Joys of Packing Stress

What journey lays in store?  The journey of packing stress.


Greetings to my friends and family.  If you know me at all, you know about my packing stress.  I am seeking a temporary or permanent solution to minimal packing, having every thing I need no matter what the eventuality.

Some people tell me, “if you don’t have it, buy it”, “do you really need a whole suitcase just for shoes?”, “get everything in a back pack and that is all”, “take the biggest suitcase and travel with it partly empty to bring home the booty”.  All well meaning comments and some good advice for sure.

I have tried making lists, (truth be known, lists of the lists I should make); I have tried packing two weeks in advance, and I have tried packing the morning I depart.  All carry certain, although different, packing stresses. 

I was last traveling for 4 days in Seattle to a convention in one hotel, not a lot of stops.  I took a larger mid size suitcase on wheels and a briefcase and purse.  Too much!!  This time I am going for 3 weeks to Europe, Greece, Turkey, Croatia and Italy.  I will be on several flights, a train, a bus, and a ferry just to get to my destination and then two cruises back to back.  I have no idea the weather prediction.  I will have formal events including a masked ball and I will have casual walk around days in old ruins.  I am pretty excited about it all. 

I want to take one small rolly bag, one larger one that sits on top for my new ipad and ereader, and whatever else I might need on the flight; and that is all.  Yup, that is my plan.  There, I said it.  On paper and with witnesses. 

I am seeking strong confident advice.  I was thinking all my Sympli dressy cruisey kind of clothes in my suitcase to put on the plane.  I have health products, my Xtra, some PQ gluten free foods to eat on route going over, mid way and coming back.  I have multi vites and Omegas.  I have MetaGreens and Aloe.  Some liquid and some powder in a package and then capsules.  This can take a fair amount of space for three weeks. 

Necessity accessories, such as shoes, scarves, hair clips, curling and straightening iron and the ever important bling!  I also want to take LuLuLemon pants and jackets for sea days and for walking and running.  I need a bathing suit and cover up and of course, some item to sleep in.  Some washing detergent as I for sure will need to laundry under things and some of my clothes.

There, I think that is the list.  Because I am 6 feet tall, it is never easy to find clothes to buy off the rack.  I have found a few brands that work, fit well and are figure flattering and seem to meet my travel needs.  So that eliminates many of the other possibilities such as leather jackets (too bulky), jeans (again, take up a lot of space and a different change of clothes each day (my old pattern of dressing from years ago).

Looking forward to your suggestions.  I have a list, my suitcase is out and half packed (dress rehersal).  I don’t leave for a week and a half so I still have a chance to do it “last minute” and will have felt and worked through all 3 forms of packing preparation strategies that I know.  Space limitation is a new one to tackle for me.  Wish me luck and send me your thoughts.


With much love to all

“happy packing”

One comment on “Joys of Packing Stress

  1. susie says:

    Good article – I relate to either underpacking or overpacking! good thing i dont travel much but maybe that will change…Lulumon – definitely a good choice

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