabulous balcony makes the sights and light from the ocean entertaining.  

This morning egg white omelet and some mushrooms, grilled tomato.

Just now we did our immigration for the United Kingdom.  Prior to that, a walk around to see Illuminations and log on to Internet.  I had a cup of peppermint tea and am preparing to head to the watercolor painting class.  I have 2 two hour sessions of painting today and more tomorrow I hear.  I am told it is not everyday.  We also have cha cha lessons later today and prepare for formal night and black and white ball this evening.

Well, off to my class now.  I hope all is well with you.

With love, from my sea adventure,


Ps.  For those curious to know, the seas are good, little white caps shining in bright sun.  It is breathtaking really.  Wish you were here to see it (sea it). Xox

iPhone technology for travel

Ok … I just have to say what a delight it is to travel with the right tools!  

iPhone for texting, checking mail in airports, checking the time, and instant message on Skype, and Facebook check in.  Wow.  Second to my iPad.  I love the iPad.  I even would love a mini one, just so I can keep buying them.  

iPad takes phenomenal pictures, I write my blog in Evernote and then copy and paste to the WordPress site.  I can Skype with grandsons, and instant message on Skype with friends, letting people know how I am doing.

And they are charging now, as I snuggle in for the night to enjoy my kobo ereader.  I have read a few great books today.  One really spoke to me, Reprogram your subconscious – use the power of your mind to get everything you want by Kelly Wallace.  

Great ereader on the iPad for kindle kobo and audible.  When did I become so techie?  I don’t remember but I sure love it.

Friendly skies of Alaska

Blog 2. The friendly skies of Alaska

Well, I am not in Alaska, or near Alaska or even going in the direction of Alaska. I am flying AlaskaAir.

What is noteworthy is the price and convenience of flying from YYJ. The timing was perfect for the flight and I thank my travel partners at Western Vacations for assisting me to find this great deal. No television, no movies, just the sweet roar of the power as this safe plane traverses the country and takes me to the east coast.

The luggage checked costs extra. Somehow it makes me feel like it will arrive when I do. One checked bag each and a carry on we checked coming on the plane in order to get priority seating. We were early in the line today at the airport and secured leg room and exit row seats. Ok. Really, that is all it takes for me to be a very happy customer!

But there is more. The snacks are extra, from a menu of hot and not so hot items for purchase. But wait … What is this? Gluten free vegan menu item. Yes Lori, we could eat the same thing! Wish you were here to enjoy the moment.

It is by far the BEST snack ever served to me. Lovely multigrain crackers, hummus, green olives. ( yes Sheena, I got the tasty bag all to myself). Almonds, dried apricots and apples, and a very lovely square of dark chocolate for dessert. I devoured the treats and savored each precious bite. I could not wait to write this blog entry to tell you all about it!

Enjoying a disposable glass of red wine, also quite tasty and perfect compliment to my snack.

Food will be delightful on this trip. New York must offer gastronomical delights? For those of you who have been here before, send me your suggestions for eats in the Manhattan Times Square district for my few days in New York later this month.

In a New York mInute we will be landing. I am so grateful for this trip, the book I am reading about changing my subconscious and my future, and for my traveling companions with me and at home.

This will be, and in some ways already is, another trip of a lifetime. Bucket list travel is to be savored and recorded, shared and told as stories.

Thanks for listening, and reading and being in my corner. You know who you are!

With love

Pam, Mom, Grammie, friend

Ps.  Some of you have been following my tale of the black cashmere coat. When I lost 75 pounds a few years ago, I did not replace my over coats. I live is beautiful Victoria where the weather is mild and heavy winter coats are only needed a day or two a year, or for travel. Many travels take me to warmer climates so I did not need to get a new coat. My dear friend Pat loaned me a fabulous black coat while I searched. I found and purchased a long black stunningly beautiful coat for this trip from Long Tall Sally on line, and then took a day trip with friend Deb, to pick it up. I feel dressed up and very warm in this once in a lifetime purchase. Pictures to follow!

Day of departure … Flights

Day of departure.. Flights

On my way to exciting New York and another adventure at sea. With my partner this time. Often I am accepting and arranging travel deals with women, friends and family to places far and wide. This time I am on a love adventure!

Celebrating myself and my birthday, the anniversary of my fathers life and my eligibility for retirement. I suppose maybe even celebrating being Capricorn and the birthday of that famous hunk of burning love, Elvis. There is always something to celebrate! Even if it is to enjoy another vacation or explore the Big Apple. I want to attend broadway shows and walk the streets of that famous city that never sleeps.

We flew from Victoria at a nice civilized time, not too early and we arrived at the airport in plenty of time. I had booked the flights some months ago and the cruise even before I had been to Greece in the fall.

I want to sail with Cunard, the legendary ships, across the mighty Atlantic Ocean. I want to experience the sea days, dancing, meeting new people and painting. Writing is also on my list and I will write daily.

We left in the beautiful sunshine and arrived in Seattle while the blue skies were still out the window of the plane. A few hour layover and now, flying high above the central United States, in darkness with smooth flight toward Newark New Jersey airport. We gain time and will arrive for a comfy sleep in a lovely airport hotel to rest up for tomorrow. I hope they have Internet so I can get this first leg of the journey up for my followers including faithful family and friends.

It is a bittersweet season, and I had a few tears in the airport as I said good bye for a few weeks from my lovely adult daughters and my mother on the east coast. I feel them near to me in heart and distant in geography. Perhaps when they read the blog they will feel the love through my words tonight.

Friends, family, loved ones and strangers, I bid you an awesome new year with your own special celebrations to enjoy.

With love, on the road again,


Authenticity from Exploration

What is at the top of the mountain?  Who is at the core of our being?  What is my special purpose? 

The answer to these questions becomes the goal;  keeping an eye on it, as I take steps ever on my journey.

I have learned that I have to taste from the buffet of life to find the meaning and destination I seek.  I need to be open to possibilities and then not give up.  I stay awake and as mindful as possible on the road I travel.

Travel is the path I take, the vehicle I drive in, in order to find the direction of my next step.  Travel with someone I love dearly? Travel alone? Take the path less traveled?  Get on the biggest ship at sea?  Stand in line to meet new friends? Sit in a quiet space and wait for what might happen next?  Walk on cobblestones of age?  Travel by plane for 9 plus hours surrounded by others transversing the globe?  Lay in the hot sun on a sandy beach almost naked to the elements? Dress in my favorite formal gown at sea in north Atlantic in January?