Coming to Crete

Kalimera from Crete

Not sure what day it is, second full day of cruise. We are stopped outside this lovely place and tendering in to town today. Last year I was here with Steve, Marilyn and Alex. We wandered through town and bought some olive oil soaps. It was my last port of call before Rome and coming home.

This time, it feels like our holiday has just begun. Walking, chatting, being. We have really enjoyed all our dinner partners and area having room service each morning, eating on the veranda as we watch the entry in to a new port.

There are beaches here however we probably won’t search for them. Just walking and exploring the local fare.

Island Nafplion

Island Nafplion

The centre square is paved with marble. This is an ancient city surrounded by shops and cafes. Bakeries, tourist shops and a boardwalk promenade. There is a fortress as well a prison (no longer in use) sits in the harbour on its own island. Interesting and gloomy energy.

A local tourist gal is by the main lobby and we stop to chat and learn from her. It’s will be an awesome day to wander and look. Gentle day in Greece. It’s is my first time here and we tender in. We share the harbour with Oceania Riviera ship. Very beautiful and both my favourite cruise lines.

Later: we investigated the streets of marble throughout old town. Shops, cafes, interesting people. Many from our ship we recognized. We found some little treasures. I was looking for a coin or pendant of Greece. I found one to add to my collection around my neck. Some said it was some ancient calendar, some said it is a collection of Greek symbols and came from Ephesus. Once I found it, there were several others in a few more shops, silver, comparable prices. I looked at rings and clothes, but not much tempted me. I found a cute ring, no symbol of significance and I had to take off one of maxi sting rings to make room for the new addition.

I found some more suitable postcards to send to Luke and Jack.

We came back to the ship and had salmon brochettes by the pool area … And Mediterranean grilled veggies. Yum! A glass of white wine for the day. Off to our room to et ready for the evening. I had a date with the maitre d from diniNg area to discuss my food issues. Then on to a cocktail party meet and greet with 189 travel agents! I am shocked by the large number.

Ten dinner with another couple. They were lovely, married 30 years, live in San Diego. Both very tall. We ended up talking a lot about criminals and youth and what people can do to assist. It was a great chat. Then we went to the show together and listened with goosebumps to the singing voice of the cruise director from Toronto Eric de Gray. Powerful voice and very entertaining!

Checked email this morning. The sun came out and the day was so great. Relaxing and so enjoyable.

Wish you were here.

Love Pamela

Ps off to Crete, Chania is the port town, more tendering. I loved this city when I was here in the fall. It seemed much hotter then.

First full day on board Azamara Journey

Today Nafplion Greece

We have arrived at our first port of call. It has been a busy few days catching up on sleep, food and of course some wine.

On Tuesday (today is Thursday) we had a 12 hour day cruising to three Saronic islands, Hydra, Poros and Aegina. We purchased a few olive oil products and I bought and ate pistachio nuts. It turned beautiful and sunny as the day wore on and we very much enjoyed our time at sea and exploring on land.

Yesterday we had a wonderful transfer, arranged through the taxi and he took us by the Temple of Zues, Acropolis and the site from the first Olympic Games rebuilt to the amazing outdoor theatre today. On our way to the port of Pireaus, we talked about Greece and what it is like in Athens.

I met up with fellow CruiseShipCenters consultant, Sandy P. how fun, she and her husband had been on a river cruise and then disembarked from Oceania Riviera.

We had a seamless and effortless embarkation, no waits, no lines, brilliant with Azamara. The same day also Oceania Riviera and RCCI Navigator of the Seas were loading. I was on Navigator last fall, so fun to see her again and I enjoyed seeing the new Riviera.

Our rooms were ready and we went next to lunch and had a great chat, enjoying the hot sun. Sitting out on our veranda was also very nice. I took a few pictures.

We participated in the safety drill and met a few other agents. Then off to freshen up and meet others for dinner in Discoveries Dining Room. Our room is mid ship deck 7 and really is lovely.

At dinner we met a couple from Seattle, formerly Hawaii. Very interesting and happy time, more wine. Then off to the show, introductions to some of the entertainment crew, followed by a lively musical and dance show with 6 or 8 singers and dancers. Great orchestra accompaniment and terrific songs from musicals over the ages. The cruise director is from Toronto Canada and the future cruise consultant from Vancouver Island. I think I should make some enquiries!

Up to the Looking Glass, late night dj. There were a handful of people there, and the name of the event was Jetlaggers. Many must have been as they were not up dancing! First night at sea can be slow starting.

I must hads some caffeine in my decaf, so am back to hot water now. I did not sleep well. We put out for room service breakfast, up watching the sun rise.

Up, had breakfast and we tender in today to Nafplion Greece. More to follow.

Beautiful, wish you were here!


One day cruise

Hydra, Poros and Aegina

The Saronic islands cruise, 3 of the 9 in total we will visit today. First one, Hydra, has no vehicles on it. Apparently very small and we will have a short time to wander around the small port city.

