First hours in Fort Kochi, South India

Today life is completely different in India. In fact it is like arriving in another country or planet. Hot, 26 degrees at midnight!   Ha ha. Today is hot. We are tired.

We are at Fort Abode apartment hotel if you want to google it :). 
There is a pool on the roof. The apartment hotel is beautiful, plain, with flowers, well situated off the main road, safe and exceptionally clean. It is lovely, the staff are awesome, a lending library for books, pop and water, access to spa .. They pick us up and deliver … Lol. Not far from the local sights and shopping.  
There is a large living area and balcony attached to our room … And we share it with two of the seven other gals here on the trip with me. We have three nights in this hotel to relax and recoup from our last trip … 
And then we will enjoy a few nights stay for the National Geographic one week GAdventures Kerala Dreaming tour. It looks amazing!  
It is a tropical paradise here in this part of the country. Spice markets, fishing nets, local dancing and cultural events, fabulous foods made locally …. And more. We go to an island for a few days on that tour as well … Some beach time.  
Sherry and I went for a walk after our breakfast …. Found a lovely restaurant for dinner and she ordered fish for tonight.  they will prepare fresh caught local fish (white salmon, prawns crab, and some I can’t pronounce …) at 4 pm … Marinate it and cook … So we show up at 6 and dinner 630! Amazing. I will stick with veggies as I have done on this whole trip. I have had gluten free, dairy free and no meat … I feel great … Lots of bottled water …. 
In the local town we touched and wandered through silk textiles ( raw silk, silk on looms, commercially made and less expensive silks … In every imaginable texture of wonderful), shawls and scarves, carpets and wall hangings. Stunning … 
In India there is also, in addition to silks, textiles made of cotton, linen, kashmir and pashmina wool. Various degrees of refinement, and textures from ultra soft to nubbly … From shimmery, plain, to ornately coloured and hand embroidered, unique designer fabrics, and basic classics, bright vibrant colours and subtle hues …. Everything and more than you can imagine!  
In India the textile shops will make anything to order … Pyjamas, matching outfits, pants, sarees, jackets, robes, dresses … In just a few hours. So tempting to have a wardrobe made of the delightful textures and colours! Imagine …..  For someone tall like me … It is almost overwhelming the possibilities!  How to decide?  Silk brocade robe lined in silk …. Oh my!  
No holy cows here ….they even serve beef! 
 Markets, cleaner streets than in the north, less pollution, close to the beach … Chinese fishing nets …. It is so beautiful. I understand why people from India vacation here. It is charming. And little goats wandering around, little alleys … Lots of guest house type hotels and stay resorts. Slow pace … Not as much honking.  Large palm and coconut trees providing shelter and greenery.  
It is a much needed quite break from the busy-ness  of the two week tour in the north.
 From that tour, I think I enjoyed the desert places of Rajisthan the most … And some of the hotels were really spectacular.  The rural countryside of India is unforgettable  …. Individual people in bright colours (sarees for women, including scarf head covers – yellow, goldens, reds, fuchsias, bright Royal Blues, and bright colored and or white turban adorned men in white and natural coloured pants and tunics) seen in the fields working … Some carrying loads on their heads, some tending to livestock, sheep and goats, camels, cows … Some carrying water … Bringing colour and life to the golden desert and sparce vegetation.  Those will be the visions I will remember most …. I fell in love with the search and witnessing of their lives in rural India. 

I also took many pictures of the carvings, door way arches, jewels, carriages and paintings in forts, palaces and temples on the Royal India tour.  Inspired to quilt again … I am looking forward to taking time to categorize my photos and to make a memory quilt that depicts what I have seen.  
I will try to catch up with my writing while here in Fort Kochi …. 
Till then, keep in touch …

Namaste and Safe travels to my fellow women travel club gals who have ventured off to different places today …. See you at home in a few weeks!  I am off now to the roof top pool!  Ahhhhhhh, living the dream!!

With love, 

 forever changed by India!
Ps.  Speedy recovery to Luv (he was our tour guide extraordinaire in the nor Royal India tour and was injured on our last day together. ). 

Pss, I miss my family at home, and send big hugs and lots of love to you! 
Pamela / Mom / Grammy 


One comment on “First hours in Fort Kochi, South India

  1. Joanne says:

    I think you are in your glory with all that silk and other lovely fabric around you! No wonder you are inspired to make a quilt! Sounds wonderful!

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