Another day at sea

It is a sea day

Good morning. I thought I would try room service for fun this morning. I also intend to go to the restaurant for breakfast. For lunch they are making me a gluten free pizza. Most of the days are planned around food.

Each day is 4 hours in watercolor class. I enjoy that activity and it is my main item on each days agenda. There are always many numerous guest speakers, enrichment programs and even istudy courses for using iPad. I made it to one of the basic iPad classes. There are dance lessons daily as well. On the last ship we attended and practiced every day. Not yet on Queen Victoria.

We have lovely new table mates, over half from Britain and one American couple who asked to be moved from their original table. Steve and I have participated in some trivia events but I don’t mind opting out of those.

Mornings are more leisurely on this leg of the journey. We are gaining an hour a night for now as we head west to North America. I love it done in the night time rather than at noon on the way over. They did it that way I understand, so that the crew does not miss their precious sleep time. Going west they get those extra hours of sleep so that works well.

This ships is not as stable and not as large as Queen Mary 2 so i am experiencing more sensitivity to the rocking of the ship. I find the ship we are on to be almost identical to Queen Elizabeth that I sailed with in September with Penny. Beautiful dining room, lots of great places to sit, 2 storey library with spiral staircase, and the Cunard museum are extras on this ship.

I have read a few books, yesterday I read one about traveling for a few years and how this author prepared for that, and tips for other travelers. Interesting and I don’t see myself doing that. While I am interested in working on a cruise ship, I don’t expect I would be content to leave my friends and family for long periods of time. Vacations at sea will have to suffice to scratch my travel itch.

Well, off to breakfast soon, hope you are having a great day wherever you are. Love Pam

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