Poros will be second stop after lunch, and also small.

Aegina, famous for many things Greek including large groves of pistachio nuts. I will make a purchase and eat to enjoy on the cruise back to Pireaus.

There is a few bars and a shop selling jewellery and handbags, a few t shirts and scarves on board the cruise ship.

Long day .. Just got back to hotel, about 9 pm. Sun came out today and shone brightly. Very much enjoyed the day. I recommend this one day cruise.

Going to embark on Azamara cruise on the Journey tomorrow.

Good night all,

Wish you were here.



Athens, rainy, early morning and off to a small one day cruise to the Saronic islands. I see a spot of blue overhead and predict hot and sunny afternoon on the sea.

As we leave the Sofitel airport hotel, we are on the highway, and on the overpass a very large Swiss airplane drives along the bridge over the road just above us. Quite the site! The sun is rising in faint pinks and blues in the cloudy skies.

Rolling hills dotted with olive trees and vineyards. Mom asked about eating olives direct from the trees and the cab driver tells us how. If cut, 15 days covered in water, changing the water daily. 30 days if not cut. Olives and grapes grown together, trees protecting vines from winter winds. All four seasons, winter being a short month or two. Some trees can get to be 300 to one thousand years old.

On the bus we joined at hotel Bretagne for our one day cruise.

In the same spot as I was just a few months ago with Steve and Sarah, Sergei, outside Plaka, the market shopping area of Athens. Off to the side, very congested apartment buildings, about half and half rented and owned. 5 million people in Athens, 11.5 in all Greece. Significant unemployment especially for young people. (Double for those under 28 years of age).

Across from the ruins. Stopping at hotels to pick up other passengers. Narrow roads congested with drivers working. Big bus navigates the turns, almost on a quarter, euro!

Lots of motorcycles and scooters are used for transport. Our driver this morning told us of the cities financial issues and housing, employment situation. Quite grim actually. Back to being a tourist and sharing my tourism dollar. Doing my bit for the Greek economy.

Taxis seem to be the only vehicles moving, the streets so narrow with small compact vehicles parked on both sides of street.

Tina is our tour guide and organizer on this bus. She speaks in Greek with the driver, such an intense language, almost angry. I see familiar signage, Shell gas stations, large BMW dealership, there must be money here in addition to the poverty and obvious graffiti. A big city that does not hold a lot of interest for me, but fun being here not too long ago and seeing the familiar.

Olympics were here in 2004 and new highway and other buildings were part of this time. Since then, paying it all back.

Athens, Sofitel

Athens Sofitel

No sleep, no food (although some evidence of spillage on clothes), fluid retention and exhaustion. Yup, here we are in Athens. We arrive at the airport arrivals and I see the pastel coloured fuzzy elastics attached to the wheels of my mom’s suitcase and almost squeal with delight and relief. Our luggage has made it to our destination!

My bag arrives only seconds later, with stickers from England and New York from my last cruise adventure in January.

We find a cart. On our way to the Airport Information kiosk I see out an automatic door …. Our hotel. Right there! A bit of rain is falling so we take some time to put on our jackets that we are otherwise carrying. We walk over the road in just a matter of a minute.

Greeted with service, smiles, class and grace, our luggage leaves our arms to be wheeled around by some body who gets paid handsomely, we hope, to make guests feel pampered. We have been upgraded they say … And up the elevator to our lovely room. Wood accents, white linen …. Big shower room … closet space …. We have arrived.

A wee nap, just an hour or two to catch our breath after I wander back to the airport to purchase bottled water. Showers, clothes changed, drink more water, take vitamins and apply lotions and creams.

Dressed for downstairs dinner of Greek something. I am craving the crisp veggie Greek salad and perhaps a glass or two of white local wine, off dry.

We make the choice to eat at the bar / lounge instead of the fancier restaurant. We are greeted by well dressed folk in long black aprons and hair up nicely.

Did I mention how nice people dress in Europe? Out of ten, Americans and Canadians are about a 3. As soon as we are in a foreign airport the rating up to about a 7 for slim, well dressed, fashionable, including both men and women, to travel. Shoes, bags, dressy clothes and accessories. Wait staff are about an 8 out of ten, never disappointing.

This wait staff is no exception. I love Europe for the sense of style. It speaks of caring for oneself and always looking my best. I feel like a tourist after two days in the same duds. Oh well, about to change that as of tonight and tomorrow. Still a tourist but time to feel great about myself and my sense of visiting this rich country. Dressing in a complimentary style to a famous designer internationally renowned. I want to stand out … By fitting it, in a very classy way.

We lost Mary somewhere in the baggage shuffle. I wonder if we will see her again? I will remember her kindness.

Time now to relax and sleep soundly after our lovely meal of authentic Greek salad, a cheese plate and those fabulous olives. We each ordered a glass of local white wine and they poured another compliments of the house. Yippee.

Feeling no pain and ready to sleep, I will forward this blog written on my iPad and with my complimentary Internet.

Love this hotel, love my life!
