Dec 3 2010 We arrive in sunshine to Barcelona


Dec 3, 2010 Barcelona is all worth the wait

Hi loved ones. I am pleased to report we have arrived and have eaten, checked into our fabulous room at the Raco Del Pi in a fabulous area of Barcelona.

We were back at the airport this early morning, got boarding passes, did some shopping, ate an interesting breakfast in a bar / restaurant after the security portion at the airport at Heathrow. There is much to say about our short and eventful and exasperating adventure in London, however, I choose to focus on the positives.

Arriving into Barcelona by air … stunning scenery, brilliant blue sky and bright bright sunshine. It took my breath away … Mediterranean Sea, fabulous snow topped mountains, buildings on steep slopes (just like in the art work depicting this part of the world), vineyards and other lushness. Stunning. Spectacular. Arriving at high noon was certainly the way to see the area and be inspired by the brilliance and beauty that is Barcelona.

Sarah was there to greet us – downside, only one of my mother’s bags arrived. . We took the shuttle bus down town and gawked at the architecture the whole way. Wow! We walked about 10 minutes pulling our luggage down a small but beautiful street, and nestled next door to a lovely shop is Raco Del Pi. Quaint and clean, this hotel is not a disappointment. We sorted out sleeping arrangements and headed out for a walk about. A quick bottle of rosee was passed around and off we went to explore cathedrals and stone walk ways. Little shops and large boutiques, peppered with small cafe type restaurants. Folks on bicycles zipped by and up alleys that look so intriguing. If I was there alone I would be lost for sure. Amazing history and stories held within the high and decorative walls. Balconies overhang.

We had tapas and sangria for dinner including the most amazing flavors of lemon and chocolate gelato with whipped cream and rich dark chocolate sauce. I would not have ordered it but also could not stop eating it. Flavors filled my mouth. My tongue tingled with sensations of flavor maybe never so titillated before. I can close my eyes and taste again and again the fabulous richness and sensory overload.

Home to our room, exhausted from 3 days of travel, not great gastronomical experiences, up to tonight – time to fall into deep slumber and dream of what tomorrow brings. If the food experiences continue, I will be very glad for my LuLu stretchy pants for comfort. Amazing that the delights in food were here all the time. Now this is a vacation!!

love to all – Oh and ran into Sian at the airport in London this morning and she flew to Barcelona with us, in fact sat right behind us. So I know she is here – her baggage lost somewhere in New York perhaps?? I guess that is the real meaning of lost …. who knows where the bags will surface.

Time to dream of church bells and gelato. “Beautiful, Wish you were here!”

One comment on “Dec 3 2010 We arrive in sunshine to Barcelona

  1. Marilyn says:

    Pam, it is so fun travelling with you virtually. Can’t wait to do it physically. You are great at description, I could really taste the food and hear the sounds of the city. Keep sharing, I’m hooked.

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