Heroes and others

Heroes and others

Crew died in the explosion and fire on board Oceania Insignia yesterday. People, guests and crew were up for more than 24 hours in a state of wakefulness and discomfort. This was a tragic event. The energy was sadness, and compassion. Of personal grief and worry combined with positivity with people helping each other in a crisis.

There was a passenger woman doctor on board that we saw throughout the evening. At some point earlier people had witnessed her delivering CPR to one of the crew. Later as we sat around in wait, she had summoned an ambulance so a few of the elder and more frail guests to have a place to lay out, relax and stay calm.

Most guests moved me to tears. Couples of climbing years and deep affection for each other, in embrace, or sleeping sitting up, beside each other in chairs. With obvious mobility issues and ill prepared for such discomfort and inconvenience were quietly and patiently waiting for what was happening next. Getting each other a sandwich and more water, holding chairs and sitting in quiet witness.

People were walking around in their newly purchased gift shop ware. Probably purchased for an aunt or ailing mom, or even one of the kids or grandkids, ripped off tags and wrapped up for warmth and comfort, ‘Welcome to St Lucia’! Even others were good sports and wore their bathing suit cover ups all day, some twenty four hours without even so much as a towel. Some guests had been swimming in the ship pool when directed to leave the ship by staff, no longer rehearsing a drill.

People in wheelchairs and with walkers finding spots to sit and wait.

Tensions high for some, and in small groups people could work themselves into rage. There is always something to do to help. I walked around wishing people well, touching shoulders gently and commenting on how nice looked or how calm and helpful everyone was. Food was provided, none gluten free, except apples which I am allergic to! My friends found and scrounged oranges and grapes. Water bottles were plentiful and there were adequate bathroom facilities and plenty of places to sit together in groups.

I tried to keep in touch with the other nine passengers I was traveling with and even some new faces I had already met and connected with on the cruise, now fun familiar faces. No one had anticipated this would, so soon, be our only time together.

Lists were provided and plans underway to move some guests to Miami and begin their trip home. The cruise was over, no one could go on ship. Staff milled about and then attended meetings and disappeared. Later we were to see them packed up and heading home and or to other ships for work. This cruise is ended, the ship is cold and dark and not going anywhere, soon.

Everyone feels the discomfort of not having fresh clothes, toothbrush, iPhones, credit cards, and so on. Ships personnel were helpful in locating emergency medications for people and passports needed for the flight back to the United States. Some passengers were adamant to not leave without all of their belongings however this was not to be so.

As the sun rose this morning, 20 plus hours from hearing of the fire, we were the last bus to leave,the ship pier and head to the airport an hour fromCastries, on the island of Saint Lucia. We too were flying off the island. Three and a half hours of uncomfortable flight in a chartered plane, no food or warm blankets, we endured more wakeful discomfort and sure knowledge that our precious belongings were not coming home with us as we had hoped.

Met at the airport by Oceania delegates, after clearing customs (nothing to declare!), we were welcomed and ushered to the bus to spend some time cleaning up, eating and learning of the next travel plan. I was sent to the Hilton in Miami where I was again happy to reunite with some of my travel group for breakfast and purchase of warm oversized Miami tourist hoodies!

Cleaned up, redressed in a sandy tired bathing suit, I wait for my shuttle to the airport to begin a series of flights back to Victoria.

More to come!

Ciao for now,

Tired in Miami,
Love Pamela

Sad Tale at Sea

And the explosion continues

While at the spa having my feet and legs caressed and soaking in some warm solution followed by paraffin wax …. There was an announcement that there had been a fire in the engine or generator? But under control and the electricity to be back on soon.

Terry and I prepared to head to town, better than sitting on a dark ship with only emergency lighting. As we were about to disembark, Terry went back up to fetch an umbrella as it looked like more rain showers outside. I was the lone passenger on the deck 3, the crews quarters, the gangway and the hub of activity. Radios had to be used by staff as phones were not working. I could hear activity and made myself small, stood out of the way and waited, watching in awe.

The ships officers were busy making decisions and giving direction, it became clear that the situation had escalated on board and I was ushered to the direction of my room on the eighth deck. As I climbed, ship staff directed me to muster station and the ships alarm sounded. After a short time there all passengers were required to disembark. We did.

We joined a few other gals and off we went to the beach by cab. With thoughts of the ship, the guests that have mobility issues, the crew and what might lay ahead. Not expecting or even thinking of the worst.

