SOUTH INDIA, three days to relax

The South of India: refreshed
Hello dear ones, 
Tonight we join the second and last tour of the great adventure to India for 2016.  
We are 7 women and the majority of the 11 people on the tour. Touring will be close by … Houseboat, backwaters tour, some walking and sight seeing, National Geographic tour experience of Kerala area of India. Spice markets, wetland conservation sights and beaches.  
The past three days have been relaxing, enjoying the heat and downtime. Getting to know my friend and travel buddy Sherry more, and enjoying Indian foods, shopping and culture in the South region.
Enjoying Ayurvedic spa experiences as well, interesting and safe. Accessing reputable and recommended spas. I enjoyed a facial accompanied by a full body massage with medicated oils, leaving me relaxed, tingly and with no wrinkles … At least for the night… Lol.

Last night for two hours we (Sherry was also at the spa) listened to chanting, singing and fireworks for the full time. Some local ceremony going on, they said Christian … Although I have never heard anything like it before in my life. Maybe they misunderstood the question? Ha ha
The people here are so kind and helpful that they say things and try to be helpful … But I never really know if they understood. My use of language and slang is more obvious in foreign countries!  
I feel generally much safer here than Delhi, the area we are in is cleaner and less populated. This is a tourist area of India for those who live in this country and for international tourists as well. About 35 degrees and this is their winter … Lol. Beaches are dirty but the surf is lovely and reminds me of happy times from childhood. Sandy beach, with little kiosk vendors for purchase of water, and cold pop. Most of the town and restaurants are dry … No alcohol can be consumed or purchased in public. Interesting ….
Personally I have had a dry trip anyway … I had champagne on the first leg of my Air France flight three weeks ago and then one evening shared a bottle of red wine at dinner with three of the gals so a glass each. That is it …. I am drinking several litres of water every day, even more if I can.  
It seems so much less expensive to be here than home. Twenty rupees for water is maybe 40 cents for a full litre. We can travel in a shared TukTuk for 50 rupees so less than twenty cents each …. For example.  
Ok … Must go get ready for the day. Glad I brought shakes for breakfast, as included foods are regular bread and eggs, neither of which I eat. So I am eating fruit and having veggies and lots of water all day and protein shakes and bars :). I am enjoying Indian food … Spicy and lots of vegetarian options.  
Namaste, they say here. The spirit in me honours the spirit in you.
It is with gratitude that I appreciate your presence in my life.
Pamela of India
Pamela MacDonald,

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