New York, New York …. as starting point

Start spreadin’ the news … New York!
I arrived today in New York City for embarkation on the lovely Oceania Insignia. This is my third sailing on this particular ship and my ninth Oceania cruise. It is like home to me now, getting on board and enjoying the luxurious familiarity of the food, the staterooms, the lay out of the ship, the pool area and of course the stunning library.
Long flights lead up to the taxi ride to the pier. One leg I was paged at the airport, in Calgary and presented with Business Class boarding pass. Not sure how I got selected but it was fun and much appreciated. The following stop I was one of those people who got singled out for extra security checks. Time in the little X-ray room with my hands in the air, my bags completely searched, ipad and iphone removed from their protective covers … and checked on all sides with wands and tests. My jewellery did not set off the alarm, it was decided before I went through the security area … by some random selection, I suppose.  
Patience is really the key to happy travel. Being hopeful for luggage to arrive at the other end, being practical about what zone they will call next and when is my turn to stand in queue to board the aircraft … and being flexible to adjust to announcements and realities, planes late and delayed departures, rushed connections or worse …. gratitude that I get to travel this modern way and also empathy for those young families trying to keep their wee children happy and not on the brink of loud screaming. Always asking for consideration for leg room, an exit row and some gluten free snacks. Air Canada is often the airline that gets selected by Oceania to be airline of choice for us.
I am travelling and sharing my room with a dear friend who I have known since about 1977. It dawns on me that we have been friends for 40 years. Rosemarie and I travelled together to Hawaii in 1980 when we graduated from University of Calgary. In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago, and in many ways, we just step back into our familiar friendship of deep understand and connection, combined with laughing and joy in each other’s company. Lucky me.
Also on the trip is my mom and her friend Jim, Darlene and Matt … sweet friends from many years ago, Kamloops days. Two other couples and one single gal have joined our group and I am hosting the cruise, although people will tend to do their own thing. We will all be a little closer at the end of the trip due to shared meals and experiences that vacations bring.
Tomorrow is the first day, first port of call …. Newport, Rhode Island. I want to do the Cliff Walk and see the sights of the city … I really don’t know much about this place and look forward to relaxing and being surprised and delighted at what we find.
Tonight we dined at Polo Grill, 9 of us in the group and tomorrow, we have arranged Toscana.  
Time for sleep and listening to the sweet sounds of the sea outside below our balcony. Waves of salt water spray are gentle sounds that relax and beckon.  
Sweet dreams one and all.

2 comments on “New York, New York …. as starting point

  1. Colleen says:

    Sounds fabulous – can’t wait to experience a cruise with you ❤️

  2. Maria Nielsen says:

    Great reading, almost as if I was there since I was on Insignia over a year ago to Central America..thanks Pam.

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