Good Morning Nova Scotia

Good morning dear blog and any readers, family and friends.  As you will recall this is a travel blog, and well, here I am – travelling!

What a difference a sleep makes!  I won’t go into details about it now, however it has been some weeks, maybe months without good sleep.  For a variety of reasons I have decided to take rest and try to restore here in Nova Scotia.

Arriving last evening in Halifax after flying all day from Victoria, BC.  Here in Atlantic provinces there is a requirement to self-isolate in quarantine when arriving from outside this region, for 14 days.  This is during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and affects different regions and countries all around the world.  I may write more about this during another blog post.  For now …. This is day 2 of my isolation, I believe.  I am not sick with the virus, which I am grateful for.  There will be frequent check-ins from the authorities to make sure I am quarantined where and when I have declared myself to be, stated in writing upon arrival at the airport.  

My mother and many of my family members live in Nova Scotia so I am hoping for some ‘home-time’ loving while I am here in much needed recuperation and healing.  Away from my work, my beautiful apartment in James Bay, Victoria BC which overlooks the ‘other’ ocean coastline and ready to BE (taking a break from do-ing).

Upon arrival last evening I did not have the energy or interest to explore or feel the gracious down-home hospitality arranged carefully for my arrival.  The fridge was stocked with wonderful foods, many local berries and produce.  This morning I am tasting some of the local fare, fresh local strawberries and blueberries.  I can’t remember the last time I have experienced these flavours and scents ….. wow!  Thanks mom!

It is four hours later here, and suits my natural time rhythms already.  A photo of my view today, and fresh fruit breakfast.  Tea is made and time to write in my journal.  

Stay tuned for more ‘Notes from Quarantine’ ….

4 comments on “Good Morning Nova Scotia

  1. Mary says:

    Wonderful to be greeted so lovingly. Your respite stop looks idealic, and the homegrown foods are something most of us can only dream of. Looking forward to your blogs.

  2. Mary says:

    It must have been wonderful to be greeted in such a loving way by your family.

    Your respite stop looks bucolic, and most of us can only dream of the homegrown foods you will be enjoying over the next few weeks.

    I’m looking forward to reading your blogs. You will make isolation look like an adventure.

  3. Rest, refresh, regroup with your family… wonderful my friend.! I’ll be looking forward to you “being”. ❤️

  4. Heather Amodeo says:

    Rest, relax, restore.

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