Hola, Valencia

Hola, Valencia 
The four of us gals took the Azamara shuttle bus to the Centro of the old city of Valencia. Very clean and well kept city. Huge beautiful preserved old buildings including a major cathedral. We wandered the cobblestone type streets and took lots of photos. On the way to the Central Mercado, we passed through several piazzas.  
We stopped to do quick shopping and found several fun things to purchase. At the mercado we selected paella spices unique to the area. We found hand made shawls to marvel at. Many quilt stores and needlework, as well as wool shops. Handcrafts seem to be popular here, needlework on linen as well.
One of the central piazza areas has artistic tall metal bulrushes arranged in a bit of a maze, so we took pictures and then the pics of the decorative rooftops of the old buildings. So lovely.
Early afternoon we decided to take the hop on bus of the historic area of the city. It was the warm part of the day. Two of the gals needed to return to the ship for spa appointments and they have excursions arranged for tomorrow. We, Jane and I, will take the blue Mediterranean route through the maritime region of the city and get some beach time tomorrow morning.  
26 degrees at 2 pm. Hop on bus. 29 now at 240 pm on bus. Nuevo Centro is big shopping mall. We see ads for the new James Bond movie and want to fit it in, maybe not.  

Tree and park lined main road through city. It is an old over bed even with bridges crossing over. Under the bridges and along the length of the park are Tennis courts, parks for walking and sitting, and lots of soccer fields.  
Back to ship now, to prepare for white night. Will write more tomorrow and head to beach 🙂
Tomorrow night on to Barcelona for my last port and begin my flight home.

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