Dec 7 and 8 2010 at sea and Gibralter

Dec 7 2010 a discovery day at sea.

A little too cold to lay in the sun, however, cruising the mediterranean is a lovely sight. Seeing land off in the distance. A breakfast at the buffet where we enjoy a specialty made omelet (egg white, shrimp, swiss cheese and onions, red pepper), with fresh berries, gluten free toast and sugar free jams and jellies to chose from.

Lunch was a Mexican buffet so we enjoyed quacamole and the salsa is always fresh cut with great fresh flavor. Corn chips, and a variety of meats, salads and desserts are offered and accepted – in moderation of course. Sugar free ice cream comes out with new flavors each day. Brilliant.

Supper was very special indeed. We dressed up in our finest country club casual clothes and enjoyed whole lobster, filet mignon … so many choices. Lovely and sweet fruit jellies, variety of specialty desserts. We eat and we eat. Every meal stating we won’t eat so much next time. A new habit is formed and we eat and we enjoy the offerings.

We attended a few lectures today, one on history of cruising and one on Gibralter’s history as we will be there tomorrow.

Dec 8 2010 rock of Gibralter

Up early and grab breakfast. We wait for the call to tell us the gangplank is ready for our departure to go into town. We walked a ways and talked to information booth folk, who advised we can take a city bus to the landing of the cable car. The cable car, for just a few Gibralter pounds (money currency of their own). We take the cable car to the top, enjoy close encounters with the barbery apes that live wild and amoung tourists at the top.

They were sweet and we took lots of pics of them grooming each other as well as wandering around on railings and posing for our cameras.

The sights from the top – breathtaking views. So far down- our little cruise ship the only one in the harbour. It is so interesting how small Gibralter is and its airport run way crosses a main street. Just pass that crossing is Spain. Gibralter enjoys its own government and currency and is very independent from Spain. Very interesting and busy place.

After disembarkation of the cable car back to the ground, we took a walk through the busy down town area. Although we did not purchase anything, we investigated shoes, clothes, jewelery and many other shiny things. We kept walking and walking until we reached thee cruise ship dock shortly after 1 pm. The ship was to sail at 2, however, some passengers were late so we waited a bit. I went up to enjoy some sun after we grabbed a quick bite to eat from the buffet.

Loved Gibralter spectacular views but not the fortresses, stone walls, cannons pointed out to sea, and the denseness of the population. It screams antagonism. The condo’s have no green space, land is at a premium in this city, no where to grow but out to sea.

Onward to the next few days out to sea. Time to relax.

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