Rome 14 Nov 2019

14 November 2019: la bella Roma!

We started out the day with breakfast on the ship. We had a prearranged and pre-paid train transfer to Roma from Civitavecchia. Train dropped us at St Peters’ rail stop. The sun was out, blue sky for most of the day, we were prepared for rain.

Consulting the map provided, we calculated the ‘must see’ and roughly plotted the route. First priority was Spanish Steps. Not too many people in town, although two large cruise ships in port on either side of our 1200 passenger Oceania Marina. The view is spectacular as we climbed ever up, to the top. We purchased some artwork, contributing to the lifestyle of an artist.

I seldom ( never) get to spend quality time with my cousin, Tony. He contributed his Rome day to spending time with me. What a gift. He is considerate, kind, and fit. He and I walked for more than six hours covering some of my favourite Rome sights. Piazzas, cobblestone streets and alleys, seemingly leading nowhere, and then around the corner another spectacular sight.

Colosseum and forum, dodging all manner of Entrepeneurial men trying to get our attention and sell some idea or another … selfie stick, jewellery, roses, fast pass entrance tickets. We were polite and uninterested, even a bit annoyed at times with the extra attention garnered upon our blissful day.

We found some shops of unique interest, one selling pens and paper … particularly piqued my interest. I had a consult with a lovely shop woman who explained the type of fountain pen produced in Italy in my price range. Pink gold accent on flat black; classy and perfect. My search is over.

Swarovski bling store and Ray Ban sunglasses draw us in, no purchases there. At top of Spanish Steps we meet an artist that offers watercolor paint on top of prints with content of this fabulous city, giving magical accent to architectural basics.

We threw coins into the busy Trevi Fountain. We wandered through Pantheon, Piazza Navona and leisure walk along the River Tiber. Tree lined walkway.

Along the way we found a Lego shop. Fantastic creations with little plastic pieces. A whole wall of art, the Trevi fountain created with tiny LEGO pieces.

Campo de Fiori with food and flea market stalls, colorful and fun.

Back to Vatican City to meet our group, we stop for a beverage and enjoyed sharing a bottle of cold sparkling prosecco.

On the train now heading back to the ship. We will meet our peeps for dinner and early bed.

Tomorrow a day on private tour to lemon farm on beautiful Amalfi coast town of Sorrento. Our port stop is Naples so we will be in the vehicle for few hours, in anticipation on the way and satisfaction on the way back.

Ciao ciao,

Wish you were here,


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