ATHENS, a few days in Greece

“Look.  It’s (a) OK – no problem!”

We disembarked the Oceania Marina today.  Taxi to the Parnon Hotel, dropped our bags and headed out for adventure.  Patros was our driver – and he apologized when there was traffic which slowed our ride.  He was talkative, answered questions and we enjoyed him.  He gave us his number for calling for our airport transfer on 6 May. 

Too early to get our room key so we stored our items at the Parnon Hotel and headed out walking.

We first walked through and around Plaka area, dropping in to a little cafe pub place for a light lunch.  It was not good and we miss the plentiful food on the ship already!!  Then we wandered and found the Acropolis, climbed up and up and up.  Beautiful sights.  Breathtaking view in the hot sunshine.  We enjoyed the sights and found our way home.  We asked for recommendations for an authentic eating experience.

AFLE says my friend:  “Another f-ing Learning Experience”

We found and ate authentic Greek (for locals)  at Kriti!! As recommended by our hotel service persons.  When I tried to order a Greek salad – the wait staff ‘suggested’ strongly that I have the special of the day …. ‘Would it be gluten free’ she responded “of course”! (As if I should know that – ha ha).  We were brave and ordered.  The dining was fine, the tastes fabulous and we left very happy and full.

We walked over 12 Kim’s through the day.

Sunrise on Santorini

It is the last full day of the cruise and we are parked out front of the island of Santorini, Greece.  Wow!  Spectacular to look up to see the contrast between the rugged old volcano vegetation and rock with the sharp white buildings on top of the caldera.  I know there is bright ‘Santorini’ blue domes but with this early morning light I can only see white on the black and dark green.  It is a magnificent, unique, spectacular, popular and iconic.  The reason people travel far and wide to Greece to see this sight.

We get to lay in bed with the balcony door open for the sound of the water and birds …. And we see the sights as we sail into this port of call, the last one we will explore from the ship.

Today we will go up on deck for a walk around the sports track – perhaps Mary will run?  And I will walk and recite some gratitude for this vacation and safe travels with great friends having adventurous experiences.  It is remarkable really and I am so very fortunate.

Then after we go ashore for walking and picture taking, maybe a stop or two …. Then back to the ship to clean up, do some packing (how do I get all my stuff back into these little bags?).

We have a group cocktail party this Early evening followed by Privee (private dining venue on board the ship with special menus.  

Cooking in Greece!

Yesterday morning, up early for a walk on deck.  It was raining hard and big puddles formed on the sports track.  Mary literally ran circles around me, I walked fast and splashed where the water was deep.  It was enjoyable and I had planned to put warm clothes on before heading to Argostoli Greece.  This was our first stop since Malta with many plans for the day.

We walked off the ship after breakfast after gathering with our Marina chef and the group of 12.  We met with a local guide who walked with us to bakeries, grocery type stores and markets.  Each of us had an item …. Like a scavenger hunt …. With money provided from the chef and a grocery bag.  Mary and I were to get Kalamata olives, other people feta cheese, grape leaves, rose water, bread, honey.  We met and had a fabulous lunch by the water in a cafe. The food was tasty and plentiful.  We had wine and some had beer. Walked back to the ship, met in the culinary centre and prepared tzatziki, salad and another dip. We drank wine, ouzo and then deserts of local Greek fare.

Dinner in Red Ginger specialty restaurant with our group was fabulous.  Some said the best food ever (sea bass). Eileen and I went dancing in horizons till midnight.  So fun.

Today we had a slow morning with time for breakfast before catching shuttle bus to old town Chania on Crete.  We walked about four hours including shopping (Xamam).  Back on the ship, we got ready for Greek food night in the buffet on 12 th floor.  Tired and ready for bed.  Tomorrow Santorini.  

Pamella of Greece

Pictures to follow, or check Facebook for updates

Sicily to Malta

Tonight we set our clocks back, leaving Malta

I think it has been a few days since my last entry.  It is a busy busy cruise.  Short intense and quite wonderful.  Full of fabulous conversations and beautiful scenery, the best cuisine at sea, sunny blue skies, warm weather, really good service.  

