Capri, the island in Italy

Capri for the day

Today we met mid morning for a drive to the boat marina in Massa Lubrense.  This is the town where the lemon farm is located, next to Sorrento.  I was in the first group that arrived in the shuttle van and walked through the small coastal town, along the sea and large rocks protecting the walkway from splashing surf.  It was beautiful and interesting, wild and fun.  I am interested in returning when we have more time, maybe tomorrow?

Then the boat arrived to pick us up.  Holding about 12 of us, we set out for Capri island.  The surf was high, I thought, and some bumps and rougher areas.  A few of the girls felt some motion sickness as we rode across to the island and then travelled around half of the island from the boat following the coastline.  Beautiful scenery.  We watched sea gulls soar in the wind, interesting rock formations, other boats navigating the surf and some residences and resorts scattered on the coastline.  It is a beautiful island with lots to see and discover about its history.  The sailor of our boat told stories and provided trivia information in his strong Italian accent.  I could not understand much, was focused on the sound of the sea, surf and wind.

We landed and shared a taxi to AniCapri, the town on top of the island.  Some cloud cover up high so we did not try the cable car to get better views.  We walked down streets and enjoyed the sights.

After a few hours we took a shared cab down to Capri and walked the rest of the way down stairs and walk ways to Marina Piccalo, the small marina where we had been dropped off.

Marni and I took turns taking a short dip in the sea and changed on the beach while waiting for the pick up to travel back to the mainland beach area.

More boat ride looking at the rock formations on the outside of the island before heading back to the agritourismo for pizza making and our evening chatter and fun.

One comment on “Capri, the island in Italy

  1. Beautiful!  Never been to Capri….



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