Lighthouse refuge, Mother Nature speaks

The storm outside encourages me to stay warm and bundled inside.  It is moderate wind and waves, light rain but constant and at home we might call it moderate (not yet heavy) rain.  Here moderate rain would be much harsher and stronger.  As the day progresses visibility is less.  It feels gentle to wait inside for a break in the weather or head out when we need to for the necessary chores of this position.  It is always an opportunity to walk a few rounds of this rock island.

We walked around this morning in the rain and came upon an otter, a river otter.  It looks like it might be wounded, it is up on the rock close to the ladder where I would normally be swimming and where the boats come to deliver people and supplies.  Could it be resting or recovering.  What message does it bring?  Google says otter teaches about good luck, adaptability, excitable, fun seeking, playfulness, friendship and freedom from stress, moving gently through the river of life.  Otters are intelligent and curious.   They are great networkers and great at motivating others.    Later in the day when I went for a walk the otter had moved on … not sure where.  Perhaps a little evidence of its food on the lawn.  Hmmmmm curious.

In the 8 a.m. morning swims in Victoria we enjoy seeing the otter family that lives near the breakwater.  They are fun to observe often in the grouping of 5.  When I float high in the water, on my back, knees slightly bent and hands up out of the water.  One of my friends calls it ‘the full otter’ and tries to emulate it.  I am not sure why I float so high in the water with stability.  When I google it says relative density of the body, elderly females who are not as fit, with a wider surface area, with higher body fat and less muscle may tend to float more easily.  Holding ones inhale breath also may assist with buoyancy.  A person can learn to let the water hold them …. Fully inflating ones lungs which enhances the ability to float.

In late morning I am listening to Sangha Live for Sunday, led by a woman from Africa, talking about interconnectedness …. Ubuntu, African Indigenous Wisdom.  The Courage to Love.  Behind every connection is a heartbeat, a sameness, “just like me”.  We are one.  I did some walking meditation with the group (sangha) and listened to the talk.  

This afternoon in the 30 knot winds and gusting we went for a walk around … in 6 – 7 foot waves we saw no less than 5 sea lions actually surfing in the big waves.  They gathered and waited and body surfed on top, jumping and frolicking and having a blast – it seemed!  So fun to watch.  Why wouldn’t nature have fun?

There are so many hours in a day here …. More, it seems, than at home.  We go to bed early and fill up the days with activity and rest.  The rhythm is peaceful and productive, whatever the weather.  

We just came in from an evening weather report and walk around.  The sun is setting, clouds are more scattered, the rain stopped mid this afternoon.  The wind has calmed and we can see the sea lions out in the wild rippled sea laying around, poking their heads up to say hi.  I wave 🙂  The thought crosses my mind that if I lived on this island after a while, would they wave back?

It will be getting dark in a while, we are having a fruit smoothie as a snack (trying to use up some of the vast quantity of food we both brought to share).  We will wind down and prepare for bed.  Still one more weather report to do before the solid sleep through the night.

Adventure at the lighthouse – holiday Friday, 7 April 2023

Greetings from the light!

Yesterday was a wild storm with extremes in wind and water and a few rain showers.  The ladder where I step into the sea was completely covered with high tide and water swells.  It was risky to walk too close to the edge of the island with strong wind gusts coming from seemingly no where.  I went to bed listening to howling wind and stormy sea sounds.  Exciting and wild.

Overnight all that changed.  I awoke in the night to the bright round almost full moon completely filling my sleeping space with light.  The sea was calm, the stars were visible and dotted the overhead black space.  The moon left a sparkling road on the surface of the sea, blending light with ripples.  The wind was silent.  The night was still.  I sat up and stared out the window to take it all in.

A few hours later I got out of bed, blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds (I am learning the names of the various cloud cover).  Eagles dancing and soaring through the quiet air.  The sun shining brightly on my end of the house.  As the day progressed the heat from the sun could be felt through the windows and outside, it was constantly overhead.  It seems all was rested from the previous day’s storm and now to start the cycle anew.

