ATHENS, a few days in Greece

“Look.  It’s (a) OK – no problem!”

We disembarked the Oceania Marina today.  Taxi to the Parnon Hotel, dropped our bags and headed out for adventure.  Patros was our driver – and he apologized when there was traffic which slowed our ride.  He was talkative, answered questions and we enjoyed him.  He gave us his number for calling for our airport transfer on 6 May. 

Too early to get our room key so we stored our items at the Parnon Hotel and headed out walking.

We first walked through and around Plaka area, dropping in to a little cafe pub place for a light lunch.  It was not good and we miss the plentiful food on the ship already!!  Then we wandered and found the Acropolis, climbed up and up and up.  Beautiful sights.  Breathtaking view in the hot sunshine.  We enjoyed the sights and found our way home.  We asked for recommendations for an authentic eating experience.

AFLE says my friend:  “Another f-ing Learning Experience”

We found and ate authentic Greek (for locals)  at Kriti!! As recommended by our hotel service persons.  When I tried to order a Greek salad – the wait staff ‘suggested’ strongly that I have the special of the day …. ‘Would it be gluten free’ she responded “of course”! (As if I should know that – ha ha).  We were brave and ordered.  The dining was fine, the tastes fabulous and we left very happy and full.

We walked over 12 Kim’s through the day.

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