The other side of Italy

The drive to the other side of south Italy

Maratea to Scalea …. Over to Sabari on the other coast, through windy crazy small, mountain roads. Sometimes just one lane. This driving in Italy requires focus and attention as people pass anywhere ands drive fast. I enjoy the scenery and the roads are fun with all the twists and turns.

Across the mountains this time. Alternating old roads and new modern ones. Fast roads including modern bridges and many lanes being paved … Then tiny narrow one lane roads with sharp switch back corners. Rows and rows of olive groves along the high mountain roads. As we approach the coast, we can see the ocean from here! Cool mountain air coming in the windows … Scenic vistas. Little mountain towns nestled in the cleavages. Magic. I do prefer the coastline however I have now been coast to coast in the south of Italy.

Stopped at first veggie stop outside Sabari and tried hot peppers yummmmm, we started with mild ones and he then provided hot yellow pepper ones …. Lip tingling hot. Whooooo! We then bought grapes and some veggies for later. Whew! Better eat those grapes fast! Lol

As the area is less populated and quiet, we had to compromise with washroom facilities. Hmmmmmm. We found some roads that headed the wrong direction … Poor signage and maps inadequate for the challenge. Turn around and back we go to re drive our last turn decision, check the four maps and google maps, and try again. Lol

Two women selling ‘not fruit’ … Side of road on way to port! High heels and interesting outfits.

We saw people in very small vehicles, even three wheeled, one with a donkey on the back. Many driving very fast in fancy cars zipping on by leaving us with hands in the air.

We were in search of beaches and coastal treats. We found sand, pebbles beautiful sparkling water, mostly abandoned. Small personal row boats parked on the sand. I walked in water and enjoyed the cool water washing over my feet. It was fresh. Later in the day on another beach I went in for a swim… So I could enjoy the water, the location and cool down. Beaches were mix of sand and pebbles and almost no people for miles. Interesting, the season seems to be over and the places closed up. Quiet ghostlike towns. And then evening rolls around and traffic seems to sprout up on the roads, people commuting? Shops open only after five pm.

Interesting drive back across further south … Crotone through Cosenza and then the coast and up. Before that we tried to start back on a smaller less known, windy tricky road. We stumbled upon a very big brush fire … We turned around. The heat blast came in my open window. We tried a different route. We stopped a few times to check with local men standing around talking on side of road. They insisted we get off the windy road and get back on the main highway. No short cuts for us! We saw many vineyards, olive groves, sheep, goats, cows … More farming land.

Snacking on rice crackers with olives … Bananas, water ….

A few hours brought us back to the other sea, the one we love and have learned to enjoy for the past few weeks. Beautiful sunset, again … As we drove north along the familiar coast from yesterday. Back to the time share residence resort near Maratea. Oranges, reds, peaches across turquoise blue … Ball of heat and light slipping lower into the sea. I understand why people love this coast with such beauty!

Arrived back at the condo resort and supper was ready … Very nice. Exhausting and we came home after dark. I need to get some sleep. I received the gift of a hand massage … Very nice! Thanks Janie!


Today is the tomorrow I dreamed about yesterday. One more day at the resort and we begin our travels home. Ciao for now, Ti amo.

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