Swimming and bobbing around in the sea as the environment was clearly Caribbean in culture. A small colourful boat, with a thatched cover and many international flags, spunky reggae music playing for all to enjoy and a man selling fresh pineapples, coconut, watermelons and pouring rum inside. People donned in all manner of bathing attire would walk through the strong warm surf to partake in his offering. Big business when cruise ships in town.

A few hours spent leisurely people watching and enjoying swimming in the wild surf. Four women with chairs rented, taking wee corners of shelter from a rented umbrella.

No food that I could eat, still existing on room service toast from the morning room service, my thoughts wandered back to our ship. By three pm we had all had enough of the beach scene and curiosity took us to see the ships and get out of our sandy clothes. Little did I know that when I packed and dressed in the morning that this would be it for me, for several days.

Still not able to get on board Insignia, we were shuttled to a pier building to meet with other passengers and wait for more news and updates. Organizing some 650 guests, many in only bathing suits, or beach wear, some in shorts and tshirts, the ships officers started to receive abusive comments and demanding questions from outraged guests wanting the comforts of the cruise to be restored.

I am pleased to say that many more passengers were kind, patient and caring to each other and appreciative for all the extra effort from crew and officers in such a difficult situation.

More to follow:

Love p at sea

St George’s, Grenada

More about St George’s, Grenada.

They celebrate their Carnevale in August, ‘having a grand time.’ Singing calypso.

We stopped for a tour where nutmeg, and other spices are harvested. Tried rum punch and loved it enough to take a Mickey to try on the ship. Lol.

30% unemployment is one of the barriers for people who live here, however they are friendly and warm people, highly educated. Outside the shop there were varieties of Spices being offered for sale by local woman. Spice liquor also for sale and jams and syrups. Second stop was a herb and spice farm. We had a tour and enjoyed the fragrances and feel of the items offered to us to try. We saw cocoa pods, fruits, grasses, weeds, and spice bushes. The main crops are cocoa and nutmeg due to climate. Tourism is really the main business in this area.

Plenty of very big posh homes in the hills, however they typically are not owned by locals. Perhaps some wealthy people who once fell in love with the island had a home built, however do not take the time to come enjoy what their money can buy.

Snakes and mongoose are local wildlife, we saw a larger gecko, and interesting to see goats and cows dotting the road side, some on rope. According to our tour guide, parents will gift an animal, a goat or cow, to their children hoping to teach responsibility. The youth ensures the animals are cared for and then reaps the benefit of making money from the animal.

On the island, they import fuel, diesel and it is expensive. They also now have to import sugar for use in many products for local consumption. Building materials including wood, steel and cement are also purchased from off island. Roads and homes are made mostly of cement and it is a high cost. Education is encouraged and in fact by law all will go to school and graduate. Medical costs are privately paid, no government assistance for that.

Stopped at old Westerhall Rum Distillery, including museum and how it used to work when sugar cane was planted here. Tasting followed. 140 proof. And then sipping rums. People bought Christmas presents. I am not a big fan of the strong alcohol flavour.

A very interesting day all around. Back to the ship and had appies, a glass of wine and ready for the best meal yet, at specialty Italian restaurant Toscana. I had some amazing items including risotto with lobster, and lobster with gluten free pasta. The flavours of the many courses and the balsamic vinegars and olive oils to dip my gluten free bread, were carefully selected by the wait staff. Dining in this restaurant takes time and is worth the extra attention to detail. Fantastico, piacere!,

Now it is time for bed and tomorrow landing in Bridgetown Barbados.

Some facts of Grenada

You say Grenada, I say Grenada.


I am at an enrichment talk about this port of call for today. I have a shore excursion booked to see and learn about the Spice of Life, spices grown here and of course a rum distillery for some tasting! Living the dream … Here are some of the notes:

Independent island of British commonwealth since 1974. Agriculture is important, spices, sugar, turned to slavery to work fields for a time as they did not have enough population to tend the crops. Hurricanes killed sugar plantations. Now nutmeg and other spices major to economy.

Unique flag. Parliamentary democracy. Queen is the monarch. Associate of the EU countries.

History of invasions, executions and other political upsets. I recall something about this country, hearing about it in the news. Hurricanes history, severe weather in the hurricane belt. Three major hurricanes in my lifetime. Roofs of buildings gone, used tarps. 90% of the buildings damaged. Many still stay in same condition now, today.

80% of nutmeg were damaged. It takes 7-15 years to grow a new nutmeg tree.

High rate of poverty, small farming on the island of less than 5 acres a farm.

Use Eastern Caribbean Dollar, however most places take USD.