I completed my gratitude practice and went for a walk down to the ladder, for a dip in the sea.  The water level was high enough, at a very comfortable height just lower than the top two rungs.  Looks like the tide is going out …. And the sea looks calm and ‘easy’.  HA!!!  

The joke was on me.  I entered the water and almost immediately was acclimated to the cold on my bare hands and feet (I swim year round now in a bathing suit in the sea).  The current just under the water pulled me away from the ladder and although I thought I could swim with the agitation, the pull was fiercely strong.  It took all my strength and limited swimming skill to get close to the rubber bumpers used by the boats  that bring supplies and people to the island. The vertical bumpers fastened securely to the rock face are to keep the safety boats from smashing against the solid rock wall that is this island.  I could get a hold of one of these by swimming across the current toward the rock and pull myself back to the ladder.  I was surprised, maybe even shocked at the strength of the underwater push that was not visible at all on the surface.  My friend was watching and ready with devices should I need to be rescued, but I managed.  I was not really in danger, just very surprised and a bit exhausted from the exertion.  I spent the first 5 minutes of my dip trying to get back to the ladder and the next 6 minutes hanging on!!  I would let my legs go out behind me and I could again feel the pressure of my long 6 foot body to bend to the sea’s will.  I would put my feet back on the rung and let one arm go back in the water, a safer way to experiment with Mother Nature.  Wow.

I have walked, played with the dog and enjoyed the peaceful island today.  The wind is starting to pick up and the overhead clouds a little less fluffy and a bit more grey, the water surface more choppy than rippled.  

I think my stay is now half over.  Happy long weekend to you.

Lighthouse adventure, the next day, 6 April 2023

Good morning from this rock island lighthouse in the Pacific Ocean with the sea alive.  A friend has asked if it is a long way down to the sea.

It is a rock, so yes, some cliff around the whole island.  In order to swim I have to go down several sets of stairs and then down a ladder (which is attached securely and permanently to the rock).  When the tide is low I had to go to the bottom of the ladder.  When the tide was high I could just go down a few rungs and drop in to the sea and swim around.  Much more comfortable for me.  

The lower rungs of the ladder has barnacles and shells, some green stuff growing ….   I prefer the higher tide times, twice a day for swimming.  When the water was still, there was pollen and some sludgy stuff floating around in the gentle current on top of the water.  I am so glad I got to experience the sunny rays atop the surface of the water  on the first few dips.  The full experience of this place, the peaceful yet constant change is so interesting to me.

The tide moves 15 feet up and down.  The rock stands up maybe 40 to 60 feet from the water surface (depending on the tide).

The perimeter of the island is about .50 kilometres of walkable area.  In and out around the trees, fencing, sidewalks, heli pad, sharp declines, grassy areas, equipment, storage sheds and boat house, two full size homes.  I notice as the wind builds today, with gusty gusts, that the delicate white petals of blossoms on the trees did not stand a chance against the coming storm.  They flitter and dance, providing a light covering of the grasses and sidewalks only to be moved again with the winds and light rain showers.

As the day progressed and close to mid-afternoon the increase in wind, swells and waves leaves me to assume that this is a storm and I won’t be dipping at the afternoon high tide.  On my perimeter walk I witness wildness of sea, still a few birds and eagles soaring in the air, reduced visibility, sea lion not too far from the ladder enjoying something good to eat.  White caps.

Women’s circle provided by Spirit Rock (California) on zoom, every Thursday morning at 10 am for two hours. Grace Fisher, an angel, her voice calm and steady providing quotes and readings from other artists, time to meditate both in movement and while sitting in silence with the community on line.  I have listened to her through the past 3 years during COVID times since I discovered her.  

How grateful am I to be here – welcoming every thing as it is. Just like this.  My body, my mind, my heart …… just like this.  Sitting in observing awareness in this magical place.  Open to all the sensations.  

How am I on this day, 6 April 2023?  I am quiet, still, my heart is open, and I feel very grateful to have this experience.

