Clothes and Mindfulness

Clothes and mindfulness

Hi there, I take a look around the airport, seeking fashion advice. I notice a woman my age, wearing my lulu jacket. Ok. It is not mine, because mine is rolled nicely in a ball in my carry on.

I carry lulu in my in my bag rather than checking it in my luggage. I also wear layers of Lu Lu when travelling. Lu Lu is my staple travel wardrobe because the sleeves are long enough, the leg length is always perfect and the fit is body flattering and comfortable. A great product and I am always grateful for my daughters for introducing me to lulu long ago, as now she is an old dear friend.

I go to a last minute washroom stop and see another very well dressed stylish woman my age donned in lulu pants, also that I own. Do I only notice Lu Lu lemon clothes or is that all there is?

On the plane now, enjoying a few glasses of room temperature water while others are enjoying coffee, soft drinks and goodies, not gluten free. I am listening to my iPhone audible book on mindfulness, with Sylvia Boorstein. She makes it sound so easy and everyday.

I have been on silent retreats, I am happy to recall, and remember how the energies arise and pass. So often the mind wants to tell a story about how the energy came to be or what to do with it next. If I can just be with the restlessness of the energy then it will pass, it always does. Falling in love, excitement, irritation, and awe…. Wave upon wave.

The sun is bright out my window as the plane flies over the Rockies and heads toward Toronto. I will have a few hours to practice in the airport waiting for the next leg of the journey taking me to Nova Scotia and in some ways, home.

Home is where my mom is and also where I was born. Home is where my early memories of returning on special occasions such as summer holidays to spend time in the arms of my extended family. Now my brother and mother live in Nova Scotia and I live on Vancouver Island at the other end of this vast country. Now my home is where my children live, and where my life is with Steve. Home is where I feel love and safety. It has never really been about geography for me. I have been in transition all my life, moving about.

I am experiencing a sensation and I will call it the joy of flying. If I sit with that feeling and energy it will shift to another and another. If I must name it, let it be love and positive language.

Thanks for listening, reading and travelling with me. I am on my way!

With love


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