Travel Mantras come to life!

I had an “ah-ha” moment this morning while on my weekly interview call with Deb. By way of background, when possible we meet for a few hours by phone, every Sunday early morning to review how we are doing in our life climb to our authentic unique highest and best.

We were reviewing our previous five weeks, including two and half weeks we travelled together in Italy.

Some of the highlights that I reviewed today included the evidence for thoughts becoming things (Mike Dooley); honouring and witnessing my authentic self, and; my daily efforts in becoming one degree kinder and making kindness a way of living in a more intentional way.

The inspiration I want to write about is how I am noticing and celebrating my unique authenticity and how I will make that a daily practice. I have gathered some proof that my travels, posting pictures on Facebook and continuing to blog daily has in some major way, assisted me to capture my passions and ideas and share them with those I care about most, my family and friends.

Before heading out on this trip, I was part of a group setting and writing our intentions and expectations for the trip. What thoughts were going to become what things and how, left to the universe. Ten Travel Mantras for mastery of our trip to Italy.

The exercise of talking about and expressing my deepest desires for an event not yet happened is not really new to me. Polishing and writing and sharing these desires, and letting go of the outcome …. Letting the universe handle the details, this is fresh!

Going forward I will practice this new, soon to be habit, as many times a day as I possibly can. This diamond is now in my pocket, my tool belt, for discovery and use at every mindful moment of every day.

Every day on my recent trip I took time, morning and or evening, and sometimes even mid day to slow down the pace of the day and to enter into a mindful state of the moment, the now.

I know in reflection of the written words and the memories of the moments captured in my thoughts … That my passionate intentions of how my life and this trip would unfold, has indeed come to pass.

…. That women are indeed holding hands around the world as they share their travel stories and dreams with me … As we weave together our international fabric and witnessing of the brilliance unfolded in authentic epic and world class flashes, snapshots in time shared with love and passion, and kindness felt deep in the heart of all.

…. That precious and sacred personal dreams sometimes referred to as ‘bucket lists’ are exposed to the new light of the new day in a new way than ever before.

…. That people are wanting to have what I am having, wanting to travel with me, or at least, like I do. That they have enjoyed the stories I tell, pictures I share, and the inspirations I have …. Invitations to dance their dreams on a world stage without fear or judgement, without limitations and excuses.

Abundance and desire live in all of us. Planning for fun and adventure have kept me company all the days of my life.

Now I know, and truly I believe, like never before dreamed, that to hold back on those dreams is my own limit. To own and be exuberantly happy about what is mine to enjoy …. Is my new daily practice.

Dr Suess says … “Oh, the places we will go …”

Ten mantras for travel mastery: Italy

1. Plentiful abundance easily flows through me
2. I walk with ease along the coast of Italy, the Walk of the Gods
3. May all travellers experience health and positivity on our journey
4. My body is vibrant, photogenic and full of energy
5. I experience love, joy and peace in all my relationships
6. My written words inspire and illuminate
7. I radiate positive light and goodwill along my path
8. I attract clear skies, sunshine and moonbeams
9. I live in Easy World: breathe, relax, allow, enjoy
10. I am grateful for the happiness I experience

Travel Dreams 2015-2016

I am still dreaming of driving twisty switch back roads in scenic Italy …. And yet waking to yet more ideas for next trips.

On Thursday evening, I attended a fabulous talk, presentation, by the woman author of 1,000 Places to See Before You Die. Several women from the Womens Travel Club came along and we all left with plans for future fantastic and magical trips dancing in our heads.

Ireland was particularly strong image of the green rolling hills, the rugged sea coast, the Irish language and strong regional accent, small towns, local pubs, castle stays … So I began investigating what that might look like.

Perhaps a week long GAdventure small group travel tour of Ireland, September 12-20 2015. Of course there is more of Ireland that I want to see and a Cosmos tour on a large bus has great stops, however, do I want to spend long days on a bus for two weeks? Maybe ….

While on the British Isles, I would like to add on a week of personal travel through Scotland. Exploring and investigating my heritage and roots from the Isle of Skye?

