Day of departure … Flights

Day of departure.. Flights

On my way to exciting New York and another adventure at sea. With my partner this time. Often I am accepting and arranging travel deals with women, friends and family to places far and wide. This time I am on a love adventure!

Celebrating myself and my birthday, the anniversary of my fathers life and my eligibility for retirement. I suppose maybe even celebrating being Capricorn and the birthday of that famous hunk of burning love, Elvis. There is always something to celebrate! Even if it is to enjoy another vacation or explore the Big Apple. I want to attend broadway shows and walk the streets of that famous city that never sleeps.

We flew from Victoria at a nice civilized time, not too early and we arrived at the airport in plenty of time. I had booked the flights some months ago and the cruise even before I had been to Greece in the fall.

I want to sail with Cunard, the legendary ships, across the mighty Atlantic Ocean. I want to experience the sea days, dancing, meeting new people and painting. Writing is also on my list and I will write daily.

We left in the beautiful sunshine and arrived in Seattle while the blue skies were still out the window of the plane. A few hour layover and now, flying high above the central United States, in darkness with smooth flight toward Newark New Jersey airport. We gain time and will arrive for a comfy sleep in a lovely airport hotel to rest up for tomorrow. I hope they have Internet so I can get this first leg of the journey up for my followers including faithful family and friends.

It is a bittersweet season, and I had a few tears in the airport as I said good bye for a few weeks from my lovely adult daughters and my mother on the east coast. I feel them near to me in heart and distant in geography. Perhaps when they read the blog they will feel the love through my words tonight.

Friends, family, loved ones and strangers, I bid you an awesome new year with your own special celebrations to enjoy.

With love, on the road again,


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