Acre, Akko Israel

Good morning, 
Today Acre and something about Crusaders. Pronounced Akko.

Nice hot sunny day again, great bus ride, fabulous guide and driver. Very interesting place. Perhaps not as life changing as Jerusalem! I have been to Israel before in this area and have seen some amazing sights … It is old and the stories are so interesting. Such a contrast again, of the people from various religions living together in close proximity.  

And yet … The visual of the young soldiers and guards dressed in casual civilian clothes with very large weapons . … Even today, escorting a class of young school children. Of course teachers were also there … The presence of guns makes it uncomfortable for me. I don’t feel threatened, just uneasy that conflict is such a part of everyday life in this part of the world.

I had a shorter tour today and there were 7 of us from our group together for the five hours. It was nice to go down to the lounge together and get our tickets and get on same bus. I liked it …. Enjoying watching the others enjoying the sights. And it is always a fabulous day with my mom.
A little shopping, had to spend the few Israeli sheckles as it was the last day here. On the ship, some quick lunch and a shot lounge in the thalassotherapy pool on the spa deck.  

All in all, very satisfactory and a slower pace and more relaxing I think … As I finally settle in to the time zone and structure of this port intensive and exotic sunny destination cruise.
Tonight dining in main dining room, I think … And up tomorrow for Cyprus! I have been here before, with my mom on a previous cruise and we loved Cyprus. Tomorrow I will be seeing Nicosia and Lefkara. New places for me.

One of the gals had a fall a few days ago and yesterday went to a local doctor to get checked out… Apparently her elbow broken so her roommate worked overtime into the night to get flights and transfers arranged for her to go home. Too bad, she was in a lot of pain and the doc suggested surgery will be needed soon.  

That is two of our twelve travellers who have had unexpected medical issues arise that affected their attendance on our cruise. Please please always remember to purchase medical and cancellation / interruption insurance. It is always important part of any vacation planning.
Do take care, and wish you were all here to enjoy this voyage and stay in the Med!

Ciao Pamela 

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