Barcelona and Spectre too

Barcelona, a day and Spectre too
Hello there and welcome to Barcelona. My second time here this year and I was also here for about 3 – 4 days in 2010 before my first Oceania cruise to Rio de Janeiro Brazil from this very port, this very spot where the Azamara Journey is sitting. We are ported at the end of La Rambla.
Off for a start of the day for a walk up La Rambla in search of a suitcase to replace my broken carry on from the trip to France in early October. I find one, and walk it back to the ship. Lunch in the buffet and a sweet glass of white wine. It is hot already in Barcelona today, likely 25 degrees with very blue cloudless sky and hot sun shining down.
The walk way in the center of La Rambla is lined on both sides with my new favourite plane trees – sycamore I believe! Wow! I have missed the trees since leaving the villa. I take a few pictures and feel I am among friends. I do remember that there are warnings for pick pockets in this area so I am alert and have taken precautions. I can now enjoy the day.
Out to stroll and wanting to see the whole street, Jane and I walk to the end. On the way we stop in Desigual store – my friend Debbie’s favourite and Jane had never heard of it. Happy to introduce her to the happiness and joy of the bright coloured and fun clothes and bags, scarves and accessories for adults and children.  
I spy the full size poster of Daniel Craig advertising the release of the new James Bond 007 movie, Spectre in Barcelona cinema’s on 6 November. Jane has indicated an interest in seeing this film since I first saw the poster with her in Nice before the cruise. In France it was not out until after 11 November, we were told at the hotel Goldstar. Spain apparently is not the same.  
Deciding this is a sign to find a theatre in the downtown area where we are, we take a moment, stop and pause and look around. Standing at the end, or the beginning of the La Rambla, in the large circle that exists … we pause to look for any clue as to where to start looking. I see at least 4 Desigual stores within one block! And we see what looks like a shopping mall – so we head in that direction. I search out a list of stores in the mall and find on second floor a “Cinema” sign. Ah- ha! We take the escalator and find ourselves in a store called Cinema … a kind of high tech store selling iphones and technical stuff. Although no free weefee, as it is called here in this part of the world, we find some imac computers that give us quick limited access to google and the search begins.
We end up asking for assistance and get directions to the nearest theatre. The gal who assists us apologizes that the movie will be in English with Spanish subtitles. Ha ha … perfect!
With photo picture of the map we find the theatre in time to get the first seats, some bland popcorn with salt only and a few bottles of water. We watch the film.
And it was dark when the film was out and we walked very briskly enjoying the sights and lights of La Rambla at night. Fenomenal, as the subtitles said many times in the movie! It was a delightful day and evening in Barcelona. I look forward to my next adventure there.
Back on board the Azamara Journey I do some last minute preparations for early departure to the airport. I am on my way home.
Completely satisfied with the fabulous villa stay and cruise that I enjoyed for the past six weeks or so.

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