A friend, Karen, sent me a book title that she is reading, Saxons, Vikings and Celts, the Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland. Very interesting overview of the DNA discoveries of our histories back to the few female ancestors. Tara seems to be one such woman that makes us mostly all cousins! So interesting!

I want to walk Hadrians Wall in Britain, northern part, and I think early September 2015 I can be fit for that stroll down history lane. There are supportive walking tours that arrange bed and breakfast stops and luggage transfers. Of course there are also local busses in the summer months for those wanting to do small pieces of the walk at a time. I wonder what is waiting for me on that wall? Hmmmmmm

I have a Greece and Turkey cruise with Oceania on board Marina starting 27 September 2015 disembarking Istanbul and port intensive stops ending in Athens eight days later. Subsequently I will be making my way to south of France to spend a few weeks in a villa and do day trips to Paris and around.

Perhaps GAdventures local living tour week on a small boat touring the rivers in Burgundy wine region?

All in all perhaps a two month trip in Europe. This year I was there for five weeks and loved every moment of this fabulous vacation.

I hope you will think about joining me on some or all of the adventures I have been planning.

2016 I have Egypt tour with GAdventures through desert and oasis areas and history to explore.

Then walking to base camp of Mt Everest in the fall, around November 2016 again with GAdventures tours.

I am placing a deposit on Oceania cruise for May 2016 which goes from Australia to New Zealand and in South Pacific to Papeete. I plan to go early for some local travel in Australia and see my long loved and dreamed about koala bears.

As always I am also open to receiving the next opportunity that comes my way through the travel business. Asia cruising for thirty days would be awesome.

I want to take Via Rail train from west coast of Canada to Nova Scotia and then perhaps Amtrak from New York City to San Francisco and then up to Vancouver for the complete loop.

What are your travel dreams?

I have come to understand that we have thoughts and desires to visit foreign places and when we are open, the opportunities come our way, effortlessly.

Hang on, we are going for a ride!


Memories of my Trip to Italy

I remember my trip: tastes, sounds, textures, scents, sights

Slightly sour, sweet, fresh lemon flavour as I sip my first taste of agritourismo made Limoncello and the warmth as it slides down

Fresh gluten free cooked al dente penne pasta, topped with rich spicy red lumpy tomato sauce, chilli added for extra zip, large leaf of basil adorns the top. I lower my face to the table, about an inch from the red saucy dish, and I take a deep rich inhale breath and years of growing and caring for this land and this nourishing fragrant food fills my every sense. The nose is really the most powerful receiver of life experience.

Zippy rich flavourful Parmesan cheese topping pasta, breads, tomatoes greets the small bumps on my tongue, the saliva fills my cheeks and I can taste this rich flavour even with only a very small amount.

Beeps from automobiles and busses as they caution on coming traffic on the windy twisty switch back roads climbing and descending mountains to and from the sea on the Amalfi coast

Heat of the south Italy sunshine in late September, still hot during this season, without clouds to soften the sting. I can feel the tingle on my arms, my cheeks, shoulders as the rays in the air meet my North American pale skin, at high noon. I can smell the warm air heavy with moisture and scents of floral, sea salt and ancient earth.

The fresh cold sensation as my hot sweaty skin makes slow contact with the blue fresh water of the outdoor pool at the time share at Maratea. A swim cools my body temperature on such a warm day.

Smell the lemons in the air. Not ordinary supermarket lemons, but large round bright yellow still hanging rich in the deep green leaves that help nourish these ancient trees. Hanging heavy with fruit, a walkway from the roadway to the house, lemon after lemon share their scent for my human nose to welcome and savour.

Subtle taste of salt water on my lips from splashing around a bit, in the sea

Sharp stones, round hard shapes, coarse sand between my tender toes as I walk in to the cool crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea on the two coasts of Italy

The view. From the window of my room at agritourismo of the tree, the sea and reflecting me in the clear glass. I weep in the beauty and in gratitude for this trip.