Lighthouse day 3

Yesterday afternoon I was enjoying a double dip in the calm sea, at just after high tide, a gentle swim and float.  A seal poked his head up and watched curiously.  I spoke gently and then got out of the water.  We both kept our distance.  

The evening was beautiful with colourful sunset and later a near full moon in the clear dark sky.  

Today the sea has something to say.  Overcast most of the morning.  It is one of the jobs of a lighthouse keeper, to tell the weather in the area of the lighthouse.  Telling the wind speed (estimated), visibility, height of the seas …. Today the waves increase, the flag fully outstretched.

There are several differences today, the seals are not scattered lazily on the sun baked rocks in mid afternoon.  The eagle family and other sky birds (as far as I can see between 10 and 20) are swooping and ‘playing’ in the higher winds, dodging this way and that, riding the updraft and twirling around and around.  Some sea birds riding the fun waves, maybe 3-5 feet swells, some white caps.  

The screen doors of the house I am staying in, that don’t securely latch are banging in the ‘breeze’.  Different vistas on all sides of this island.  The water between the other islands somewhat calmer.  The wild side splashing up on the polished rocky cliffs.

It is challenging to walk my circuit around this small space.  However, I am determined to try.  Following the lawn area, around the buildings, up and down the stairs to the landing area and spot where I swam yesterday.  Around the newly budded (yellowy-green tear drop shaped buds) trees, small purple flowers about 3-6 inches up from the green lawn, yellow headed daffodils.  Around the heli-pad and looking over the edge at the crashing waves below.  

It is wild and wonderful.  Scenic and sensory.  This is not your ordinary walk – all the sounds are nature, the sights are not of a city skycape.  I have closed my rings and ready now to prepare for another peaceful sleep.  Good night all.

Lighthouse day 2

Before I move on to the spectacular morning, I will finish writing about my day 1.  This small island is a rock in the sea and limited in size.  It is a little under half a km to walk the whole way around.  

I have been walking for exercise and closing my rings on my watch for the past 846 days without breaking my streak.  Around and around I go, exploring, walking briskly, climbing gentle stairs all the while staring out to sea at the magnificent view.  Determined to keep up my moving streak!

Last night sleeping with the window and curtains open … much to my surprise and delight, the moon – almost full, brilliant and bright in the sky and filling up my space, making me smile as I was able to drift off again.

Up for the sunrise, outside in silk jammies to take photos of the glow and rising ball that keeps me warm and satisfied.

Goals for today, enjoy each moment that I can, have a cold water swim in this part of the sea, be one with the natural world around me, close my walking rings on my watch, eat well, spend time talking about meaningful topics with my good friend, write a gratitude email and send out by text.

GRATITUDE for today, that I arrived safely on this magical island and have the opportunity to be here.  Tasty, aromatic and superbly smooth morning decaf coffee prepared by my friend (Flair expresso).  The cardboard 3-d puzzle of Roman Colosseum completed by my friend.  Grateful.

Grateful to see the seals resting on rocks, the subtle rise and change of the sea level, witnessing the weather changes on the spring day, enjoying the sightings of the eagle family who make this rock home, buds on ancient trees that grow here (Garry Oak, flowering blossom trees that will bear sweet yellow plum fruit one day, apple tree and alder, wild roses and lilacs in their early spring bud).  Not mattering to count the many times I see the sights from all sides of this mystical place as I walk my daily exercise routine.  Ancient petroglyphs from many years past.  Grateful.

It is so quiet here of course.  This morning I stood under the light and could almost hear the dew drips fall from the light to the platform. Some landed on my head and face, the cool drops were pleasant to experience.  Mindful moments.  It seems I stood out there for ages. 

Eagles watching and hovering over. The two eagle parents and one ‘immature’.  I would say teenager?  Ha ha.  Good luck to the parents!

On the horizon I see hundreds maybe thousands of birds breakfasting on the sea in the golden glow of morning.  The bright sun making its way through the patch of grey cloud.  It seems like a competition and for us on this lucky day, the sunshine won!!!  It has been clear, bright and sunny ever since, warming up wherever it touches.

