
On the Bus, in Russia

We are on the same coach as our British dinner mates, the other couple. He is a police person and she a social worker. They are truly beautiful people you would notice if they walked by. They have adult children and still are very much a romantic and affectionate couple. Handsome, fashionably dressed, very polite and great conversation folks for Steve as they are well read and know lots of trivia too! And I recognize several other people that I have seen around the ship. Three busses loaded with us, leaving 15 minutes late. We are off ……. Daria is our tour guide.

We already passed McDonalds and a Wine Store! Not so different from us! Hot sunny day and all local people wearing down jackets and long pants, hats even some of them and hoodies. All in sweaters and or jackets. Not like in Victoria! Daria explained that fall has come here, mornings and evenings have changed to cool and yet they are having Indian Summer.

Neva River is the reason for the city. Along the roadway, horse riding classes for nobility and aristocracy and also Vodka Museum.

3 million pieces of art. We saw so many originals…. Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, Claude Monet, Leonardo da Vinci, Raffael, Rembrandt, Michelangelo and so many more. What an amazing day!

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