Daily Life at Agritourismo

Good morning, heading to CAPRI island today

I have long since lost track of days of the week or date in the month.  I think this coming weekend might be Mothers’ Day – wishing my wonderful mother the very best day.  I am so fortunate to have a loving, caring mom in touch with me daily and who is so supportive of my every experience.  So grateful.

The day before yesterday we had a wonderful day at the lemon farm.  We started after breakfast with a tour of the farm, an explanation of its history and present farming practices.  We have a limoncello making demonstration and tasting – yum. 

After lunch we head to Sorrento for a few hours to wander the town.  Local artisan stores selling limoncellos and other ‘kinds’ of cellos, dried red chillies outside the shop.  We spend some time and money here, finding some unique items we want to try.  

We walked toward the edge of town, a cliff walk down to the beach (we don’t take that today) but there is a ‘lift’ elevator that takes 20 seconds (says the sign) and costs 1 Euro per person.  Hmmmmm.  The drop of doom?  

We saw an artist collection by “Rafael somebody” who had a display of black and white photos of Mother Theresa and some other subjects local to the area and these times.  Beautifully displayed in a large courtyard that appeared to be magical with stone columns and a garden in the centre.  The girls had cappuccino and cannoli (Mary had her first cannoli, pistachio and walnut on sweet cream center rolled in a crunchy sweet pasty.)  

We caught the van back with Luigi and arrived to a large multi course dinner.  Every dinner is at least 4 courses, wine and some form of lemon liguor.  One of the delights of this place is authentic local dining in the private home, prepared by the people who live this experience every day.  it creates such a sense of appreciation and familiarity with the local pace and people.  Warmly hosted by the family we stay with.  

Yesterday we had a ‘free day’, meaning that we could do whatever activities we wanted to arrange.  The GAdventures tour leader has moved around activity days to try to accommodate for the weather.  We meet for breakfast in the large dining area at the agritourismo we call home for this week.

Many of the participants prefer to make arrangements to visit Ravello and Amalfi for a drive through the Amalfi coast.  I have done this previously when here a few years ago, but also when on the cruise a week or two ago so four of us decided to stay local.  Three of us walked the steep curvy stone walk down down to the sea.  Beautiful vistas, we stop along the way to notice stone walls, vegetation, views, and I was trying to stay present enough to not worry about how it would be to walk back up.  Ha ha.  Heading to the sea for a swim is one of my favourite things.  Onward!  

One person goes by us on a motorcycle, we see a few cats and then we reach the bottom where there are a few resort beach places, restaurants, a parking lot (there must be another way down than the stone narrow pathway we walked).  There are a few fishermen and mostly the area is quiet with no visitors today.  Some beach change rooms attached to resorts and some boats tied up to the small piers.  Mostly a ghost area with some beach access to the sand and sea.  Several fig trees with full fruit on the heavy branches.  The local vegetation is lovely to notice.  We take some pictures.  

Mary and Eileen patiently wait for me to have a short ten minute swim in the sea (it was beautiful clear, warm and refreshing.)  The sandy beach area is pleasant for walking and access to sea glass and pieces of broken ceramic that had washed up.  Getting changed with the onlooking gaze of the locals was challenging and a two to three person job to cover me as I juggled and tried to balance.  All a fun experience and removing sand and small stones was simply impossible.  

We head back up and up the familiar rocky ‘cliff’.  Part way home, the sky opened up to a torrential downpour.  Yes, cactus growing promises desert dry air …. And today it rained hard and instantly we were soaked to the skin.  Onward we walked.  Up, up.  Taking short stops on even surfaces and then trudging onward.  At one point shortly after the rain started we notice a small pipe used for drainage pouring water like a hose, a fast flowing creek and covering the rock way … it was raining hard!!

Home at the agritourismo we warm up, get together the four of us, and decide to stay home, watch the rain and play cards all afternoon.  Euchre and cribbage, one gal has a deck of cards.  We had some Prosecco and limoncello from previous purchases, we enjoyed a beautiful, relaxing and fun afternoon laughing, safe and warm-ish.  

Today we awake to rooster crows, bird song, sunshine (wet clothes from yesterday) and blue skies. Off to the island of Capri for sightseeing and maybe I will get in another swim!

Pamella of Italy

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