In writing this I wondered what a group of eagles is called?  According to Google (I remember when I used to run to our set of encyclopedia in the bookshelf and pouring over the information contained between the pages)…. a bunch of eagles would be an aerie, convocation,  congress, or army.  (Very military words …. Who writes this or decides these things?  Back to google …..).

I am delighted to know and see a Round of robins, several Flock of seagulls.  To the delight of my cold ocean-water swimming pod …. I am part of a  Raft of otters.

Once in the south of France at la Carmargue I witnessed a Flamboyance of flamingos.  Sometimes in the trees I have seen a  Party or band of blue jays (my mom is watching the BlueJays season baseball ….).

In August and September 2023 I am going on safari to Africa and hope to see the following: Tower of giraffe,  Dazzle of zebra, Pride of lions and Herd of elephants.  Isn’t nature wonderful!!!

I had my dip at low tide off the ‘rock’ today.  It is much less cold than the breakwater in Victoria ….. and the glowing beautiful sun is still shining from the brilliant blue sky.  Lucky me. 

3 April 2023

Day one of the Lighthouse adventure

You know when you see ‘signs’ of positivity pointing to the direction of ‘you are going the right way’?  I am there.  I am here.  Here I am.

It is a blue sky day upon arrival and spectacular shiny sparkles on the water, almost too bright to look at.  Gentle ripples and slight wind.  My ride over was exciting.  Fresh sea air blowing at me, the sights of far off land, trees, mountains in the distance, bright blue sky with skiffs of white cloud overhead … making promises of a beautiful day.  Day 1… my arrival.

I believe in synchronicities.  I believe in totems and spirit animals.  I believe that being born near the sea makes me a sea-loving creature.  Perhaps I was a mermaid in a past life <smile>.  

Coming up, soaring beside the safety boat, is the identifiable and beautiful long slim shape of a Great Blue Heron.  Fairly common in these parts, these magnificent birds always take my breath away.  This soaring bird follows along our path, then crosses over in the front of the boat so close I can look into her eye.  

I catch my breath, I hold steady and ‘stay’ in a mindful moment.  Stay. 

According to Google, some traditions believe the heron is a symbol of self-determination and self-reliance.  Good luck and prosperity, harmony and peace.  Grace.  Longevity, patience, purity.  Determined and clever.  Curious.  Tranquility, serenity, elegance.  A very good omen asking me to be unconventionally productive.  Focussed.  A restless loner.  

It is true a heron is a large bird with very long legs and long neck that lives near the water.  I used to think we had similar legs, <ha ha>.  I love the slow quiet way they move.  The stillness that is their trademark as they wait, and wait, and wait.  Mostly seen alone, not travelling in a ‘siege’.  Many with outrageous and fashionable hair styles. A little bit edgy, they prim and pluck and then wait some more.

For the past number of years my friend (who I am staying with, let’s call her T) and I have taken picture of herons as a symbol of ‘good morning, my friend’.  We see them, we take a pic on the phone and we respond when the other friend sends the message by text.  We, T and I, are very close personal friends that started as professional colleagues with deeply similar philosophies within our work with people.  We are here, T and I, on this island together for the next 10 days.  

The heron sighting today was a good omen as I arrived at my temporary lighthouse home.

Good Morning Nova Scotia

Good morning dear blog and any readers, family and friends.  As you will recall this is a travel blog, and well, here I am – travelling!

What a difference a sleep makes!  I won’t go into details about it now, however it has been some weeks, maybe months without good sleep.  For a variety of reasons I have decided to take rest and try to restore here in Nova Scotia.

Arriving last evening in Halifax after flying all day from Victoria, BC.  Here in Atlantic provinces there is a requirement to self-isolate in quarantine when arriving from outside this region, for 14 days.  This is during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and affects different regions and countries all around the world.  I may write more about this during another blog post.  For now …. This is day 2 of my isolation, I believe.  I am not sick with the virus, which I am grateful for.  There will be frequent check-ins from the authorities to make sure I am quarantined where and when I have declared myself to be, stated in writing upon arrival at the airport.  