Volcanic island, beautiful tropical rainforest, some of the best beaches in the world, and. Coral reefs. Eco tourism is popular. There is a sunken ship to explore with scuba diving. Grand Anse beach by water taxi.

Steep streets, deep gutters, drive on other side of the road … Pedestrians look out. Many sights not well preserved. Beaches are popular and some are spectacular. The museum used to be a prison. There is a fort as well to see views of harbour.

There is an old town, Carenage. Water taxis available for hire to take you around the island, to beaches, etc. There is an underwater sculpture garden Moliniere point, you have to scuba or snorkel to see it. Over 160 pieces on display under water. Helps protects the reefs from erosion. Annandale Falls is lovely, with gardens, swimming, vendors, open to tourists.

Local bus, water and land taxi, van, privately owned independent drive vehicles to explore this 21 x 12 miles island.

More to come after I see it for myself! Sunny, warm and docked in port.

Ciao for now,


St Kitts and Nevis Dec 8 2014

Day one, St Kitts and Nevis, December 8 2014

We arrived in time to enjoy our complimentary champagne in our stateroom while we unpacked into the well appointed room for two. We spent a bit of time on the veranda and ordered shrimp cocktail and a cheese plate to hold us over till our dinner reservation in the specialty Polo Grill restaurant.

In e meantime we had to attend an emergency evacuation drill and met a very fun and funny couple on their first cruise. We laughed, maybe the champagne made it all seem funnier?

Lovely dinner, I ate lobster, the whole thing, after Caesar salad and soup, all gluten free. We also enjoyed another bottle of wine, this time Prosecco. Dinner was fantastic, the atmosphere was great. Th.e service outstanding. And the little jelly square fruit items suitable for gluten free, I remembered from my last cruise with Oceania on this very ship, at least 4 years ago. In fact exactly to the date four years ago as we sailed from Barcelona to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I am so glad they still had those jellies and of course, fresh made marshmallows with sauce.

The seas a bit rough, the exhaustion and lack of sleep, he rich food all caused me to decide that an early evening was in order. I slept. And slept.

Today we got up in time to see us arrive in St Kitts at the port of call. No excursion were booked in advance. We ate a fresh fruit and toast kind of breakfast, and took the tender boat over. Little place, three large ships in dock, Celebrity and two Royal Caribbean ships, including the newest Quantum of the Seas. I took pictures.

Terry and I were determined to walk and find a beach. Ha ha. Locals told us not to, so after we walked through the village, we began our walk to the tender boat, shopping along the way.

Postcards for he grand boys, and a flag of this tiny country. USD are accepted here.

It was very hot and sunny today so we decided to come back on the ship a tech early, grab lunch and relax by the pool. If we could have found bicycle rentals or even shooter rentals, terry would have explored more, not to be today.

After a lovely lunch of taco salad, vegetarian style, with grapefruit sorbet, we cooled down in the salt water pool an enjoyed the sun a bit. Then off to the spa where we found the thalassotherapy pool. Steam room and spa terrace that we can use on a complimentary basis. We are also trying to decide on spa treatments for future days.

Terry did an hour of running and exercise today and I walked and ran with her for about half hour. It was fun and enjoyable to get to do that with her. I went back to the spa, enjoyed the pool, showered and now am sitting on the team veranda waiting for appies to arrive. Then we plans to enjoy happy hour from five to six, perhaps try a special drink or martini …. Then dinner after in main dining room.

Time to dress and enjoy more lobster. Ha ha .. I ordered this morning for dining tonight … This ship serves lobster every night somewhere, very pleasant!

Internet is slow and spotty but we have it complimentary, so going to try to post this soon.

Ciao my friends and family. Tomorrow we have a spice and rum tour on Grenada. Lucky me!


Toronto stop over

At Toronto airport

Hey there, we are hopping along and making our way to San Juan Puerto Rico for a relaxing ten day cruise in the very South islands in the Caribbean.

Although I have not been away from cruising that long, I am due for another. I love the sun and heat. I enjoy the relaxation and pace of a lovely comfy luxurious cruise ship.

I anticipate a wonderful opportunity to celebrate my retirement from government with dear friends travelling with me. As well, I am looking to enjoy complimentary access to the spa terrace on the ship, with sea water pool, lounge chairs, steam room and quiet access to the sea air. Like a moment by moment with serenity.

I have picked up a pair of headphones to listen to my audible books for added inspiration as I encounter my muses and circle of genius.

