The MOON in New Delhi
It’s four in the morning and a new dawning in New Delhi, India. Under the full moon I wake and wonder.
What is life like at this time of day in this place? Young and old, families and singles who live in virtual homelessness on the streets may also be looking up at this same moon.  
It is cold here at night, this time of year. Not cold in Canadian standards, but relative to the day time. It is the coldest ever in Delhi I am told, around 8 degrees at night. Up to the early twenties (degrees C) during daytime, very pleasant for walking around and feeling the sunshine as it strains to reach the earth through the smoggy grey air.  
Today I anticipate sweet moments spent with travelling buddies. Hopefully a woman driven cab, we will venture for a few hours to see “her” India. A little time to shop in a more modern upscale designer location. Perhaps back to that local foodery where the price is reasonable and the portions plenty, with flavours of local pride and joy.  
Plans for today: gather all the gals who are not otherwise booked to go on a private tour. We plan to see Chandhi Chowk for wander through Khari Spice Market, Chawni stationery, Delhi haat handicrafts … Then Anokhi store on 32 Khan Market. Akshat Dham Temple and a few other sacred sights. Dinner back tonight at Hotel (another word for restaurant) Saravana Bhavan.  

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