Yesterday morning we walked round and round the running track on sports deck.  Afterward we had coffee, ate a hearty breakfast and got ready to head to town for the day.  Maybe the first morning we started to feel a bit rested.  Up till now the sleeps have been short and welcome.  

Saturday 29 April 2023 we docked in Sicily at Messina.  9 of my friends decided to take a taxi to Taormina for a nice independent walking excursion for a few hours.  One of the gals is better at ‘negotiating’ a fair price with the taxi and suggested something we could all agree on.  Loaded into the van, hanging on as the Sicilian driver took us on the half hour drive up the mountain and toward the beautiful view of Mt Etna.  Taormina is a lovely town, mostly pedestrian …. Spectacular views, lots of shops selling ceramics and other local fare.  There is a small 3 piece band playing in the plaza. Two hours to wander around leisurely before the drive back to the ship.  All the folks in our vehicle become better acquainted and tell stories of their favourite ports of call so far and other travel stories.

Last night was the Captain’s party with free flowing drinks for over 2 hours as we sailed from Messina.  After the party, upstairs to the buffet for fine dining and then two of us went dancing for hours.  Several of the crew and entertainment staff including the cruise director participated.  So much fun watching, dancing, selecting music, listening to the on-ship musicians and singing along …. Hours and hours.  We were the only two from our group of 16 to take in the wee hours on Horizon’s dance floor!  

Waking up to the most AWESOME views and vista as we sailed into Malta during the sunrise.  Breathtaking.  Over we walked, taking our own way trying to follow signs.  Zig zag and up lots of steps (most people take elevators to the top to see the town square).  Each stair has several landings so I could rest before tackling the next flight!  Trees standing mightily and strong.  

One landing and looking around we see a cat hotel called “cat cafe”….. well, there was signage to indicate that the felines can be seen all around, however this spot provides a place for feeding, watering and resting for the feral ones. Several beds and shelters for the wild small cats, complete with blankets and bedding, water jugs and food dishes.  In fact strictly forbidden to feed cats elsewhere.

We grab a Starbucks decaf coffee and wander around taking lots of great pics of the architecture and colors of the interesting city of Valletta.  Today is a short day in port, arriving back by early afternoon with time for a big fresh salad or two and a half hour rest.

Our first cooking class today on board the Marina entitled “Mediterranean Journey”.  We learned about and participated in preparing creamy almond pesto pasta, sweet almond milk, 10-day limoncello, Socca Rucola Insalata, vanilla ice cream with Greek yogurt, personal size walnut cake soaked in honey based liquid.  We had limoncello with fresh raspberries topped with Prosecco and a glass of rose.  Very pleasant and fun.  Off to dinner at Jacques specialty restaurant as that ended – ha ha.  So full and tired again, we take an early evening, back in our rooms at 830 ish, to write the blog, look at todays pictures, check email and messages and prepare for losing one hour to time change tonight.

Sleep is so important and seems to avoid us a little on this trip just yet.  Still adjusting to jet lag it seems.  Even the beds on Oceania are so comfortable and tonight we got a feature card in our stateroom with how to purchase one of these super comfy beds.

Tomorrow May 1, we begin in Greece with a stop in Argostoli and a 5 and half hour excursion with the Marina chef taking us around the port town picking up items to bring back to the ship for our next and last cooking class.

Good night for now, more in a day or two.  Hope you are all well back home.  Sending love.


Ps. Sorry – no pics tonight. Frustrating wifi on the ship this evening. Check out my facebook site for some pics ….

2,000 steps on Amalfi Coast drive, Sorrento.

Lovely room service breakfast early in our balcony stateroom on Oceania Marina was exquisite.  We ate fresh fruit and berries, gluten free products, hard boiled eggs, plenty of juices and coffee.  Sailing into this port was beautiful as we watched the looming cliffs of the town of Sorrento.  Blue sky, shore birds, gentle mist over the sea and the air was a bit cooler than Rome but not unpleasantly so.