The view. As I drive on switchback single lane man made roads to the top of the mountain where Maratea boasts the Christ the Redeemer Statue high above. My breath catches in my throat. The passengers gasp in delight and maybe a bit of fear and excitement as I drive them higher and higher to dizzying heights high high above the sea so very far below.

The view. As I stand on the small narrow balcony on the third floor above the streets of Napoli. I see a woman send a blue round bucket down on a rope to the street making a request for a friend to go to market and make a purchase and return the bucket home with contents satisfied. I hear the chaotic daily sounds of Italiano accents spoken loudly with accompanying gestures. Bicycles being ridden by determined locals, parking, ringing door bells announcing arrival. Clothes lines heavy with sheets, towels, and lingerie billowing in the gentle breeze, filling the space out from the solid brick and stone building structures and the next and the next.

Cool almost air texture of silk scarf vibrant colours of turquoise and golds, greens, blues, pink, peach, black and deep brown accents, large square shape and folded it drapes so nicely and gently against welcoming skin. So soft and light it won’t stay I place without a knot tied in its Center. On sale, it is purchased and begins the ride to my house on the other side of the world.

The scent of small leather change purses of shades of brown with metal closures snapped together, playing together in a wooden box tucked away and almost forgotten on the second shelf below expensive bags that invite the traveler to touch. I pull out the hidden box, Tutti on sale, and the frenzy begins. Noses gently pressed agains the soft textured prepared skins to breathe in the sweet rich fragrance known immediately as the real Italian item. Gifts are purchased.

Desigual designs, a store discovery in Naples and rediscovered in airports and shops thereafter. Black and dark green base fabric shaped with irregular edges and covered with bright vibrant pink, emerald, gold embossed with designer images and hand written words adorning otherwise somewhat ordinary cotton fabrics. Designs unique and attractive, messages that say I matter and I wear these clothes to make a statement! International global recognition later in line ups and queues at security marking that other women have found this store and fell to temptation of the exquisite uniqueness and bright vibrant colours describing authentic life style choices.

Cold rigid hard marble floors shiny black, almost white with gleam of shine making the surface like glass. With relief and warm bare feet I sense the solid hard coolness of this surface In contrast to the hot steamy sticky air of the south Italy, Naples, hot sun and warm breeze.

The sound of serene extreme silence, high atop the mountain where air is hard to breathe, and views catch in my throat, a slight breeze can be heard only if I listen carefully past my own breath.

The subtle twist of my ankle as I step down on uneven cobblestone surfaces, knowing that hundreds, thousands and perhaps millions of souls have walked this surface in many generations of years past. I can feel the toil of the workers who carefully placed these stones to mark their work. I can sense the ages below my feet.

As the airplane departs the runway and it’s heavy weight is pulled in to the sky by force not understandable by every guest on board, I can feel the energy of my own body shift as I close my eyes and internally mouth the calming phrases Ti Amo, Mi Dispiace, Grazie, Prego. Knowing my mind is calm and the safety of all is a certainty. Ears popping with pressure changes as the plane climbs further and further up and away from the pull of the solid earth below, past the white out of fluffy water droplets and back into the bright blueness of the future and heavens above. I leave Italy behind and begin my stretch and journey home.

Gratitude surges through me in waves. I feel love and belonging with my travel companions for our shared journey and experiences in this foreign land that has become friend.

Amazing Airplanes

I am always amazed that airplanes get off the ground. How does that magic happen? I am grateful and appreciative of the great mind that created this mode of travel.

Lufthansa flight Munich to Vancouver. I have a lovely front row seat, window. It was not always so. A woman was seated separate from her son. Deb and I were seated together. I offered to move so that the boy and his mom could sit together. I feel very fortunate. I also received notice that I will have gluten free meals, and they gave me a business class gift of socks, eye mask etc for switching.

I see there is wifi on this plane? Interesting. I will see how it works and let you know! There is a cost so I decide to wait.

I watch movies The Other Woman, Young Victoria, Words and Pictures and Maleficent. I enjoy them all. The flight passes the time, I am fed gluten free meals, some wine.

I arrive in Vancouver, through customs, and gentle last flight to Victoria. Home!

