Wedding Day

5- A new day dawns in Nova Scotia

20 July 2013, we wake to a sunny beautiful day in Lunenberg NS, Canada. My great ancestors, maybe great great great ancestors, arrived from the old country to this land, this place in 1753. Given a plot of land for signing on with militia or so the story goes, and the spelling of the surname is changed due to language differences and here we are.

I see the fabulous view out the window of the bay, the sea, and sailing boats in the harbour. I note a few family are downstairs on the outside deck having coffee. Not to miss a thing, we get dressed enough to socialize, a quick comb of the hair, brush of the teeth and off to find grandsons to entertain and hug.

We have an incredible gluten free buffet, poached eggs, bacon, gluten free raisin bread for toast, fruits and creme fraiche. Cool water, no ice, lightly freshened with mint or lemon or lime, for the choosing. Of course there was more to eat, but I am focusing on my story here!

Enjoying the conversation and catching up on news and plans for this day, a family wedding.

Soon people start their preparations, the bride and her friends to the hair salon and spa, kids get taken to the park. A wee bit of shopping for last minute forgotten items. All within walking distance. Lunch time comes soon enough and lobster rolls can be found most places. We stop and select items for take out and rush back to the Inn so we can dress and eat and entertain children in shifts. About 30 minutes is all we have to share.

We take shifts watching boys and showering in the heat of the day and struggling into wedding clothes found and stepped in to. I choose a large brimmed hat to make a statement, to cover my disheveled hair and to create shade for me and anyone in my arms.

Off to the pier which is marked off for guests of the wedding only, part of the royal Lunenberg treatment, attached to the Maritime Museum where we had last nights dinner only hours previously.

Here comes the bride …. Walked down the pier by her very proud papa, my older brother who looks adoringly at his little girl grown to be a fine young woman making a life stand. Not a dry eye as the vows are spoken and the sweltering sun keeps the pace moving along. John has donned his tall fatherly appearance in a traditional hunting MacDonald tartan kilt, complete with belt and buckle, kilt pin with traditional Scottish emblem. He wears a white lace up kilt shirt, long socks and his signature Keen sandals. He looks happy, proud, a man of culture. My father would be so proud of the man he has become. The first wedding day in our family without the presence of my father, missed. John looks so much likemy father once did, with strong resemblance also to my uncle Vern and my mother in some of his features. A handsome happy man on this glorious celebration day.

Tracey is stunning. She is tiny and stunningly beautiful in her form fitting lace dress with ribbon around her waist. Her hair is picture perfect, high green shoes. Three brides attendants in navy blue short dresses all a bit different. The men in suits, green shirts and the groom stands in wait for this day, this woman and this life together.

Simple vows of deep meaning and promise. Rings exchanged. The kiss seals the event.

We take the boys back to the Inn for afternoon break, maybe a nap for the little one and his mom, in preparation for the nights festivities and partying promised.

Dinner, speeches and tears are all part of the ceremony of the day. Followed by dancing and an open bar. Tracey takes a moment to say a special thank you to all the guests. She recalls that i taught her to shop and Sheena was her cousin, companion and dear friend, getting into bad more than good as they grew up together.

As Grammy, I am off to sit with sleeping precious babies …. Some 5 and a half hours in a dark cool room ….. I miss all the dancing and frolicking of the cousins and friends.

I wish I had seen my daughter dance, filled with life and love for her cousins on this special happy reunion. I am glad I get to make it possible. I sit in a padded chair in the dark listening to the breathing of these little angel boys.

An awesome and spectacularly special day for all in attendance.

Aunt Pam

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