Day two in ATHENS, Greece

Breakfast Greek Salad provided by the hotel (Parnon) was fabulous and tasty.  The thought of a bit of rain today made a few in our group seriously consider the Hop on bus.  I have done that in Athens previously and not a huge fan of bus drives at the best of time …. So Mary and I opted for a walk to find some green space and a few huge parks that I have not previously explored.

We stopped to watch the guards at the Parliament building do their fancy march.  Then to the National Gardens.  

A great day overall – we had good talks, lots of bird watching and listening to nature.  It was magical and relaxing.  Another 12 Kms today :). There was a little bird sanctuary, some goats and bunnies with wire around their area, ducks, and more foul.  

We saw some very unique trees, bright flowers and old rock stuff including the temple of Zeus.  Another great day exploring Athens.  We found a spot for lunch after circling the area we were searching – ha ha … Atitamos on road Kapodistriou …. Had a great local traditional Greek salad (why don’t they just call it ‘salad’?).  Not as authentic or local as last nights but feeling full we walked back to the hotel, met up with some travel buddies.  We went back out searching for some cheap wine and Prosecco.  Tonight we have to pack (again) and head to the airport for EasyJet flight to Naples for the next part of our adventure.

Pamella of Greece, going back to Italy and the Amalfi coast for another week!

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