My mother and many of my family members live in Nova Scotia so I am hoping for some ‘home-time’ loving while I am here in much needed recuperation and healing.  Away from my work, my beautiful apartment in James Bay, Victoria BC which overlooks the ‘other’ ocean coastline and ready to BE (taking a break from do-ing).

Upon arrival last evening I did not have the energy or interest to explore or feel the gracious down-home hospitality arranged carefully for my arrival.  The fridge was stocked with wonderful foods, many local berries and produce.  This morning I am tasting some of the local fare, fresh local strawberries and blueberries.  I can’t remember the last time I have experienced these flavours and scents ….. wow!  Thanks mom!

It is four hours later here, and suits my natural time rhythms already.  A photo of my view today, and fresh fruit breakfast.  Tea is made and time to write in my journal.  

Stay tuned for more ‘Notes from Quarantine’ ….

Annual Review from the past DECADE: What does 2020 offer?

Good day and I hope you have a fabulous EPIC 2020!

I have been doing lots of personal travel over the past decade and I thought I would share with you a brief summary from the past ten years or so of travel experiences. (see below)

Going into 2020 I have some travel plans and likely will narrow the planning to one international trip. It will again be family focussed and of course, friends and travel buddies always welcome to join us. (see below for the trip for 2020!).

PLANS for 2020 and beyond:
–Travel with family, friends, Womens Travel Club Meetup buddies.
–Write more, blog more.
–Present at Reimagining Retirement Workshop for Women 7 March 2020, Victoria BC.
–Professional development to continue. (reading, attending seminars and on-line training, podcasts, consultation with experts)
–I am retired from government work and (again) working full-time in a career I love. In addition, I am a home-based certified travel agent with DeparturesTravel in Victoria BC.

2020 TRAVEL: New York City to London, UK departing end July 2020 and cruise on Queen Mary 2 with Cunard. Ports of call include Halifax NS, Nfld, overnight in Iceland, few stops in Scotland and ending in London. Several of my “must see” destinations (Newfoundland, Iceland and Scotland) are featured and some of my favourite international cities (NYC and London, Halifax) are also on the itinerary. I love this beautiful ocean liner and looking forward to my return to CUNARD sailing. This will be my 5th cruise with Cunard, second time on the QM2!! Join me?

–Ten years ago I became a Travel Agent and began the Women’s Travel Club Meetup (WTC) group (today we celebrate 850 members & 2 assistant co-ordinators, Gail and Janie) Thank you!
–Ten years ago I began my travel blog; to share my travel activities

Land tours and Cruises:
– Week stays in Barcelona, New York City, London, Rome, Nice, Honolulu (Waikiki)
– Local Living in Italy with GAdventures, and several stays in hotels, time share in south Italy
– month in villa in south of France (no tour) with car rental and fun with family and friends
– India with 17 women from the WTC covering North for two weeks and south India with National Geographic GAdventures tour and almost a week of relaxing in between in Kerala
– India the following year back to desert experience Jaisalmer, Delhi and Jaipur (private tour)
-River barge in Burgundy France with GAdventures out of Dijon (visit to Geneva Switzerland)
– 9 Oceania cruises including several to the Med, 3 weeks Amazon cruise, 2 transatlantic cruises, Caribbean and east coast cruise out of NYC (my favorite ship in their fleet is Riviera)
– 4 Cunard cruises including Greece, two transatlantic, Baltic for 2 weeks
– cruised with Princess (Caribbean and Pacific Coastal), NCL (Hawaii), Carnival (Hawaii), Holland America (Hawaii, Alaska x 2, Pacific Coastal), Royal Caribbean (Europe, the Med)
– 5 Azamara cruises (North of Europe in May June 2019, 4 in the Med – Greece, Italy, France)
– River cruise with Scenic ending in beautiful Paris.

