
Nice, day one
24 hours in Nice. Arrived last evening, took cab to Goldstar Hotel. Very close to train station and after a long day on the train it was nice to take the taxi. Arrived, met at hotel by Good friend Jane who had been at hotel most of the day. She had a massage, has been to the pool and had a nap … Coming in for her two week river cruise.  
We chatted and opened a bottle of red wine. Then time to walk out and around, looking for some dinner. We found Rossopomodora restaurant that makes pizza famous in Naples, but alas, not gluten free in France. Sigh. Salad for me. We talked to the staff and requested they carry gluten free for next time.
After dining, again more walking around, on Promenade Anglais. Fantastic, a city lit up for tourists and locals alike. Back to hotel, early to bed.  
On arising we found that Saturday is market day in Nice, of course. We head out and meet up with Laura and Sandee who are joining us from Canada, Victoria, for the cruise. They drop their luggage and off we four go to the market.  
Hours later Jane and I return home with fixens for lunch. Cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, sea salt, olive oil, beautiful pastel roses for the room … Gluten free meringue type macaroons, sun dried tomatoes . A feast! I had put rose wine in our mini fridge so we drank that too. After, we went out to the beach, the plage! The wind had picked up and there was warnings about swimming so we sat close to the surf. It was mesmerizing and magical. Close enough for salt water surf spray on the face. Hot sun shining down … Fantastic expeeience.
Then we walked up on the promenade for a long while, watching locals and enjoying the many sights. An elderly couple cuddled up, she nestled into his neck while he read aloud to her. It could have been her last day? They were sweet, seated in blue bench chairs along the Promenade D’Anglais. We saw people riding bikes, necking on the beach, frolicking in the surf on the small pebbly beach, and walkers. Many people in scares, hats and looking very stylish. Beautiful.
Home around five pm, we stop in for a quick dip in the roof top pool. I took pictures from the pool area. Beautiful sights. Then a swim … Back to room and ready for dinner. We met again with the other two gals and we went to Octopussy restaurant of James Bond fame. We ordered heated French cheese to start, some wine … Then everyone had a nice meal. We sat outside on the street to continue the people watching. It was very pleasant. A walk out on the promenade and now back in the room for more wine and an early night.
We will host breakfast in our room at nine am. We have lots left over from market day :). 
Our room also has a kitchenette so we have plates and cutlery and a dishwasher! Looking forward to embarkation on Azamara tomorrow.  
Fantastic …


One comment on “Nice

  1. Sounds wonderful. The closest I have been was from a bus up on the hill overlooking it. I didn’t realize that you were embarking at Nice…..thought for some reason it was Barcelona. Anyway, enjoy?

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