Today, due to the small size of the port, we were tendered in to Sorrento to catch our Pre reserved tour of the stunning and curvy Amalfi Coast.  OK – curvy is an understatement.  Twisty and wild may be more accurate.  Drivers had to back up at times to navigate the hairpin corners.  Gentle honks for hello and longer honking demonstrated some frustration for the vehicle ahead who was not moving.

The vistas are stunning.  Terraced gardens, sparkling sea, steep cliffs, small coastal villages were the sights we saw today.  Stopping to take pics of Positano from both sides and several other cities that call this area home.  Our guide and driver from Furore had colourful stories to tell and sang a bit of Italian with his distinctive accent and hearty laugh.  We saw beautiful white villa where Sophia Loren lives.  There were many 10th century watch towers along the coastline – no longer used but charming in their disrepair.  Apparently along this coast if a building can no longer be used, it must be left as it is … not able to upgrade the structure but leave it in its original state as much as possible.  Wisteria hung by the roadside, huge lemons and oranges hanging in the trees with bright flowers and beautiful blossoming chestnut trees.  Huge green spiky cactus plants on the roadside and around the stony rock cliffs.  

Steps, steep and seemingly go up forever – the way most people get around on this coastal road way, heading home and to work.  Some, we learn have been here since they were placed in the 6th century!  Up, up, down, turn, squeeze and suck in our breath as we pass other vehicles on the road.

Scala is the oldest town of the Amalfi coast, ‘since 79 years after Christ’.  Wow!  Rosario, our driver, tells about family, religion (both Catholic and superstition), food, wine and stairs!

 In Atrani there are no vehicles and only walking steps.  The town is compact and likely the smallest village of them all.  We are told the workers there always have walked to work in nearby towns, no need for vehicles to get them around – and no parking lots necessary!  

The roads seem narrow – He says sometimes narrow and sometimes wider … when the cars park on the wider sections, they become even narrower than the narrow parts.  Ha ha.

We stop for a lovely walk through Amalfi and learn about the history of paper making.  I stopped in a few of the paper shops that I remember from a previous visit.  What a charming place!  

Lunch overlooking the view at Ravello was a highlight.  We tasted fresh local lemon granita sorbet!  Yummmmm.

Tomorrow a later start and relaxing morning to walk about the ship and have a more leisurely breakfast before joining our friends in the group to head to Taormina for some beautiful time walking through Sicily.  

Lucky us!!!

Pamella of Italy!

3 coins in the fountain at Trevi means I am coming back!

Another beautiful sunny warm day in Rome.  A bit later to start.  Just dealing with jet lag and long deep and fun conversation even after breakfast in the hotel  … we were the last in the breakfast room long after it was over and the staff graciously accommodated us.  Fun, laughs and closeness.  We shared vogue daily horoscopes.  

Back to Termini station to exchange some electronics for phones.  Then walking through alleys and streets to find a few key places.  Trevi Fountain in the warm sun, blue sky overhead.  We threw our coins in the fountain so we can return one day.  Yay!

More wandering, Spanish Steps .. beautiful blooms and vistas.  Some gelato, water and walking to Pantheon.  The line goes fast and we get lots of photos. Gf Grom for lemon sorbet … second course. 

One of the gals challenging a scammer on the street, then we had to change routes to make sure we all felt safe.

Quiet little family business for lunch…. Fabulous local food. Off a quiet side street. The lock on the bathroom door was challenging and made for good stories. Great food. 

Mary has decided to take pics of handsome well dressed Italian men. Phew, good thing her phone is working!  She’s on the mend!

Found no less than 4 paper / pen shops.  Some tucked away in small alleys.  Fabulous finds and interesting Italian paper products.

White cold wine and cheesies apres walk on cobblestones all day made for more great chatter and connection 

Dinner tonight with a few of the other gals, gf pasta, red wine, sparkling water at Strada Romana on Via Vincenza.  Home for the night and packing up to prep for the cruise.  

28,000 steps in Rome, Italy

26,862 steps and counting … going back out (in Rome Italy)

Long day after a long travel day (24-26 hours total) to beautiful Rome, Italy. Staying at Yes Hotel near Termini Station.  We got some maps and made some really loose plans for the day.  