Ciao and thanks for joining me!

Ti amo,


Munich airport

Years ago, another trip, another time, I spent hours here. I remember the meditation hall. I see the signs again today and I remember how grateful I was to find and enjoy it so many years ago. How many I am not quite sure … But in the last four or five years. I remember a food court … Although I don’t see it now. I do remember I was at this airport for hours and today is less than one hour. Gate h28 we are waiting for embarkation notice.

Eating rice cakes we found and purchased in Italy. I checked again with the front desk person and no leg room seats available …. However gluten free is assured for my meals. Wooooop wooooop. I am excited. I doubt if it is vegetarian, however, I can adjust to my vegan lifestyle again when I get home …. It always presents issues when travelling. I have only been practicing vegan / vegetarian in 2014. I do like it and will continue … Exception is on travel status I am prepared to eat sea and shell fish.

Don’t lose the magic in the everyday

For the past few years I have been recording some if my thoughts and marking my efforts for living. On this trip returning to my life in Victoria, I am listening on Evernote to reflect and listen and witness my own growth. My dreams that have come true. My personal growth.

About ten hours till Vancouver. A sleep will be good …. Hope they have extra pillows …. Lol

See you all soon!

Travel pillow saga

Life and death of a travel pillow

Today I write, with slight sadness at the death of my travel pillow. It sprung a slow leak somewhere between boarding the plane and settling in to my seat on Lufthansa in Naples on route to Munich and eventually to arrive in Victoria sometime much later …

In fact I did notice tiny white balls first leaking out when I placed my carry on luggage in the overhead bin.

A small mess leaking on another passengers bag, little static balls of white fluff sticking to other peoples future travels and to my own.

I advise the stewardess and she smiles, thanks me for letting her know and she brings me a plastic bag for the removal with little fuss.

My travel pillow formerly has been around the world several times. I don’t prefer it as a style because it is bulky and always takes up too much space … I don’t recall exactly when however it was in Victoria I believe when I first spied the green and black pillow for some major trip …. Likely to Europa!

Next time I will purchase a blow up pillow so that it is more portable and easy to store, carry and use. I will enjoy shopping for such a pillow maybe even at Munich or perhaps next year for my long flight to Brazil in March en route to the Amazon and three weeks with Oceania cruises.

And so, I am now sipping white German wine, some sparkling water and they have provided a banana for my gluten free eating pleasure. Grazie, thank you and to the folks at Lufthansa, I am grateful. The next flight will be much longer and issues of food likely to come up again…. However I am hopeful that all my needs and desires will be met. I am happy and a content drinking white wine!

And on we go, the journey continues.

Ti amo, ciao ciao to the pillow, and to Italy for this year. I know I will be back to Roma, to Venezia, to Cinque Terre, to Firenze, to Tuscany. For now and maybe for a long time – I am done with south Italy.

The trek home begins. Reflection

Bon giorno from Napoli, en route to Canada

It’s a blue sky day here in Naples as I rise and get ready for my flight and adventure home to Victoria Canada. Four women travelling together today, the fifth one is off to Paris for a week.

We met last night in a shared space to review the highlights, talk about how the trip met and exceeded the expectations we had set all those weeks ago. We felt each part of the adventure, each turn of the road, each person we encountered, each day the weather, each purchase at the various venues, and some gluten free meals were exquisitely over the top. Far exceeding our anticipated travel dreams. Wow!

I feel I contributed to and witnessed a very successful holiday by all.

I also noticed some things about myself, how this trip highlighted and illuminated some if the efforts I have been making throughout the year for improvement and for travel dreams with groups.

What am I noticing?

I have been noticing on this trip that it is important to look beyond, and be curious.

What is taken for granted in my own country? That I notice here and am so grateful for …. What have I missed at home? Can I take this awareness back with me and see with more focus and clarity?

After Pompeii I wonder what lies beneath us all, in the soils of time. Once again I walked where others have tread thousands of years ago, hundreds of years ago, the yesterday’s of this place. How are we connected? Can we detect the energies of place and time?

