Lisboa Portugal 31 May 2019

Portugal, Lisbon. Friday 31 May 2019, was a hot day

It’s hot in Lisbon Portugal today, over 33 degrees C. Off to walk around the old part of town, no particular destination, no excursions planned.

Tiles seem to be the item that identifies this area. Many old beautiful buildings adorned in blue and white tiles. Tiles for sale, tiles made into fridge magnets. Tiles on building fronts in desperate need of update and repair. The cobblestones were polished and slippery to walk on, uneven to navigate and sometimes placed decoratively many years ago and not upgraded or updated.

There is a Starbucks here and we found it. Lisbon is on a river, the local advisor states as we ask for a map and directions. No beach, although this would have been a wonderful place to cool off. Not really even a breeze. Fans moving the air in all the shops so we would check some out just for the promise of relief.

The smell on the streets was a little off-putting. Not sure where it originated, it seemed to be wherever we walked. Holding my breath at times, exhaling, inhaling only to breathe in cigarette smoke. Many shop merchants standing out in the doorways, smoking. We stayed to the shady side of the streets and roadways as best we could to stay out of the direct sun.

The only purchase was a postcard for my grandsons, I mailed a few yesterday and today. Thinking of my family, my adult daughters, my mom, Steve, Sarah, friends …..

Time change last night, almost a full night sleep. Mary got up and went for a run on deck, later discovering that her clock had failed to change, so she was up long before other guests, watching the sun come up in the early coolness. I attended my Seminar at Sea training, also showed up an extra hour early. Mary and I discovered the best place on the ship to get a good cup of decaf coffee so we enjoyed an extra hour of conversation with new friends Rachel and Monica.

Returning to the ship before dinner, we were greeted by staff and musicians. Cold water to drink and hand towels wrapped and soaked in cold water – very refreshing. Thank you. Luxury is in the details. I feel cared for, greeted with kindness and I smile widely and sincerely at the efforts made.

Tonight preparing for the Azamazing Evening, and enjoying a bit of buffet prior. Meeting up with Rachel and Monica, mom and daughter who reside in Alaska and travel lots together.

The Azamazing Evening event … we gather … we bus … not far, to The Pateo da Gale in Lisbon. Upon arrival, sparkling wine, port if folks want that … we take our seats. It is a beautiful venue with high archways, acoustics that magnify the sound from the front … made of marble or stone, white plastic chairs in a row. We take a seat third row back, and in the mid range as we anticipate the stage and performance. Lights, and music. Performance by a children’s drumming band was uplifting and very well received. The main event a band and singer…. Portugese musicians playing their heart out. Lura, beautiful singer with ancestry from Cape Verde, born in Lisboa Portugal.

Tomorrow another day in Lisbon. I best get some sleep.

Love Pamela

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