Breakfast was continental with eggs and a bit of meat and cheese, yogurt, fruit, cereals, even gluten free muffin and bread for those who ask.  I have stayed here before and it is a great location ( if you get lost, ask to get to Termini station and the rest is easy).  Four of us staying in the room together … lots of laughs.  We went out for fruit and wine from a local vendor before bed.  More giggles.

There are a few things a person can do on any, every trip to Rome.  Colosseum, a walk along the river taking pics of the bridges and trees, eat gluten free pizza, stop for Prosecco (shared some lire with a waiter and made his day – he was proud and pleased and showed all his colleagues …. He may have even had a tear). 

 We saw Skateboarders, thousands of people lined up for pantheon on this national holiday (liberation day). Walking along del Corso to see the shops and people watch, limone gellati, affagato di cafe (coffee coated gelato in a beautiful dish).  Piazza di poppolo and piazza navona….. sycamore trees.  We went down the stairs and walked along the grass by the river far from the crowds and noise of the streets.  A lot of police presence and some military…. Not sure if they were expecting some action?  

Tomorrow Trevi fountain to throw in a coin, and Spanish steps for the view and artwork.  No rush, no pressure. 

The next day we head to the cruise ship for the next part of our adventure …. 7 days on a sailing foodie adventure.  We are booked for cooking classes and great excursions to fabulous locations in Italy and Greece.  First day Sorrento and Amalfi coast … more on that later.  

Well, family and friends, more tomorrow!  

And so the 2-23 Adventure begins ….

I am at the ferry terminal in Victoria with destination of Vancouver airport in my immediate and then onward to Rome before I rest again.  Phew.  

Like a lot of people, this is the first trip overseas after the last 3 years of staying home during the pandemic years of COVID-19.  In many ways the world has changed, my world changed too.  Here we are looking forward to the next 24 days of vacation!  A cruise, some time in Rome, Athens, Naples and then a week at the lemon farm outside Sorrento ….  I will try to stay with the story of the the present …. Here we are today.

Itinerary is walk-on ferry from Victoria to Vancouver, then flight to London Heathrow and then on to Rome.  Train from airport to Termini Station and a few nights stay at Yes Hotel before we join the cruise ship.  

Premium economy flights with British Airways as organized by Oceania cruises.  So grateful for this little added perks of more leg room and great service.  Six of us women travelling together on same flight toward Rome.  Three more come tomorrow.  Three couples and another single woman are going to join us on the cruise … 16 of us together for meals and cocktail party etc.  Nice size group.  Lots to look forward to.

Later, now at London Heathrow … 8 hours later after an 8 hour flight puts me really confused about what time it is and where I am.  Ha ha.  A person forgets these fine details when once in my life I was familiar with this world travel scenario.  Falling asleep again and again on and off, barely eating the almost inedible airline gluten free food.  There are movies and earphone headset in a nice package as provided … toothbrush, lotion, a pen, face mask eye cover, socks and more.

Arriving in London the sun was shining and beautiful blue sky … about 6 am home time ….. now we have boarded the British Airways flight on way to Rome and it is pouring buckets of rain outside.  I fall asleep and wake to the blue sky and warm sun in my window seat.  A crisp view of the mountains with sharp edges carved in snow.  Spectacular.  

Delighted listening to the various accents of the pilots and crew of the flights we experienced, the security folk checking for liquids and boarding passes, the store clerk at Harrods of London shop in airport at Heathrow, the barista at Starbucks, the sounds of people talking around me.  It feels good to be internationally travelling again …. It has indeed been a ‘welcome home to the world’ already on this trip.  

I hope wherever you are, you enjoy this blog and the stories about to unfold.  I have been to all the destinations on this itinerary previously.  In the search bar, simply put the name of the place and see when I was here on a previous trip.  

Soon to land in Rome and the next leg of this journey, tired in so many ways.  Till tomorrow, ciao ciao.

Pamelllllla of Italy.