When traveling with My partner I pay more attention to spending time with him, as a couple and together. A celebration of us. When he is not here I spend more time on my self and my growth and daily practice as a person. How to be more or to be ok with what is.

This is the living. We practice and try to be better people … I do. So when an opportunity like this presents, I get a chance to see where I am at with the climb. How mindful? How kind? How much do I walk the walk? What do I get triggered by and what would I like to work on for myself?

I learned to speak some Italian and learn some about the culture, peoples, history and geography of the area we were visiting …. This I suggest is value added to any holiday vacation. To gain a greater appreciation and offer something back is a key to WomenHoldingHandsAroundTheWorld. I enjoyed learning about and exploring that which was unexpected and unknown previously … That which is not available in books and research. The heart of people worldwide is the same. To want to be witnessed, appreciated and loved. Ti amo!

I found using the phrases and words I learned helped me feel more a part of Italy … And likely contributed to understanding and the people here wanting to be kinder to me for my efforts. I will do that practice again in future travels.

I feel more international and part of this global community by visiting and immersing into the rural Italian culture of the south … Staying in the boutique hotels in Naples, Agritourismo, and then time share all in small out of the way, yet deep in the Italian heart and soul of this country. Some might say, the REAL Italiano! Where people love their day to day lives not so much for tourism but for daily living …. We are the same same. We live and love the same everywhere and in all time.

Ti amo Italy, and I shall be forever changed by this trip … This adventure, the choices I made each day to live and love as fully as possible in each moment.

To breakfast now …. And then the airporto!

Ciao ciao, mi amica and famille ….. Ti amo. Wish you were all here, tutti!

Your Pamelllllla

Safe arrival in Napoli

Napoli on our own

We have arrived …. Safe and at a beautiful hotel, Le Chiminee Business Hotel. We dropped off the rental car and took a cab. That is the short story … There is always more.

We had made a decision as a group last evening after looking at the map. I really do not want to drive in Naples and it is not really necessarily obvious how to miss Naples centro. The airport is not that fa out of town and what if we make one wrong turn?

So today we left in plenty of time from Maratea armed with maps and google map pages saved to our various devices. Lol. We made our first stop in the quaint sea side village of Sapri. We loved it when we visited earlier this week. We wanted to go back. We saw a large market going on, double bonus! So be parked and retraced our steps to the same store where we had found Italian leather change purses on sale .. Great find and great gifts. The store owner of the luggage store advised the George Clooney and his bride purchased luggage there and he showed us which set …. Omg. Beautiful. Who cares if it is true!

Off to market, stopping at a Gelateria to use the bagno and pick up some water. Market was crazy fun … Cheap prices like five euro for a dress, top, jacket, scarf, and ten euro for bags … There was underwear and socks for sale, hair supplies, jewelry and shoes! Crazy. Locals must shop there? Kids stuff too ….

We had an hour to power shop, back to the same Gelateria for the same purpose, back to the car. On to the windy twisty mountain and seaside road … Great vistas, sun shine and saying good bye to some of our fave places …..

We had seen the main roads leading to Reggio, C for the past week. This is a major end of the road in the tow of the boot. So all roads lead there heading south. Today we head north to Salerno

I brought us to the highway and pulled off at the same agritourismo restaurant that we stopped at a week ago, and had the same meal … Lol. Fried potatoes. So yummy and with a little Parmesan, were just what we wanted. A bottle of fizzy water and use of facilities … Off we go.

Janie drove for a while, on the AutoStrade, until we got to the other side of Solerno. We changed places again and I was to drive us past Pompeii and in to the outskirts of the city of Naples hoping to get us safely to the airport.

We made great turns, all eyes on the road and checking signage. Then we found the airport … So happy … Signage for the return of car ….

Oooooooops! We over shot and went past the tiny little road entrance to drop off all rental cars. Oh dear. Oh my. The airport is next to the military area and so there is luckily a place to pull over in the crazy mad traffic around Naples airport. I did. I thought it might be possible to pull a u turn and get back to where we came … So we waited for an opportunity to pull in to oncoming traffic, cross two lanes and into another going the other way …. Oh my. I saw other people and cars do it … And I waited and waited and finally a guy waves me in and I inch my way over and over and finally …. We are heading the other way …. But much disappointment to realize there is no way to cross back over to get where we need to be. I can see traffic lights and a big hill going down to the city centro. I am doing what I can mentally to talk myself through this … And perhaps a few potty mouth phrases escaped.