It is the early morning here in Toronto airport and the sun rise was subtle and is now complete. It looks cold outside. Next stop, San Juan with some heat!

It’s That Time Again!

It’s time again

Time to write, time to travel. Time to write about travel.

Greetings friends and family,

Tomorrow I embark on another adventure. Pure luxury on Oceania cruise, back to the little Boutique ship Insignia that I sailed on a few years ago to cross Atlantic from Barcelona to Rio de Janeiro.

This time flying round trip Victoria, to San Juan Puerto Rico and back from Miami.

The cruise is ten days in the sun and surf, exploring beaches and small exotic countries / islands in the south Caribbean. Ports of call in St Kitts, Grenada, Barbados, St Lucia, St Vincent, Martinique and St Bart’s. Even a day cruising the Old Bahamas Channel before coming home.

Upgraded to concierge veranda so get lots of special perks including complimentary and unlimited access to the Canyon Ranch spa private Spa Terrace, welcome bottle of champagne, extra and priority specialty dining, complimentary iPad and more.

This is going to be relaxing and spectacular, with plans to enjoy the spa, some wine, complimentary internet package and some beach walking.

No room left in my suitcase so perhaps I can’t buy anything … Lol.

That’s ok, I was working on being minimalist this year … Ironic.

Today I was also invited to offer a letter of support nominating my very great and long time friend for 2015 Woman of Distinction Award. She is one of my mentors and I value her advice and friendship. I will be crafting her letter when I get back from the trip. Such a special celebration! I am honoured.

On the trip to Caribbean I will be traveling with some of the fabulous fun and courageous women from the Women’s Travel Club. I invite you to join .. Invite your moms, your sisters and your friends … http://www.meetup.com/Womens-Travel-Club/

I will be happy to feature any travel bucket list destinations that are requested. As well, assist with finding compatible travel companions when requested. Lots of great adventures coming up and I hope you join. Even just to follow where we are going, it is a fun way to feel part of global adventures. You don’t need to be from Victoria to join! Just North America, please.

Well, back to last minute packing lists and picking up some last minute items from the store which won’t fit anyway. Lol. …. So much for minimalism!

Ciao for now,

I will send pics and stories


Bon Giorno, Ciao

Ciao Bella’s, Bon Giorno

Last night our bella donnas from the Italian trip in September 2014 met again. Organized by our lovely leader, Janie, we all decided to sup Italiano style together in Victoria BC.

We live in the most beautiful city in Canada, some say. Although born in Nova Scotia, I have been moving further west and finally ten years ago found my home in this fine city. Restaurants are plentiful. The sunrises and vistas around the city as well as sea scapes and beaches are breathtaking.

I have recently moved to a high rise apartment in the James Bay area behind the Parliament buildings. Right now, as I write in the wee hours, I am enjoying the city lights as morning prepares to arrive. Soon the sky line will be punctuated with brilliant orange, pink and yellow contrasting with the myriad shades of sky blue. I am truly blessed.

Back to the meal, while tasty and enjoyable, was far surpassed by the company of five talented, warm, fun loving and entertaining women friends who came together to enjoy each other’s company. We miss our closeness from the trip, where group hugs happened before we retired to bed every night.

Last night on the street, in full view of the world, we continued the ritual. Feeling once again the warmth of friendship and the memory of travel, we embraced and shared caring phrases that promise of a future of long friendship and a past of a trip none of us will ever forget.

In many ways, our Italian adventure was a trip of a lifetime for all of us, certainly me. The Italian living for more than two weeks with local foods, sight seeing, cultural, art and music particular to the country, and the togetherness of new friends who got along famously and as if we had known each other another lifetime in that magical place.

With little tears in my eyes I offer great thanks to my travelling friends. I know there is more fabulous travel planned for us.

I invite you to join us.

In a few weeks I fly to San Juan Puerto Rico for ten days in the sunny Caribbean with ten new travel friends. I know there is room for more. Back before the winter holidays. In March 2015, a twenty two day trip to South America and included is a week on the mighty and beautiful Amazon River. So far, a dozen have committed to travel with me and a few more still in the wings looking for travel companions.

I am returning to Italy every year, hopefully. I go back to Italy once again in October 2015 on route to a few weeks in the south of France, and after my beautiful Greece and Turkey cruise …. And then Italy revisited, planned for September 2016, with some of my favorite bella friends.

For now dear ones,

Ciao ciao, ti amo


A New Day: a new adventure; a draft.

Great morning my blogging friends, and family!

