Coming home

LEG ONE of the TREK homeward.
It is about 420 am on November 10 2015. No idea what day of the week, maybe Tuesday? I am at the airport in Barcelona getting ready for my flights home to Victoria.
I left the cruise port at 230 am thinking this process would take so much longer. No traffic at that time of the morning – lol. The taxi driver was a bit sketchy but the port security fellow gave me the thumbs up indicating the taxi driver was “good”. I expect he was woken up as his blinks were very long, as I watched from the back seat. Nevertheless, I used all my self soothing techniques and ho’oponopono phrases and we got here to the airport in record time and under $30 Euro. I gave him a tip and am so grateful I am safe.
430 am the lights came on in the wing where I am sitting beside the expected gate for my first leg of the flight.  
I have tried to log in to supposedly free wifi. Pronounced weefee here in Europe. I am unable to log in without divulging every detail about my life so …. will wait until I get back in Canada to log in.  
I fly first to Amsterdam and then Toronto. So I have upgraded the long flight to the emergency exit row for a little more money. It is worth it for sure. Or at least I expect it to be worth it !
The airport is all but deserted at the time I arrived this morning. About 20 or so – what looks like military men in civilian clothes sleeping on the floor with mounds and carts full of army green canvas back packs and cargo luggage. They were sleeping all over the floors …. I assume they will be on my flight but I don’t really know that yet. I was able to get through to drop off my luggage by doing my on line check in at the kiosk and then having boarding passes ready when the drop off area was opened at 4 am. About 20 some families budged in line pushing and carrying on – with huge luggage and some foreign language. However it turned out they had not done their check in and did not have boarding passes so were forced out of line again. I was next.
I had a broken carry on bag coming to France and yesterday purchased a mid size piece of luggage to check in – to replace my carry on and small check in bag. I have given my smaller check in blue suitcase to Jane so she can take home the purchases she made for her grandchildren.
I had one luggage to check and my Azamara bag and purse to carry on. Very civilized and lightweight. I am relieved it is done.
I am tired, although I rested about six hours last evening before I got up about 130 this morning. I was not able to sleep much if at all – thoughts and anticipation of the trip keeping me awake.
I am very hopeful I will sleep today on the flight. I see I have gluten free meals and I now have leg room for the long flight. I am satisfied it is the best I can do – for little cost. I am not yet ready to consider first class prices, especially for the amount I travel.  
I am ready to go home and will try to write along the way. My good friend Janie has generously offered to pick me up at 1135 pm tonight local time when I arrive in Victoria. Almost 24 hours travel time I expect.
Just now a few soldiers have walked through the airport with machine guns … it looks like they are escorting a woman to a gate? She looks lost and they look like they are assisting her. Lots of security people around for such a quiet airport, and I think about my new job waiting for me when I get home.
In about 20 minutes the flight will depart for Amsterdam. I will go use the loo …. and prepare to board. There is a queue already!!
Bye for now, leg one was getting to the airport! onward ….


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