Finally we reach a set of lights and several cars in front of me pull u turns. With unanimous support I take the leap of faith and follow them … A u turn in Naples with my precious cargo, friends and a rental car … I get to where we need to go.

Parked install number twelve of Europe car lot. I breathe. And again and again. I can feel the pressure and a few tears leak out. We are safe and we are here. I walk to the office, we get the paperwork complete. I won’t drive here again likely. And certainly not this trip.

We haul our luggage across the road to the taxi stand … All five of us get in and off to the hotel Le Chiminee Business Hotel. We drive through the nasty dirty industrial area and realize that one of the hotels we considered is there … I see the sign. Relief that we have selected another nicer one and that I am not driving to try to find it. So relieved I can still feel appreciation for our decision to take a cab.

Our taxi driver pulls on to a train track! Behind a train going that way … I guess like a metro? I smile and think it would be an interesting read in this blog! I certainly would not have known to take this route!

We have the most beautiful hotel. On a busy street, two rooms, a triple and a double. Breakfast included. Wifi available in the lobby. He will arrange for a taxi for us in the morning. The restaurant has senza glutine… No gluten food … So we have a reservation for 730 pm. Janie confirms bedding arrangements with separated beds. We divide up, take the lifts and go to our rooms, which are next door to each other. Beautiful clean and on a nice street. We have a balcony and see the other gals outside on theirs. Everyone is thrilled with our hotel choice! Wooooop. Wooooop

I am writing this now … As I unwind from the drive and stress of responsibility of driving in this foreign land. We had watched a Rick Steeves cd on Naples and he said under no circumstances to drive in Naples. I agree!

Thanks to the universe for guiding me today… And for the support of my travel friends.

We will take a cab to the airport tomorrow and go home! Back to Victoria and on with our lives! More later, my friends!

ciao tutti! Ti amo.

Pamellllla for another day.

Wish you were here!

Guest blog additions from travel companion and good friend, Deb:

Beautiful sunny day Headed out at 9:45 saying goodbye to our home for the last week. We all have mixed emotions. We enjoyed our time together, learning about the people and all the resort and Maratea has to offer. Our amazing courageous driver Pamela is at the wheel and taking us back through the windy mountain roads headed for the highway and Naples.

Since we got off to an early start and we loved Sapri and one of the Bella donnas had not seen Sapri we decided to stop. Of course we had to visit the amazing luggage store with the Italian leather wallets that were 5 euros each. OMG did we just pass a market yes we did and we all agreed we walk over there after we purchased more change purses for our loved ones back home.
What an experience wide open parking lot with merchants selling their wares. No food like our farmers markets but shoes, clothing, jewelley, purses, and many other things. The stands seemed to go forever and offered everything from bargains to high end leather bags and designer clothing. It was fun, fun, fun and we all got something to finish off our Italy shopping experience.

We returned to the family owned agri torismo where we stopped on the way to a week earlier to Maratea. Lunch was home cooked and 3 of the gals had a hearty bean soup. We had home made Pan fries with grated Parmesan cheese.

Bye bye Reggio and on the main highway by 2:00 pm. Pam is the captain.

Arrived safely at Napoli airport at 4:25.
Thank you my friend.

The very top and the Redeemer

Today we finish up last minute explorations.

This morning we relaxed, had an easy morning and left late from the resort, having eaten lots of our food.

A drive to AqcuaFredda and some lost drives down wrong streets. Small alley type roads that appear to be one way …. One at a time. Lol

We found the beach and some fun homes built in to the mountain side. Beautiful colourful subtle homes with terra cotta roofs, greenery growing up the side and often rock walls.