Top ten travel experiences of past ten years: India / Amazon / Italy / France / England / New York / Greece / Alaska / Hawaii / river cruise to Paris.

What did I learn? Magic happens: Sometimes the magic appears when and where I least expected it. Suspend my beliefs and thoughts and be open to see what is showing up. EVERY day, every interaction MATTERS / Smile, be photogenic always / We are all the very same, the human experience is global.

Pamela MacDonald

Your “travelling” consultant,
Mobile (250) 857-5518
Follow my blog at
Friend me at

Sea days

Hello again. I have been home over a week and realized I did not post the last few stories on the blog.

“Sea day, just prior to disembarkation

We will have one more port of call, today is a sea day 21 November 2019. We are sailing toward port of Palma de Mallorca Spain. We will disembark at Barcelona 23 November and head toward home, flying into Vancouver airport.

Sea days include time spent with family and travel buddies, last minute shopping at ship boutique stores, reminiscing of the last ports of call, starting to process going home, thinking about packing, deepening relationships, trying to stay present…… practice.

Trying to resist resistance, relax into the waves of energy …. Feeling the sensations, hours on rolling seas, slow steady arising of home sickness alternating with relaxation, growing to-do lists, counting up the costs and reviewing our ship-board account, selecting enrichment activities, pondering why I travel at all. What would I do differently? What were the highlights of the adventure?

Time to take in afternoon tea.

Safe travels “

Delphi revisited 18 November 2019

Delphi 18 November 2019

I booked a tour with many of my travelling group, friends and family. I was in Delphi a few short months ago with GAdventures land tour.

There are 3000 islands of Greece, 200 are inhabited. Population of Greece is 11 million, 5 Million in Athens which is located on plains of Attica. It is 210 Kms from Piraeus to Delphi, today we took the bus :).

Tourism is largest industry, second is agriculture – olives, olive oil, grapes, fruits, veggies. Today we drove through agricultural lands growing cotton, wheat, potatoes, veggies and fruit. Miles of olive trees as far as can be seen, even in mountains. We drove through ski hill resort town also.

For Delphi, the guide (Penny) from my last time here was fabulous. I will read back on that blogpost for the description that will stay with me.

Onward for sea day as we sail to Malta.



Stunning Santorini on Sunday 17 Nov 2019

Kalimara… good day from Greece. Santorini to be specific today.

Santorini is the island, an active volcano… dormant at this time. Last eruption activity in 1950’s. Soft eruptions happen and increase the size of islands in the caldera. This is the biggest caldera in the world filled with sea water. Uniquely the villages of Santorini are constructed on the rim. The last major eruption was in 1613 BC… it lasted 4 days.

As our bus climbs ever higher, we stop at Santorini’s first ever stoplight. Created 2 months ago to assist with traffic where the road is under construction. Apparently Santorinians often don’t stop…. just ignoring it.

The cliff is about 400 meters high. 15 villages on the island, with total off season population of 22,000. In summer season, population doubles with workers greeting tourism as the main economy. Last year 2.5 million tourists came to visit.

Santorini is actually an Italian word … not Greek. Thira is a Greek name, the capital city of Santorini. Over 500 churches and chapels on the island, only 5 are not Greek Orthodox. Some of the chapels are private and owned by unique separate families.

Fishers, farmers and sailors were the professions prior to tourism since 1960. There is agriculture land between the towns. 90% of the jobs are in tourism. Vineyards growing grapes close to the ground to protect fruit from harsh wind and sun. The main farm crop is grapes for white wine. Wine grapes have been growing here for more than 2000 years. 80% is for white wine. Assytriko is the dry white wine. VinSanto is the sweet ice wine also from this region.

Also fig trees, bee hives, prickly pear, capers,herbs. No rain at all in summer, very high humidity.

Beaches are mostly black volcanic rock,some red and some grey volcanic pumice stone,which covers the island. Rich with minerals and great absorbency for the moisture from the air.

This is a major wedding destination and many people come here for the photography.