I woke up this morning in a new location. This time, not on vacation. I have moved my home base. While on my last fantastic vacation I arranged the sale of my condo, one I had lived in and loved for some ten years in beautiful Victoria. Yesterday was moving day and I am in a stunning, yet small, apartment with a view of the ocean, the mountains, the lights of the Parliament Buildings, and the swimming pool that is now in my yard. Lucky me! I look forward to visits with grandsons and my own adult daughters and splashing around in the beautiful pool in the warm summer months.

This year has been about radical change it seems. For those who have been with me all year, you will recall that I participated in a powerful planning and visioning event in early January of this year, to invite the possibilities. Keeping with some of my gurus, Mike Dooley (thoughts become things), Julia Cameron (Artists Way), and Robin Sharma (magnificent obsession, lead with service), the book on Power Words, and another Positivity 2.0 …. I find myself in a new home, a new and more intense focus in my career and lifestyle and with boxes all around me. I have exquisite memories of my recent five week Europe vacation with family, new friends, and members of the fabulous Womens Travel Club.

Be careful what you wish for, as it likely will happen! It has. I find myself awake smiling, filled with gratitude for what is, and excited anticipation of what yet life will offer up.

Travel with groups, around the world, to be part of a movement joining hands with women everywhere, is my passion.

I have started already to craft my 8 Mantras for Daily Living, and ‘a little about me’. I invite you to do the same. There is always room for revision and rethinking values and purpose. I invite myself as well to consider the infinite possibilities of what lies ahead.

Join me in my travels, and in my process, if you like. I do look forward to hearing from you on how we can co create together.

All the best,


Ps. “A Little About Me”. (A draft)

Here’s a little about me: I travel the world in luxury and style, furthering the dream of women holding hands around the world. I enjoy walking, music and laughter and the space between the sea and the shore. I am a mindful artist: I write, quilt and paint to inspire positivity, possibility, curiosity, gratitude, kindness, peace and love. I live an abundant and ecstatically happy life.

8 mantras for mastery: every day

1. I am mindful and full of gratitude everyday for the magical, infinite, loving reality in which I live. I live in Easy World!

2. I am loving, joyful, happy and kind to all, most especially myself. I radiate positive light, goodwill and peace.

3. My body is vibrant, photogenic and full of energy. I embody health and positivity.

4. I visualize in exquisite detail my epic global lifestyle, including group travel, and inspirational writing. I am brilliant, inspiriting and exuberant and lead a movement of women holding hands around the world.

5. Plentiful abundance easily flows through me. I attract clear skies, sunshine and moonbeams.

6. I climb My Everest. I take courageous steps to spark miracles everyday. I knock on doors and turn over stones.

7. Morning pages, power words and Artist dates spark magic, delight, fun, joy, interest, curiosity, and mystery.

8. Everyday I show up early, give thanks often, expect the best, appreciate everything, make it fun, lead, invent, wink, smile and celebrate my success.

I love every minute of my wonderful abundant affluent happy life

Hot sunny Caribbean this winter! It is a GREAT idea

Hello dear ones!  I am inviting you to travel with me to celebrate my retirement from government and the fabulous life I am having as a travel consultant as well as leading the Womens Travel Club (http://www.meetup.com/Womens-Travel-Club/).  It feels like a great opportunity to get together, shake off the winter chill and hang out for ten days.  Flights included in the pricing from most major gateway cities in Canada and US.  Ship board credit, pre paid gratuities and internet included for booking with me ………  Oh the places we will go!!

Follow the link:  http://www.cruiseshipcenters.com/Cruise/en-CA/PamelaMacdonald/Itinerary?item=666368

Call me or email for more information.  I would love to celebrate with you!!

10-Night Caribbean Cruise – Itinerary

  • Day 1
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • 6:00 PM
  • Day 2
  • Basseterre, St Kitts, Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • 8:00 AM → 4:00 PM
  • Day 3
  • Saint George’s, Grenada
  • 10:00 AM → 7:00 PM
  • Day 4
  • Bridgetown, Barbados
  • 8:00 AM → 6:00 PM
  • Day 5
  • Castries, Saint Lucia
  • 8:00 AM → 7:00 PM
  • Day 6
  • Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • 8:00 AM → 8:00 PM
  • Day 7
  • Fort-de-France, Martinique
  • 8:00 AM → 5:00 PM
  • Day 8
  • Gustavia, St Bartelemy, France
  • 8:00 AM → 4:00 PM
  • Day 9
  • Atlantic Ocean
  • Day 10
  • Old Bahama Channel
  • Day 11
  • Miami, Florida