Travel to Rome May 2015

En route to Roma
I started out early this morning, picking up gals and heading to the airport in Victoria.  
I had packed a few days ago and collected some last minute toiletry items this morning. I also completed some last minute emails and sales. Yes, right up to the last minute I was contacted for future travels by past loyal customers and friends. I love my “job”. Although it is difficult to imagine this is actually work, compared to what I used to do for government. Ah well …..
Now, on the long nine hour second leg of this journey to Rome. It is about 6-7 hours in to the flight. I must have slept some. 
 I had a lovely gluten free meal and now I have just replenished my water …. The airline concierge has left a cart of beverages in the section right in front of where I am sitting. Free to help ourselves, on Air France.
Just as we arrived in Vancouver at the airport, we found the departure gate, D66, and I was able to get leg room, bulkhead seats for no charge. On this airline they do charge for selecting the exit rows. The plane is lovely and spacious from here and I am very grateful they had this seat available for me.  
Eight of our travelling pack of women met at the Milestones restaurant in the departure wing very close to our departure gate and had a wee lunch. The ninth gal, Sherry, my roommate is still in hospital in Vancouver. She went in a few days ago with severe pain and discomfort and she is still waiting for diagnosis and treatment. She is very sad to be missing this trip of a lifetime. I am going to miss her wonderful company.
Alas I will have no roommate for the full 21 travel days that I am on vacation. I will send her posts on Facebook and hope she enjoys the trip, as well as possible, for her recovery bed.
In total twelve of us were booked to travel together, alas we are now 11. Two are flying in from Nova Scotia and one went to New York over a week ago to start her vacation. We will collect all together in Rome, drop our bags at the carefully selected airport hotel and head in to Roma for sightseeing. Perhaps the hop on bus for this afternoon and an early evening to try to adjust our sleeping pattern for the nine or so hour change in to the future.  
It will be lovely to sleep and let time catch up with us! And in the morning we have a shuttle arranged to pick us up and take us to the pier in Civitaveccia. Then boarding the stunningly beautiful Oceania Riviera ship. I will be on deck 11 nestled nicely between the Penthouse Suites in my solo concierge veranda stateroom, alone, and next door to my wonderful mother and her friend. It will be great to see her and share this travel journey. We love to travel together!  
Well for now, I think I might listen to an audible book and wait for the last few hours to pass. I suppose we will have breakfast soon and then touch down in Paris before we head out on the last leg to our destination.
Very excited and anticipating a wonderful cruise. Travelling with friends and family is one of my favourite things and Italy one of my favourite destinations.  
Ciao ciao tutti, Ti amo

Il vostro agente di viaggio. 

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