After we are passing by the beautiful restaurant, something de Cesare. We enjoyed Italiano fare. Beautiful view of an old tree and some flowers and of course, the sea. Yummmmmm. The swelling has gone down in my hands and my ring fell off from my baby finger in to the sink and in attempting to get the ring back, it fell further. Sorry mom, who bought me this ring at Victoria just a short time ago. It is gone.

We drove up the top of the windy twisty road to the Christ the Redeemer statue. A little exciting on the drive, very high into the clouds and above the sea … Up. Up. Up. Stunning pictures. Beautiful.

We can hear animals below cows? Birds. Dog barking. Bells ringing every fifteen minutes. I found some great painted post cards and then two toy Mini Cooper cars with international roof, covered in flags of the world. I was tempted so bought them for my wonderful grandsons.

A drive back down and now resting at the resort before afternoon and evening shopping starts in an hour or so. Lol.

Love to you, ti amo. We start home tomorrow. See you soon.

Love love


The other side of Italy

The drive to the other side of south Italy

Maratea to Scalea …. Over to Sabari on the other coast, through windy crazy small, mountain roads. Sometimes just one lane. This driving in Italy requires focus and attention as people pass anywhere ands drive fast. I enjoy the scenery and the roads are fun with all the twists and turns.

Across the mountains this time. Alternating old roads and new modern ones. Fast roads including modern bridges and many lanes being paved … Then tiny narrow one lane roads with sharp switch back corners. Rows and rows of olive groves along the high mountain roads. As we approach the coast, we can see the ocean from here! Cool mountain air coming in the windows … Scenic vistas. Little mountain towns nestled in the cleavages. Magic. I do prefer the coastline however I have now been coast to coast in the south of Italy.

Stopped at first veggie stop outside Sabari and tried hot peppers yummmmm, we started with mild ones and he then provided hot yellow pepper ones …. Lip tingling hot. Whooooo! We then bought grapes and some veggies for later. Whew! Better eat those grapes fast! Lol

As the area is less populated and quiet, we had to compromise with washroom facilities. Hmmmmmm. We found some roads that headed the wrong direction … Poor signage and maps inadequate for the challenge. Turn around and back we go to re drive our last turn decision, check the four maps and google maps, and try again. Lol

Two women selling ‘not fruit’ … Side of road on way to port! High heels and interesting outfits.

We saw people in very small vehicles, even three wheeled, one with a donkey on the back. Many driving very fast in fancy cars zipping on by leaving us with hands in the air.

We were in search of beaches and coastal treats. We found sand, pebbles beautiful sparkling water, mostly abandoned. Small personal row boats parked on the sand. I walked in water and enjoyed the cool water washing over my feet. It was fresh. Later in the day on another beach I went in for a swim… So I could enjoy the water, the location and cool down. Beaches were mix of sand and pebbles and almost no people for miles. Interesting, the season seems to be over and the places closed up. Quiet ghostlike towns. And then evening rolls around and traffic seems to sprout up on the roads, people commuting? Shops open only after five pm.

Interesting drive back across further south … Crotone through Cosenza and then the coast and up. Before that we tried to start back on a smaller less known, windy tricky road. We stumbled upon a very big brush fire … We turned around. The heat blast came in my open window. We tried a different route. We stopped a few times to check with local men standing around talking on side of road. They insisted we get off the windy road and get back on the main highway. No short cuts for us! We saw many vineyards, olive groves, sheep, goats, cows … More farming land.

Snacking on rice crackers with olives … Bananas, water ….

A few hours brought us back to the other sea, the one we love and have learned to enjoy for the past few weeks. Beautiful sunset, again … As we drove north along the familiar coast from yesterday. Back to the time share residence resort near Maratea. Oranges, reds, peaches across turquoise blue … Ball of heat and light slipping lower into the sea. I understand why people love this coast with such beauty!

Arrived back at the condo resort and supper was ready … Very nice. Exhausting and we came home after dark. I need to get some sleep. I received the gift of a hand massage … Very nice! Thanks Janie!


Today is the tomorrow I dreamed about yesterday. One more day at the resort and we begin our travels home. Ciao for now, Ti amo.