Gustavia, St Barth’s

New day, Gustavia St Barth’s, West Indies …. A French speaking port of call, and they use Euros for currency, although usd also accepted.

A new day for the beach!  There are a few of us meeting to get together for a beach day.  It appears this is an expensive island.  Perhaps a place where the rich and famous vacation? Over 15 beaches on this exclusive island paradise.  
Later:  we walked along the boardwalk by all the beautiful big yachts!  We enjoyed the boutique shops.  A Sea Dream small Boutique luxury cruise ship was also in the bay, as well a SilverSea ship with tenders transporting guests on shore.
The town is lovely, well organized, and full of beautiful homes, shops, trees and flowers.  We passed two schools where children laughed and played.  Strange to see so many cars on what looks like a very small island and this very small touristy port where parking was at a premium.  Rush hour seemed to happen when Bmw and other high end cars pulled up and parked, stopping in the middle of the street, to pick up children from school.  We smiled and commented on how strange this seemed.
The prices were way out of reach.  Hundreds for the most part.  We found treasures of scarves, small jewelry and some wine from a French wine store.  
We went to Shell Beach  which really was a shell beach cove.  There was steep rock cliffs on both sides.  Out in the bay were yachts and jet skis and sailboats.  People swimming.  Many of the gals and others from the cruise ship met there and enjoyed the crystal clear green blue sea water.  It was cool and refreshing.  A friendly four inch green iguana stopped by, and ended up finding refuge under a large rock nearby.
Back on board from a full day of shopping, swimming and being out in the hot Caribbean sunshine, dinner at Polo Grill with friends and an early bed to rest up for San Juan Puerto Rico tomorrow.
The Captain advises we have travelled over 6000 miles since Rio … Phew.

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