October 8, 2015 / Wine Sun Beach Canal Wine … did I say Wine? lol

First stop of the day.Domaine de L’arjolle for some wine tasting at 1130 am. A few purchases and a giggle or two. A nice glow for most of the day. We have a case or two of hand selected wines to select from this vacation.
Beziers train station to get tickets to Paris and Nice. Gare SNCF. Billets to Paris from Beziers, x 4. Depart 6 hr 28 min and arrive 1050 am. Next day return from Paris depart 1807 and arrive Beziers 2233 hours. Anne has graciously and generously offered to take us and pick us up. The stress of driving to meet the deadline was immediately relieved. Thanks Anne!  
Also Pamela purchased billet from Beziers to Nice for 30 October. Thinking it was a short trip …. well, I arrive at 1700 hours in Nice. I will then get to Goldstar hotel and meet the other gals there. Jane, Laura and Sandee.  
TODAY continued: We drove through some very scenic countryside.
Series of nine locks connecting Mediterranean to Atlantic Ocean around Bordeaux. Beziers. Built in 1600s. Canal midi. Is unesco world heritage site. Picturesque. Plane trees lining canal. We stopped to watch a boat come through.  
Driving along tree lined canal through tiny villages. Spectacular
Palm tree groves also along side of road! Cyclists and walkers along side, ducks swimming 
A lot of changing landscapes without going too far. Different microclimates. Now like Alberta farmland …. Flat, cows, farmland, fields and machinery. Closer to the sea, windmills.  
Trois Dingues Beach walk, waded in the water. Selected sea shells. Sandy beach and warm sand, cool sea water. We will come back here! 23 degrees! Ar 3 pm local time 
Sete: two Panoramic lookout spots. 25 degrees. We can see forever! Butterflies and beauty. A school class doing a project… Fun to listen to French. Then another. Panoramique st Clair. lots of great photos!
Seignurie de Peyrat, winery near our place near Roujan. Her name is Cecile and she is lovely. She set up a table in the courtyard of this magnificent old estate, wine glasses, cheeses and breads. The feast began with several wine selections. Whites, rose and then reds. WOW! then a delightful walk through the chapel and on the grounds, through the garden. SEVERAL purchases of yet more wine! And we purchased all the remaining gifts to take home … glass wine stoppers each personally placed in cotton cloth bags cinched with string. Very cool gifts! Or maybe we will keep them all? ha ha – I think we must have bought the last twenty they had!! LOL. Who has that many wine bottles open at once??? Have to give the stoppers away as gifts to deserving friends!!! Are you one?? Speak fast ………..
Still to do, program the GPS in the rental car so I can get us around while Anne is cruising.


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