On route to Athens, Sept 6 2019

On my way to Greece, 2019 September 6

Hello my friends and family. I am somewhere over northern Alberta, flying Air Canada, Vancouver to London, UK. Upon arrival will take the last leg on to Athens. I am joining a lovely GAdventures tour, Best of Greece.

A few words about intentions….. I feel it is part of every vacation, (and quite frankly every day)to set ones intentions as to how we, I want to live my life. Stepping into a fabulous life and lifestyle is more than just chance and wishes.

Setting intentions is about giving form and possibility, a road map, for the universe to provide that which the heart desires. How does the universe know what to provide? The regular practice of uncovering and declaring intentions …. this the directional compass for what comes next, leading to next and even ultimate outcome.

Brilliant really, when we discover that our / my destiny is really in my hands / mind / intention.

On this trip my intention is ease, escape from the busy-ness of my work, and to be in awe of an ancient time. I can feel the energy of ancient ancestors around me as I set out on this travel adventure. What is open for me to discover? What will be the highlights and life-changing events and vision that will take my life on different directions? To be open to possibilities for change and increased awareness is to really embrace the travel experience.

Collective Intentions:
1. To be as present as possible
2. Extending kindness and genuine compassion to the souls that cross our path
3. Be open to new ideas and new ways of being in the world. (New to me/ us anyway)
4. I want to experience fully, sunrises and sunsets. The change of the day to the night, the night giving way to a new dawn. Sit with it, sense it, be with what is
5. Beaches and tides … the sea as it embraces the shore. Volcanic textures that exist from ancient times, in awe of time and of these powerful elements
6. Choosing to experience new experiences with a grateful heart
7. Ease and flow, rest and recovery
8. Savory, sensational food exploration and satisfaction
9. Celebration of my friend, Colleen’s, birthday
10. Leave a subtle and almost undetectable footprint ….one of love and care. The only wake that says “I was here and it mattered”

Sunday 8 Sept 2019 local time …. Arrived at the hotel, steps from the airport in Athens. We walk with our luggage (which gratefully arrived in tact). Face wash, teeth brush … cup of peppermint tea …. unwind and prepare to sleep in this ancient and far away place. Till tomorrow ….

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